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Message From The Spiritual Hierarchy

Through Sharon Shane

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ker finds themselves repeating patterns, then they can know without doubt that they have made the turn once again that loops them back on the cycle of repetition and delays their progress of evolution. Only when the outer world of manifestation reflects back change the seeker will experience the results of true evolvement. Be not fooled by the subtle changes that evolvement will herald. Look always to the subtle changes even underneath the big external changes that may occur. It is within the subtlety of change that the glimmerings of Truth can be found. Like panning for gold, one must sift through the sand to find the tiny specs of gold, so it is similar when transmuting the energy of human consciousness to that of the Christ Consciousness. One must sift through the sands of time to reveal the golden Eternal Truth buried deep within.

There is much more work to be done on the Earth plane within the unfolding Divine Plan of conscious evolution. The Lightbearers, the Lightworkers, the Keepers of the Light, the Keepers of the Flame, the Wayshowers all lead the way. The Divine Hierarchy is very aware that many feel weary from being on the front lines of this evolutionary program. It may appear to the weary workers aligned with Divine Plan that the masses of humans that are still sleepwalking in the dark are the cause of what is weighing you down. This is an illusion, for each one of you is far more powerful than 10,000 sleeping souls. What truly is weighing you down is the density of the vibrations of your own unfinished emotional karma based in lower vibratory belief systems resonating at a lower thought vibrational level. The energy of the Higher Realms is rippling down to the lower resonating dimensions. To remain in the resonance of the lower thought forms is to feel heavy due to the "lightness" of the incoming higher vibration. This energy is there to be utilized to lift you into the higher vibration. Open willingly to these higher vibrations. Do not greet them with fear. Do this in meditation by surrendering the will of the ego to the Divine Will of the Higher Self.

We repeat for those that are yet to hear, the days are long for those that delay evolvement. The omnipresence of the Godhead is ever with those that open willingly to the higher vibrations of Love. God never abandons you, but you ever and a day choose to abandon God.

We repeat again for those that are yet to hear, you cannot serve two masters. Every choice that is aligned with the human ego and serves only the lower self is a blatant denial of the Higher Self/God. Every choice that is aligned with the Higher Self/God opens up the gates of eternity and the wellspring of infinity. You are the gatekeepers. You are the ones that choose to open the gate or keep it locked shut. You hold the key to human evolvement. You are the key, and your Higher Self knows which way to turn in the twists and turns of the maze that is the Self. The ego does not know the way to Eternal Life. The ego only knows the way to the repetition of patterns that lead to death and reincarnation. Yet how many let the ego lead them into the hell of their own making that erupts in violence, greed, murder, stealing and the general rampage of the misuse of the powerful energies of creation. The human ego is the only enemy that must be conquered. The voice of the ego must be silenced in order for God's voice to herald its rhapsody in your world.

Many of you have felt the need to sit in silence away from the external world. There will be the need for more of this in the coming year. As the world gets louder with its collective shouts of ego wars, the Lightworker must remember to take refuge as needed in the silence of the inner temple to serve the Single Voice of the Divine. Be every vigilant to not be swayed in a multitude of directions by the many voices screaming to be heard above the din, only to add more noise to the din. In this way the Lightworker will renew their strength to serve the many from the center of the One. Do not add the noise of your own ego to the din that is already the collective human ego. Practice silencing the ego, and only speaking wisdom when prompted by the Higher Self. This is the task of the Lightworker in this present phase of unfolding Divine plan. As each Lightworker silences their ego voice, a hush will permeate the air...and then the new voice can emerge....the Single Voice heralding the Law of the Land.

Walk within the center of wisdom that is your Soul. Speak only from the wisdom of the Soul. This is the way to bring the Divine Feminine back to your world once again. This is the way to restore balance. When critical mass of humanity reaches an equal state of masculine/feminine balance, then a new world can be birthed. The Lightworkers ARE the number needed for critical mass. Be ever vigilant about not choosing to make the turns that delay evolvement. The critical mass will not reach the crescendo in your lifetimes, but the rhythm and the pace must be set now in order to ripple into the future potentials for this new world. The ripples you have already set into effect will aid the second wave of Lightworkers referred to in your terms as Indigo children and Crystal children. They will work within this rippling vibration and add their intensity to it, thereby setting the third wave into motion, and so on into the unfolding futures of Divine plan. This is the Rhythm of the Cosmic Pulse set forth by God/Goddess. The creation of the new world depends on each and every Lightworker to carry out their self-chosen tasks within Divine Plan. For those allowing their ego to play mind tricks to convince them that they are still unaware of their Divine tasks, the seeking of such is the revealing of such. Conquer the ego's petty excuses, and make way for the voice of the Divine through the Higher Self.

You will witness more and more people awakening to their Higher Voice. Those of you ahead on the path, will be needed to hold your lanterns high for those that are right behind you. The Spiritual Hierarchy is at your command. We are here to serve you, as is our task within Divine Plan. We are your strength in times of need, just as you are the strength for others in their time of need. Do not hesitate to lean on us. We are your support and the pillars of your spiritual foundation. It is with the greatest honor and high esteem that we embrace you as we walk alongside you on your path.
