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VEIL TWO "The Illusion of Sorrow"

By Susan Carrol

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resentatives of Pallas Athena come to you and remove another veil. As they do so, you hear the voice of Pallas Athena within you saying, "This veil is the Illusion of Sorrow. Loss of love, and the resulting sorrow, is one of the most painful third dimensional illusions. Know, my Ones, that love can never die. It may change or move to a higher vibration, but it cannot die. Once the energy of love has been formed on Earth, the creator of that energy has made a lifelong friend. For, to be creators of love is the major Earth lesson for all of humanity."

As the Brothers who represent Hilarion take the veil, you hear Hilarion's voice saying, "The energy field of Love acts as a shield. When you remember that you are a master of energy, you will be able to see love energy in every environment. Love energy is different from all other energy fields. Other energies emanate from the aura of the initiator and traverse throughout ALL realities via the Flow of Universal Energy that binds all realities together in the Oneness of All That Is. Love energy is attractive and adhesive. Hence, a portion of the love force remains with its creator when it leaves the aura of the initiator to act as a shield of protection. Love is the most powerful of all energy forces as it clings to all that it contacts."

Apollo continues, "Dear Ones, so many of you have suffered as you have felt unloved and unlovable. For many of you, the sorrow that has come to you from the illusion of lost love has been your most difficult life lesson. Know in your heart of hearts, love can never die. Love always remains in the Soul of the lover and the loved ones. Love is a Soul quality and, therefore, rises eventually to the level of Soul. Even if the being is to die, it does not matter because the Love shall automatically be passed up to that one's higher body. Remember that there is no true sorrow, as there is no true separation. Separation is the ultimate illusion, particular to the planet Earth. On the Sun, we are all one.

"Remember now that your feelings of sorrow are truly loneliness for your true SELF. This loneliness is a Divine Discontent. Allow Divine Discontent to guide you into your spiritual heart. Use this illusion. Feel the sorrow and carry it to your heart. Set it at the feet of the Oneness where your Soul will mop your brow and touch your heart. The Oness awaits your gift. The giving is your treasure."

Dear Ones,

Remember all the love you have ever given. Integrate it into your aura and radiate it out into your world.

Your Guide

