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Sirius : Atlantean-Egyptian-Sirian New Year Birthed July 23, 2003

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s.In ancient Atlantis the mysteries were based on information received from the Sirius Masters. After the third fall of Atlantis, the Sirian mysteries spread into ancient Egypt. As early as 3000 BC the Egyptians started celebrating the helical rising of the star Sirius declaring this the New Year as the Nile flooded its banks in the time of the great lion, in the month of Leo.

Sirius is the home of Christ Consciousness not only for our planet and solar system but also for this entire One Galaxy. Sirius has always been a spiritual prototype for earth and played a vital role in earth's early evolution. Spiritual energy streams forth from Sirius into the heart chakra of our Sun and then comes forth to earth through the sun's rays.

As the rays from Sirius arc onto earth via the sun on July 23, pre-dawn, we will have another opportunity to activate the 11 Christ seeds within.These are dormant DNA encodings that await stellar emanations and configurations in order to open sealed soul records/truths of each Light Being held within the human costume.

On July 23, 2003 go out before dawn and look to the east. Whether cloudy or dark seen or unseen, the star Sirius will rise to meet you. Asking you to move your awareness into the galactic storehouse of knowledge that has quietly awaited this time. The emanations will begin on this day and lend themselves until the time of 9/9/2003. It is in the quiet times in-between words and thoughts that you will find the key that unlocks what has been unseen until now.

On August 8, 2003 we are given a rare opportunity to walk through another 'Doorway of Accelerated Awakening', the 8:8 LIONS GATE. This Awakening will occur within the cellular records of all beings. These cellular records are held within a crystalline code in the form of a tetrahedron (3 sidedpyramid) which exists within the codon of each strand of DNA, which resides within each cell of the body, as well as each cell in the Universe.

In ancient times the 'Records of Remembrance' were hidden deep within the earth physically and dimensionally, under, above and around sacred sites. The Mother Matrix of these encodings lives within the Great Pyramid of Egypt guarded by the Sphinx. When the ancient skies were aligned in a specific stellar alignment an energetic doorway was opened to the sacred sites. Allowing entrance through these sacred encodings.

We all carry within us cellular awareness of every sacred site ever issued to earth, from the beginning of time on earth through out time in our immediate solar system. It is just a matter of fine tuning our intention to receive these energies.

The only way earth can move forward is through the heart (anagram for earth). Every tool, meditation and OM is a fruitless tree unless one moves into direct contact with the heart. Since the Universe knows we are stubborn of nature it has aligned some stars to shoot that cosmic cupid arrow our way. Activating a doorway of love so vast one is automatically included within, without any effort.

The stars that come to us to lead us down the aisle of the 8:8 LIONS GATE are ALHENA (constellation of Gemini), ROSETTA NEBULA (constellation Lyra) and Quasar OH471 in the star system Auriga. ALHENA is marking stone for what is ahead. It inspires us to act on our greater soul truth and purpose. It indicates a turning point that has been reached and announces to us it is time to leave the fence of indecision. ALHENA energetically creates a specific geometric seal, which allows a starseed link of communication. This star requires transfiguration. Asking us to embody our true galactic light coding, issuing a command of waking to the dormant coding within.

The ROSETTA NEBULA is a powerful pulsing magnetic field whose rhythms extend into unknown dimensions of aetheric space. This is a broadcast energy that affects all ferrous matter (iron) and magnetic substances on earth. Humans are receiving energy emanations from this nebula, which affect the molecular spin within the blood. This nebula houses a vast repository of galactic historical information, which is being made available to humanity through the blood. Images of powerful upcoming changes will be made available to many, allowing the prophecies to be dispersed alleviating negative outcomes and possibilities.

QUASAR OH471 brings the image of the souls mission and purpose into view in a most unique and magical way. It stimulates and mobilizes our fragmented parts into a unified morphic field of inquiry. It ignites a unique unexpected and magical turn of events. Quasars are the signatures of distant galaxies housing multi-spectral emanations outside our sphere of consciousness.

These stellar connections and dimensional bleed throughs will serve to open us to unique possibilities not part of our cellular awareness. Whichever way you look at it or shake it up the ancient Nu (the birth/seed sound of ancient Egypt) becomes the New. Leading us unto the street of free will, up and down the path of personal choice with a large helping of the sacred and a sprinkling of the divine. We are destined to become more than we know. This new mirror reflection will give to us what we have been seeking for eons.

August 8, is a Natural doorway. Nothing forced, nothing prodded, nothing stressful. Just a natural downloading of remembering from the heavens initiating our dormant light codes. Lifting us up to a place where we can see the parade of light that is yet to come. Set your intention as you set you watch on August 8, 2003. Allow the floods of the ancient Nile to fertilize your soul with Nu-trients that are needed for your growth. See behind the curtains to the new (NU) you that exists beyond all space and time and body.

Time has quickened and in August the Time matrix shifts into unknown areas. In the time of August 2003 what was named the Philadelphia Experiment (August 12, 1943) is opening up again to birth another Time transformation. Time, as we perceive it will shift. TIME known and unknown conjuncts itself, as the timing chain of the universe pauses to lick its past wounds. The 'Time Gates' open on 8/12/2003. All that was hidden is seen all that was seen is now clarified in the light of a new knowledge imbedded within the codons of a dormant seed chromosome. The past and future walk hand in hand in the now as forlorn lovers. Revealing all possibilities to a newly birthed remembering. Gather what you may along this path; fill yourself, as the fruit from this tree does not fall to earth again until 20 years have passed. The energies rises from 8/8/2003 to 9/9/2003; spend them well as molten Mars reaches down to touch earth.


In the Name of one, Sandy
