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Daily Quado: Chasing Visions

By Carrie Hart

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me to me this time around?

Quado responds:

I would have you establish a certain relationship with life. Yes, you should definitely take action, when action is there to be taken. But no, you should not push and prod and try to control. You need to take life with a light hand, being very, very aware and observant, taking action when it is the right time for action, observing when that is right and trusting in your faith and intuition, knowing that many wonderful things will be moving toward you in every moment.

It is good that you have a vision, and I presume that you are spending time each day putting that vision out into the universe and then letting it go. Letting it go so that the seeds can be planted and your vision begin to come to fruition. Do this, and then come down into the moment. Look around closely and observe. See how things truly are. All good action begins with understanding and acceptance.

Yes, acceptance of how things truly are. This does not mean apathy and resignation; it means admitting to yourself where you stand right now. If you deny where you are currently standing, then how can you possibly act in a sensible and effective way? So begin here, knowing and seeing exactly how things are.

Will this mean that you need to take some action to right yourself financially? It may. That would depend. If you are deeply in debt, then yes, you will probably need to correct this situation in some way before you are free to move on and do all that you wish to do.

But if you look at now, if you see how things truly are, these answers will be apparent to you.

So toss your vision out to the universe to mobilize the angels, see where you are standing in this moment, and then look and see what action makes sense. You want to be walking in the direction of your vision, yes, but you also need to do what you can do in this moment. After all, this is the only place where this opportunity for action exists. Now and only now contains within it the power of action and change. If you focus too far out in the future with a specific desire, then you may miss the action which lies before you right now. Right now, what one thing can you do which will further move you in the direction you wish to walk? Do that.

It may be action toward readiness, like building up the skills which you will need to fulfill your vision. It may be corrective action, like deciding to pay off a debt instead of buying something new. It may be connection and communication, like picking up the phone and having the courage to ask a stranger a question or a friend for some help. But it is action. Just visualizing is not enough. And day dreaming is a waste of time.

And do not allow the future to overwhelm you. When you envision all of the things which may happen, fear can begin making your decisions for you. But if you bring yourself down into now, right now, send fear away and simply take the best action which lies before you in this moment, then you are moving forward in a measured and effective way.

And that is it. Each day, begin with your vision, and send it out. Then see where you stand. Readjust to the things which happened yesterday. Let go of old expectations which you had and which were disappointed. Learn to flow instead of expecting. Toss your desires out there, see your vision, but allow the universe to deliver in her own way. You might as well, because that is what will happen. You cannot control the delivery mechanism, so you might as well enjoy the ride.

Just flow. Observe and respond. Over and over and over.

And remember too, to enjoy the process. Remember to come often down into this moment and feel its joy, let its joy surround you. Embrace this moment and all of its possibilities, then choose one action and follow through. Then let life respond and repeat this again and again. And over time, you will move forward, one moment at a time, one little action at a time, always readjusting, always responding to what is, not to what you wish were there, and one day you will look up and see that you are in a bountiful garden and that life is full of joy.

Ah, what an adventure. How fortunate you are.


Don't forget to get going on your meditation. The Self-Love Meditation will help you to know that you are just what you need to be, right now, and that you are deeply loved. The Abundance Meditation will help you create and manifest your vision. Go to right now!

"WOW! This CD brings me to a whole new level of personal growth and healing. What a gift you and Quado have given me. Thank You!" Denise T.


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