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The Power of Prayer Through Light

Master Kuthumi through Lynette Leckie-Clark

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elves so, before seeking help? Perhaps it is their perception of prayer, what they were told as children, and how they have perceived this in their conscious mind as an adult.

I remind you that as part of your responsibility to yourself, the concept you have of prayer may require you to look closer at how you think of prayer. I can tell you that when you pray it is usually through your heart centre, and therefore with love. For those who pray by repeating the words almost emotionless, I say to you do not consider this prayer. They are merely empty, repeated words. There is a great difference here, for one prayer can contain love, the other no love.

I also wish to ask you if you have considered the considerable power you are able to connect to, to feel, when you pray from your heart. Some find a peace, some a joyous feeling. Why is this? It is because for those who seek connection to God, through their heart in truth, they merge with the Light of God. This is energy, this feeling of great love in mass consciousness. This is the feeling of love and peace they connect to.

Further, it is not necessary to restrict your communication to what you call prayer. No, this energy of God Light is available to all at any time of any day. You do not have to wait for a great crisis in your life before you ask for help. The archangels, angels, Masters, guides and helpers in spirit all serve God.

May I suggest to you at your days end, to ponder on your experiences and feelings throughout the day. Look with love and compassion in your heart. Release and forgive those who were impatient, or quick of tongue. Be thankful for the good things you experienced, and if a problem persists, ask for help. Give it over to God and the angels. I tell you there is no need for you to carry any burden alone. No, there is not.

By doing this simple thing at the end of your day, you will relieve yourself of so many burdens, so much pressure of the emotional and physical bodies. You will sleep in peace, the peace given by Light. You will know Soul Light.

You do not need to go to a church or a special place unless you choose to. What is necessary is that you think and ask through your heart centre, through love. It is really very simple. Begin to think and feel through your heart centre. You will notice many changes in your life when you do this.

It is not about any religion as you know it. It is about love, through your heart, connecting to a mass energy of Light, many of you call God, the Source. There are many beliefs and religions in your world, yet all lead to one Source of pure Light, pure Love. It is not that one belief is better than another. It is about allowing another to go a different path to the same destination. I ask you, is this so difficult for you to consider - to allow another his choice, his free will?

It is time for man to live in his full power, through love, compassion and Light. You will then reside in harmony and peace, and you will experience a "Golden Age" on your planet.

Master Kuthumi