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Message From P'taah

Through Jani King

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r wildflowers. I've never seen southern California so green. I keep thinking of the lines in the Morning Song -- "Thank you for the miracle of life that I am, and thank you for the miracle of life I see reflected all about me." It also goes right along with P'taah's message for today about living in the NOW!

Thanks to everyone who has tried out the new bulletin board format. Lots of interesting conversations and new friendships are growing there, which is very wondrous. Even more exciting is that statistics show that for every two people who post, there are eight others who just want to read what's been posted. That means lots of you are getting involved, which is really great. However it works for you is fine with us.

A little plug for the February Conversations with P'taah which just went out. Our guest interviewer was Philipp Dahmen. Philipp lives in Munich and he followed up on some of the things that Nelly and I talked with P'taah about in January about abundance, most specifically creating money. He then got into some really interesting stuff about angels, guides and guardians, which led into a fascinating discussion of other channels and how we each can discern for ourselves those that are coming from a unlimited frequency like P'taah and talking about our most expanded truth and those that are not.

We've also just recorded March and our guest was Jann Harper, a beautiful woman who lives in the mountains of northern New South Wales in Australia in the rain forest. Jann has been making flower essences (which we talked about in August 2004) and is now branching out into gem elixirs and moon and star essences. It seems, in fact, that there are few things that Jann isn't thinking about making essences and elixirs from. She and P'taah discussed the energetic frequencies of these things, why they work, and what they mean for us. Also how some people are more sensitive to the energies than others, plus some great stuff on consciousness and healing.

Just a reminder, if you're not a subscriber, individual Conversations with P'taah are available on either CD or audiotape and you can order them by phone or on line at Better yet, treat yourself to a subscription. You'll save money and your consciousness will love you for it. :-)

For those of you who want to have your own conversation with P'taah, we offer personal sessions with him by telephone. Availability is dependent on Jani's travel/work schedule. To learn more, visit the website at or call us at 1-760-366-03 75, or 1-888-803-1777, toll-free within the US.

Finally, a reminder to please let us know if your email address changes. It's discouraging to lose old friends from the newsletter list because they forgot. We would hate to have you be one of them. Also, please add to your list of trusted addresses so your internet provider won't reject the newsletter as spam.

With much love.


Light Source P'taah


P'taah: Beloved one, good day to you.

Q: Good day, P'taah. How are you?

P'taah: Oh, beloved, wondrous to be sure.

Q: Wonderful. You know, I think one of the hardest things for most of us to do is to step out of the old stories in our lives and actually live in the now. Today, I thought perhaps you could talk about that.

P'taah: All right. You see, in a way each of you is programmed from your birthing. First you are programmed in ho w to be the child of the parents. Then you are trained how to be a friend and companion as you grow and mix with others. Then you learn how to be employee, perhaps, and perhaps another story would be to be husband or wife or lover and then you be parent, and it all starts again.

So you grow with these stories and the stories have stories attached to them as you live your life and as you experience this and that. So, from this moment, from this now, looking back you have an attachment to these stories and also a kind of role which you play in these stories.

Where the stories are wondrous and expanding and beautiful, then indeed that is how you experience this now moment and how you perceive that you will experience your next nows. However, where the experiences have been negative, you bring those negative experiences into this now and in a way very often project them into your future because that is what you know. So, the trick here is to start each now, in a way, with a clean slate so that you write your own now moment.

Now, we have said how important it is for you to step out of these roles so that you can become more of who you are, not just an extension of the old story with its negative connotations, as well as positive. So, the importance of being in the now moment is that you can choose how this now will be for you and choose this now to be the stepping stone to a different, expanded, wondrous tomorrow.

Of course, the choice point can only be the now moment. The Now is your power place. It is also a place where you can transform that which is no longer useful to you. So it behooves you well to be focused in the now.

Much of your life is spent reviewing the past or locked into the stories of the past and projecting these experiences into a negative future. Then you wonder why you are not experiencing much joy or play. So, what we are saying here is that NOW is the power place. NOW is the choice point and NOW is the only time that you can live life to, what you would call, the max, to have maximum awareness. Only NOW, not in the past, and if you are attached to the past, so indeed it will be not in the future either. NOW is the choice point.

Q: You make it sound so simple. I keep thinking that there's got to be a trick to it.

P'taah: Really you know, beloved, it is all about attention and focus. Being focused in what you are doing and how you are being NOW.

Q: And not going through what you have to do, what your to-do list is, and what you need.

P'taah: Well, you can do that, you know. Just be aware that the important thing is not what you are going to do tomorrow, really. The important thing is to be aware of what you are doing now, even if that is preparation for tomorrow.

Q: And that's where the juice is. When you're actually fully present in your life is when it gets to be exciting and fun.

P'taah: That is correct. Also, it is when you ar e focused in the now that you can allow the flow. There is no flow when you are in your past or in your future. Does that make sense?

Q: That makes absolute sense. I tend to spend a lot of time in little stories that go nowhere and you're right. There is absolutely no flow there. Very good. But were really addicted to our stories, so as I say "very good", I think it takes practice.

P'taah: It does take practice, you know, and also it is not to make the addiction to the stories wrong either, because sometimes the stories serve you very well. It can be through the stories very often that you learn your discernment.

Q: (Laughs) Yes, oh yes

P'taah: So it is not to invalidate your past experiences at all, only to say that where you want, where you desire, flow, where you desire transformation, then it must be that you are giving your fullest attention to what is occurring NOW.

You can reference that -- what has occurred beforetime - you can re ference that to what you are desiring for your future nows, but just be aware of what you are doing. And when you are caught up in your stories and your dreams and your imaginings, that is all right, too, only be aware that that is what you are doing. Does that make sense to you?

Q: Yes, excellent. Thank you.

Ptaah: It is my pleasure, beloved.
