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Ela 06.08.05.

Through Mike Quinsey

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he body through the use of color, sound and crystal energies, or a combination of them.

On Earth there have been periods when you were more aware of the power of natural healing, and great civilizations such as Atlantis fully used them. They had mastered the use of powerful rays and knew how to apply them for their purposes. Such energies if misused could prove to be dangerous and destructive in the wrong hands. Special temples of healing were built, and many of you will have deep subconscious memories of receiving healing in them from the Order of the Priests. Equally, many of you have brought memories with you of carrying out healing and the knowledge is being revived once more.

Healing can be brought to such a fine art that there is no need for surgery, and instead the restoration of a body to bring it back into alignment. Such methods would be quite advanced by your present understanding, but given time you would have gravitated to these higher levels. Your problem has been the low vibrations in which you operate, and the heaviness of physical matter. Also, you have not always been able to determine the cause of illnesses, which regardless of the symptoms are due to imbalances in the body. Often your illnesses start outside of the body, and your environment, living style and emotions have a bearing on the conditions that create them.

Our brief is to help restore you to good health, and that will include all types of mental problems and disablement. This is part of the plan to prepare you for your new reality, as you cannot enter it unless your bodies are in perfection. There is a degree of healing taking place all of the time, and particularly now as the energies coming to Earth are lifting you up to a higher vibration. However, we will set up healing sanctuaries and you will be trained to use them. There are also healing modules and equipment to be used in respect of the healing rays. The nature of the healing provides results that require no further attention, as they are complete within themselves.

Injuries to your physical body can also be treated quickly, and tissue and muscle can be restored by cell replacement. In time even our methods would prove unnecessary, as you will develop the power of thought to such a degree as to be able to carry out self healing. In the 5th dimension which many of you will rise up to, you will live in perpetual perfection and you will suffer no illness or imbalance whatsoever. Every one of you could reach that level if you so wished, and that is your freewill choice. At some stage in your evolution you will ascend, and that is the ordained plan of the Creator.

There are wonders galore in every corner of the Universe, and you will never tire of exploring its many dimensions. The opportunities are limitless, and much of which you will encounter will have a certain familiarity, as you have traveled this way before. Yet, the Cosmos is still expanding and new discoveries are to be found. You will have a special place within it, and your experience will be used to administer your wisdom and understanding to others. You will become the Ambassadors of the Angelic Kingdom and highly loved and respected.

I must however point out that there are many on Earth who are here to assist the Ascension process, and these souls will return to their own planets. These Dear Ones have already ascended, but have returned to Earth to serve the Creators plan. Not all of them are aware of their majestic background and importance to the people of Earth. It is perhaps sad that working in the lower dimensions means losing your full consciousness and recall. Some become so deeply mired into the lower vibrations, that they almost totally lose knowledge of their real self.

We the Arcturians see you as glorious Lighted Angelic Beings. We are proud to be associated with you, and full of admiration for the great sacrifice you made when you descended into matter. Your journey is almost complete, and we along with many other groups wait that wonderful time when we shall meet you again. You do not yet fully understand how magnificent you are and the enormity of your achievements.

I am Ela, and I feel very privileged to address you again. Time is changing quickly and speeding up as you have noticed. We will be happy to help you on your journey of awakening, and soon you will only be aware of the Now, and All will be One.

Thank you Ela

Mike Quinsey

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