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The Arcturian Stargate

Channeled Through David K. Miller

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related to starseeds may not go through the experience of relating to the extra-dimensional, higher beings. You are starseeds, starlights and you are very enthusiastically seeking the light from the higher frequency, extraterrestrials, which includes ourselves.

We do not use the word extraterrestrial as you do. We are not classified as “out of the Earth”. We are in a dimensional reality that is purer and of clarity that you do not experience. We would rather be referred to as “extra-dimensional beings”. We are not insulted, though, by your calling us extraterrestrial.

The purity and clarity on our planet is refreshing and you would immediately sense the purification personally when you come to us. The extra baggage on your third dimension is immediately eliminated. There are no concerns about survival, for example. There are no concerns about security, retirement, pensions and primitive work. These matters are not included in our realm. We devote out times and spaces to spiritual life. This is not life without pleasure, do not mistake that, we engage in music and in relationships. We engage in work, but it is not on the primitive basis that your culture and society has. The work is more suited to our desires and spiritual paths.

This is something that you are now seeking. Most of you want to know what your mission is. You are seeking to learn what work you are supposed to be doing on Earth. We are referring not necessarily to the livelihood you engaged in. Your mission is a symbol and significant sign of your starlight. Each has a particular frequency and bent which allows for you to express your selves in a mission. We attune to that concept very early in our children’s development so that we can immediately provide the highest stimulation and direction for that person. This eliminates competition; we are not competitive, for we trained to realize that each of us has a unique frequency or bent.

You may question our physical structure and need for physical strength. Because of our highly developed thought processes, we can use telekinesis and teleportation for moving ourselves and objects. We do not need to use any form of physical exertion. Mental aspects are so much more efficient! We do not need to make things that are heavy. Our technology is advanced enough to make things light and easily moveable with the mind.

You can even sense “thought movement” on Earth when you have light things around you, such as paper. When the wind blows you know the paper may move. Sometimes, you can even encourage the wind to come and that will move it. Such action is a beginning sign of telekinesis. If you are interested in developing your telekinesis skills as well as your telepathic skills, then I suggest you work on very light objects in the early stages. I will not guarantee your success. You have not been trained at an early age in engaging in these processes the way that we have from childhood.

All of this information is important. Your entry into the stargate will be the culmination of your Ascension work. Your coming into the stargate is going to be entering a series of light chambers that will assist you in removing the densities and structural forms that would be viewed as an acceleration and also as a skipping of several processes, as a jumping or a leaping ahead. So you can consider this similarly to skipping grades in school. You may in the eighth grade and then suddenly you will go to the tenth grade, and you have missed a grade. There might have been experiences in the eighth grade that you might have benefited from, but the overall goal of graduating as soon possible takes precedence over being in school longer.

Likewise, when you come up to the stargate, you are going to be in the process of acceleration and of skipping a grade or two. You are in a situation where you will need to advance quickly. Ideas and densities from previous incarnations that still may be in your auras, need to be removed. You will need to be cleansed. Removal is not as simple as cutting something off. It is true that you can cut the cords of attachment to the Earth plane; however, you still have lingering scars in your energy fields that need to be purified. It is one thing to have the chords of attachment cut; it is another to be in a total healing vibration that will allow you to enter this fifth dimensional realm, the realm of the Arcturians stargate.

Thus the stargate is a concept of a healing chamber, a healing portal where we will process and assist you in final purification. We will also assist you through the stargate in another way. In the Arcturian system our children are brought to a schooling in which they are assigned in ways that will match their own highest good, their mission. In the stargate, we can also process with and learn so much about you and assist you in your purification so that you can go to the proper area of the galaxy that is in alignment with your highest good.

Specifically, the healing chambers in the stargate provide a light frequency that will accelerate and purify. The healing chambers in the stargate will also be able to raise your energy. The stargate is a gate in that you will be able to see many different paths before you. Imagine coming to a place where you enter one way, but on the other side you may have a hundred thousand different portals going to different areas in the galaxy. You will need assistance in aligning yourself to the right portal. Once you pass through a portal on the other side of the stargate, you are committed into that process that you selected. For example, if you chose the portal to return to Earth, then you will come into an Earth incarnation again. However, you may not want to do that, you may want leave Earth permanently.

You can look at the stargate as an instructional directive experience. Once you are in the stargate, we can help you look into each portal. You can see other existences that are possible for you to enter. You then have the ability to project your future into that possible existence. Based on that projection you can then make a decision whether to enter that life. Some of you want to return to your home planets. You could benefit more by spending time on Arcturus before doing so. Did you know that some of you came through the stargate before and chose the Earth portal? You came into this incarnation as starseeds.

The stargate is a central clearing for galactic soul assignments. Some of you may decide to stay in the stargate system for a while. There are friends, there are soul mates, if you will, that are waiting for you now in the stargate. It can also be described as an inter-dimensional palace. It can be described as infinitely large edifice that has multi portals and different healing centers; it has a central healing area. It is exciting to imagine that thousands of light bodies from Earth will be coming to the stargate at the Ascension. We are prepared; we will work with you first through our ships and then bring you to the stargate. As we have said, we are prepared to work with you in as many ways as possible.

No density is too dense for us to work with; we have many abilities on the stargate. We can even (with the permission we have been granted by Sananda and the Higher Council) explore another Earth incarnation for you. If you have some unfinished work on Earth, then we can direct you to the portal for you to look into and observe that lifetime if you were to go back. By looking at that lifetime to be, from the stargate portal, you could assimilate the lessons that were there without going into the incarnation. That is my friends, high technology in the galaxy. We can do this because you are so desirous, and because you are sincerely working in coming to Arcturus and the stargate. There will be limited and difficult times ahead fro Earth and returning may not be a very pleasant incarnation.

The Ascension and the energy that we have participated in will allow us to work with many people. This is a time of galactic transformation. You know of the 26,000 year cycle of your solar system, and you that you are reaching the 13,000 year mark. This creates a tremendous opening energetically.

(Author’s note: They are referring to the cycle of the Earth’s precession, which has been explained as the Earth wobbling on its axis. One wobble takes approximately 26,000 years. During that wobble the North Star shifts from Polaris to a nearby star)

We approach the stargate with deep reverence. It is a timeless experience there. Are there other stargates in this galaxy besides the one by Arcturus? There are two stargates besides ours, but not as developed as ours. Our galaxy has been divided into three major areas, and the three stargates cover those three sectors.

Does everyone who goes to a higher dimensional existence have to pass through a stargate? This is not true; you do not have to go through a stargate. Remember that some of you are going to remain in certain incarnational grouping such as the Mormons, or the Reverend Moon. The stargate is only for starseeds, it is only for those who have come into their awareness as galactic dimensional beings. Not all of you have come to that point in your evolution, and frankly some of you do not want to. You will find that there are other methods of evolution in the Universe, but none as effective as the stargate. This stargate is for evolving galactic citizens. It goes to the sixth and seventh dimensions. You cannot be shown those until you have been purified.

Look at the stargate also as a purification. This is Juliano.

Channeled through David K. Miller – originally in Eagles Wings.

David has published several books including “Connecting with the Arcturians” his website is

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