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Spirit Eagle

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as you have. We have worked with what some call the Star People in the beginning when Mother Earth was young when she was forming and refining her surface and her elements.

We have, of late been working (and playing) with them again! It has been refreshing to be acknowledged and to work with those who are aware of us and Our Work. Some of us have been working with those inter-planetary Beings in the waters of Mother Earth. Some have been assisted by those who can help in restoring the soils. They are cleansing the atmosphere as much as is possible before Open Contact. We have been most gratified to experience the Clean up on many parts of our Dear Mother by our Inter-planetary sisters and brothers.

We are told that much more will be accomplished and rather quickly when there is Open Contact. We want you to know that we DO exist and have assisted humankind throughout your sojourne on Earth and will continue to do so. You have made our jobs quite difficult by your lifestyles. We have been told that they will change and harmony between people and other Beings on your planet will be a way of life. Your headlong rush to extinction will come to a halt.

What you call your "natural world" IS NOT SEPARATE from YOU! Inner Harmony is the gift that Nature gives to you if you will open yourselves to it. Be outside and thank the trees talk to them. Lie on the ground and feel Life pulsating throughout your bodies. Cleanse yourselves in the waters and bless those waters and be grateful for the miracles of all of life. BE THANKFUL for all that is of the Earth. Give Love to all who are alive on the Mother from the microscopic to the collossal. Say Thank You! I Love You! You Are Amazingly Beautiful! All forms of Life smile in their own way when they are loved.

We give you a task if you wish to play. It is to go outside and intently with your minds, hearts and perceptions open Look For US! We will let you know we are there! You may see us in a tree or a rock or in the sparkling water. We are happy to have had the opportunity to speak to you all! Now, Go Outside and PLAY! Good Night! We will sing you to sleep this night !

Telepathic Communication by Spirit Eagle August 18, 2005 12:05 AM
