9D Nibiruan Council Perspective On The War With Iraq
By Devin/Jelaila
As we explained in our January update, you now have a 9th dimensional grid surrounding your planet. It is through the templates in this grid that you can find your way out of your current situation because it is based on the highest level of integration – compassion. That means that through this grid and its templates, you can find the balance for anything…including the solution to war. The answer is and always has been compassion. It is the “inner technology” that will set you free.
In the days and months ahead, yes, we do see that this war will continue for some time, you will have opportunities to make choices based on either compassion or anger. The choices you make as your leaders take you deeper and deeper in the suffering and pain will determine how you transform your world. Keep in mind that the souls who love you the most play the darkest roles in your world. Why? Because you are creator gods/goddesses and not one of you is a victim. You have all co-created the events in your world for your own soul evolution. So just as you create war, you can also create peace. The war is a reflection of the inner war raging within each of you, the struggle to integrate the Light and the Dark aspects of yourselves. In this challenge your souls call out to you to get your attention, telling you that if you will follow your highest choice you will find peace. In this time you wrestle with the decision of whom to follow. Now is the time to make a choice to follow the high road of compassion or continue to experience the low road of war and suffering…the most extreme expression of victimhood, anger, blame and it’s inherent desire for revenge.
As individuals who have paid the price of war, we know how important this time is. We have witnessed the destruction of not only civilizations but entire planets due to our choices as we evolved. We know the pain of hindsight. This is your time to express your mastery…it is the time to see the illusion of your creation and make the appropriate choices to change it. It is through this war that you can gain your right to full mastery…
As we project out along the timelines we see that you are at a crossroads and what you decide in the next 30 days of your timeline, will determine the next 3 years. Your leaders will continue to play their roles, their behavior becoming more and more bizarre as they reflect back to you your own bizarre inner behavior. Please stop pointing fingers at those in control of your world and realize that they are only manifestations of yourselves, your own dark aspects you so diligently hide within so that none will see. When you can see these leaders as aspects of yourself and realize that they are playing a role, a role you helped to script…to show you on a global level, your own anarchical behavior with your Inner Child, you will release them from blame and hold them in compassion. When this occurs, your war will end, both externally and internally, and you will have peace…and your children will have the future for which you’ve been fighting.
In Service,
Devin, Head of the 9D Nibiruan Council
Additional Reading
9D Nibiruan Council Update - Jan. 2003
What is Compassion?
Compassion, the Solution to WWIII
About the author:
Jelaila Starr is a messenger from the Galactic Federation’s Nibiruan Council. She is a gifted channel, counselor, teacher and author of We are the Nibiruans and Bridge of Reunion. Through her lectures, workshops, and widely published articles, Jelaila's message has touched the hearts of people around the globe providing hope and understanding. Jelaila has brought forth the Nibiruan Council’s multidimensional Keys of Compassion, which are tools essential for the ultimate ascension of Earth. Jelaila can be reached at: (816)444-4364 or by email at: Jelaila@nibiruancouncil.com