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Relay Relay Relay for November 24, 2006

Spirit Eagle

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hat you once were!

The Work may be important but it does not necessitate a serious demeanor nor a staid exterior. Be in Joy my sisterly and brotherly travelers! Know in your "heart of hearts" that THIS WORK is what you came to do! It was ordained before you took your first breath of life in this incarnation! All of the experiences of your lives have brought you to this point which is the fulfillment of your Life's Purpose! Nothing Less than THAT!

I am Mireal. I am from the star system in the Spiral Nebula that radiates the red and orange of Creative Force. We have, come to Earth to assist in your new birthing in the Time line of eternity. Yours is a closely observed and assisted Planetary Body. What transpires on your Earth will greatly affect many Star Systems throughout the Galaxy as in Universal Consciousness ALL IS CONNECTED, WE ARE ALL ONE! The Ascension of your Earth Mother and all upon Her will have a consequence for the whole Galaxy!

Do you feel a breath of anticipation gently blowing across your Being? Is there an excitement in the air? Does your heart sing to the rhythm of the Universal Song? Do your everyday moments seem to sparkle with joy and anticipation know not what? THAT is the Knowing! It is the presentiment of what you came to do! It is HERE NOW! You have walked through the Gateway of ALL KNOWING RAPTURE! It is as it was meant to be from the beginning of Time! We will be together in the near future in eternities of Joy.

We Salute you and we love you! Come and Sing the Song of the Stars with us!

Telepathic Communication by Spirit Eagle November 24, 2006 8:10 pm

PS If anyone knows Cryptology and could shed light on possible sequence of letters from my Paschat I'd appreciate hearing from you.