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Abe Lincoln Channeling

Through Debbie Dehm

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test of time will see us through this time of great change. Justice for all will be served, make no mistake. And the meek shall inherit the Earth once again, those who value love, justice, peace and compassion. This is the way, and the dominos are starting to fall.

Do not take pleasure in the fall of these men. They in their own way, felt they were serving this country, but mostly through their own egos and evil ambitions and greed. No where is God’s hand in what they were doing. Even though they may delude themselves, this is so. Many of them are willing participants of the dark. Don’t worry. There is too much light now for any of them to hide for much longer. They scurry like cockroaches when you turn on the light, but it will not do them any good. After the house cleaning is done the rest is up to you to pick the right men and women to lead this great country and the world into a time of peace and prosperity for all.. Thy will be done, and so it is. This is what most of you want and you will have it. Stand firm in the light. We stand with you and give you our love. In your service.

Abraham Lincoln.

Channeled by Debbie Dehm May 9th 2004
