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Message From The Reconnections: Conscious Creation

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f his or her own reality.

To many among you, this insight is old, old news. You have been using it as a foundation of living for many years. But to others....the rest of humanity....who make up that "critical mass" necessary to initiate your full planetary awakening...the impact of this knowledge is becoming thunderous! It is literally knocking the wind out of you, on several levels of consciousness, even as it sends your planetary mind and emotions reeling. Do you comprehend the difference between an individual awakening and a planetary one?

You would do well not to say: "I know this stuff already." Parts of you may know a few things, but a whole host of you is still immersed in the fragmentation dream. You are not just one physical body or personality. You are an entire universe. Part of you "knows things," and part of you is still asleep in forgetfulness. Will you acknowledge one part of yourself, and disown the others?

Those of you who have made up the "first wave" of this collective awakening shall soon be able to reap the benefits of your hard work. You have faithfully held this tone of "personal empowerment" for the rest of your world. Soon, very soon, you will get a full reflection of that idea, shining back at you--shimmering from many new facets of your Planetary Jewel!


To use a movie analogy to illustrate what is happening now upon your planet, we call your attention to a 1983 film which was called "War Games."

In this wonderfully playful, yet sobering tale--two teenagers, playing around with their computer one day, inadvertently hacked into a U.S. Department of Defense Database. Believing that they are only dealing with a California Games Manufacturer, the youngsters began playing a game called "Global Thermonuclear War," which happened to involve the entire defense grid that stood between the United States and the U.S.S.R. One mishap followed another, as the two computers actually engage in a virtual nuclear war online.

As one can imagine, the resulting chaos was enough to put everyone's teeth on edge. It slowly began to occur to the kids what enormous power they were exercising. They began to notice on the news that the U.S. was put on full-scale alert, because its computers believed that the country is being attacked by Russians. In one powerful scene, this young girl said to her boyfriend: "Omigod, David! Is that us? Did we do that?"

My Dear Friends, this is exactly where a good deal of your planet now finds themselves. Computers and online technology are merely a shadow of the incredible power that is available through usage of your human mind. And each of you exercises this power every day, though only a few of you realize what you are doing. Soon, many more of you will begin to comprehend what is happening to you. And the surge of that realization will fry some of your "circuits," indeed!


We speak now about the many fluctuations of empowerment that are beginning to occur on Planet Earth. We include in this discussion all types and levels of flux--whether they manifest as fatigue and 'weakness' in your physical body, a sudden lack in abundance in your financial resources, or massive failure of the power grids which govern the flow of electricity to your big cities.

You have just experienced such a blackout in the eastern portion of the United States and Canada. And, regardless of what "experts" determine to be the "cause" of this setback, we tell you now that it is but a surface explanation for an electro-magnetic phenomenon that goes far deeper than many of you can imagine.

In order to explain what we are saying, we would invite you to return with us to the "War Games" movie that was mentioned above. Right after they had made contact with that important computer complex, notice how distressed these young people became when they realized the power that was moving through them. Notice also what their sense of distress motivated them to do.

They switched off their computer. Do you get the impact of this? Having realized that providence, coupled with their own personal acumen, had granted them access into the "Holy of Holies" for the U.S. Defense Complex, they decided that the best thing to do was to simply turn off their machine and pretend that nothing had happened.

Does this sound familiar? It certainly should. This kind of reaction is simply one more version of "the grand cover-up," which began with Adam and Eve, and continues today in every part of society, all the way up to the White House Oval Office, where overly-zealous Chief Executives mutter into media microphones: "I'm sorry. I just can't remember anything about that."

My Dear Friends, it is human nature to run and hide from personal power. After all, you came here from realms of existence where you could literally accomplish anything, just by thinking it. You put on physical bodies, and placed yourselves under the constraints of physical "laws," just so you could get a vacation from the exercise of all that power. And now, as your Planetary Veil begins to wear thin, your collective consciousness is beginning to remember--ever so slowly--that it is YOU who are doing all of this. And the mere thought of that is blowing up light bulbs, shorting out computer screens, and making you all feel like running fast for cover.


We have spoken at length about energy basics in other transmissions--many of which compare your 3D life to a huge game board, featuring you as the primary player. In each universe, the player/creator of that universe is really the only one there (uni=one)--though there are aspects of him or her who have forgotten this. It is this forgetfulness that creates the illusion of separation and interaction, which the Oneself finds so amusing.

An "energy flux" is created when a creator's gaze moves from what he or she considers to be "self," in any physical space, to what is believed to be "other"--whether that means a person, an object, or a place--and then back again. Each time your consciousness goes through this "loop" of comparison, a vibratory "pulse" is created in your energy field.

The more "others" you must identify, when you go through these perceptual "loops", the slower will be the velocity of your universe. After all, each time your awareness "pauses" to identify an object or person, in order to examine and identify it, your energy slows down.

Vibrations in your current universe have been accelerating because your mass consciousness is steadily integrating the New Paradigm of Universal Oneness. More and more, your consciousness is learning to simply say "this is me" when it loops around the game board. No analysis, no muss, no fuss. Everything is you. There is nothing to fear, nothing to examine, nothing to identify. Faster and faster the gyroscope spins. This is the pulsation of your "ascension" process. How high up in the energy spectrum are you willing to declare: "This, too, is me" ?? The higher your consciousness goes, the lower it will also go. Everything expands in spherical proportion. The Guardian Spirit guarantees this. Light and Dark will always follow each other, as they fulfill their mandate to maintain the balance in this, your Reconnection Universe.

The more you learn to trust, the less vigilance you need to maintain while playing the game. Your focus begins to narrow itself to a pinpoint--a laser, even--as you adeptly search the game board for reasons to say: "I am not alone! There is something that I yet must accomplish." As you continue the scan--searching for drama and intrigue--your universe always seems to provide. Meanwhile, the velocity of your signature vibration continues to rise.

While this is occurring, your planetary body is beginning to slow down. It is now entraining its movement to a Creative Center which is now physically represented here, rather than aligning with a nebulous "God" Icon that resides only within the heavens. Your Spaceship Earth has become a Multidimensional Vehicle for the Oneself Child who carries authority and power, while still represented in physical form.

We are speaking about YOU, My Dear Friends. You are doing it. You are creating and expanding, and you are doing much, much more! And we are here to assist you as you remember, to encourage you as you go through your loops and processes. We are Tour Guides, on a fantastic voyage through the Unseen Realms.


>From this point forward, whenever there seems to be a sudden "break" in your 3D flow of power, it may help you to begin saying: "Uh oh. I must have scared myself, so I turned off the power." Like David Lightman, in the movie "War Games," you just couldn't handle having so much power and authority suddenly at your disposal. And so, you found a way to "turn off your machine," temporarily, and pretend that nothing is really happening.

But something is happening. Little by little, you are phase-shifting your way back to Godhood. And God/Goddess/All That Is will be coming here as well. Indeed, what does it mean to be a God or a Goddess? Literally, it means that you admit to having power--that you are someone who OWNS your abilities as a Conscious Creator. Prior to that, when you simply thought of yourself as " mortal," you were still a Creator. You simply exercised your power from your sub or unconscious mind. Even these decisions to turn off the power are only perceptual constructs--ways for your 3D consciousness to "take a break," and pretend you are not really who we say that you are.

Do not be afraid of developing a "God Complex" as you expand this awareness. It isn't really "complex" to be God. You simply ARE, and you let everything else BE as well. You admit that it's all you. This concept expands with the development of a strong Watcher Self.


Those of you who have been participants in a serious power outage have borne witness to the mind-boggling lessons that can come with a rapid transition between bright light and sudden darkness. Your electric power systems can bestow a tremendous sense of divinity when they are functioning properly. They bring life-saving medical care, eye-popping entertainment, mind-expanding communication and education, and they also bring heat and coolness to regulate your immediate environment.

When a "kink" develops in the system--when your perceptual "plug" gets pulled--the contrast between darkness and light can be shocking. It is your way of saying to yourself: "This is how close together these two ideas flow." Rings of Darkness are forever wrapped around even the brightest light, cradling it constantly with a soft, velvety presence. Shafts of Light stand forever ready to penetrate and illumine any shadow that draws enough attention to itself.

In all of this, there is Oneness. It is beauteous and simple. It is glorious and grand! And when you feel your 3D self beginning to penetrate the Veil with any degree of clarity or precision, there will be aspects of you that will leap forward, and scramble your that you'll have to fight through heavy "mists" to maintain a sense of focus.

This is the work of the Guardian Spirit, which is Keeper of the Balance during your Reconnection to Oneness. It is the Soul of an ancient promise, made long ago--and renewed, generation by generation--that no "extreme" of any polarity can be allowed to gain dominance over the others for any longer than would bring true benefit to all. And this sacred promise, The Heart and Soul of Reconnection, continues to gain momentum and authority with each passing day.

The powers that battle for dominance in the World of Form are doing what they are doing in order to maintain an "ideal." By forcing the issue of their "program" for the world, they believe that greater peace and security will prevail. This campaign has been given certain amounts of latitude and power, to the end that it will ultimately produce an expansion of energy towards your Reconnection to the Oneness. That road is a strange one--winding and twisting itself (and you!) in ways that don't always seem acceptable.

The moment this "ideal" begins to steer your Multidimensional Ship off course, the Forces of Chaos (within whatever nation or circumstance they reside) are granted power to "tip the scales" back into whatever balance is required to restore balance and open your hearts to the new vibrations. This infusion of resistance energy is called "nubbing," and it refers to an activation of forces--both inner and outer--that can scramble the psyche, and boggle the mind. If you wish to get a clearer picture of this process, we invite you to re-examine the passages in your Scriptures which refer to the scrambling of human languages which occurred at the Tower of Babel.

And so........My Dear wait, you watch, and you smile. You have nowhere to go, and nothing much to do. It's all laid out for you, and it is all functioning perfectly--just like clockwork. It's about Conscious Creation, not Subconscious Victimhood. Life is not something that randomly happens to you. Rather, it's something that magnetically configures itself all around you. It is your mirror. It is your reflection.

In days to come, we shall be more specific concerning how all of this occurs. We will not tell you this in order that you might conceptualize, strategize, or maximize your control. Rather, we are revealing these secrets to convince you that you can finally relax . Let it all happen! Let it all be. Let everything express itself as it will. This current lifetime is not about accomplishment anyway. Indeed, everything that is happening here has already been completed. Do you understand this? This life........or, shall we say "these lives?".........has already been lived. And you are simply here doing a retrospective on all the "loose ends" that you have avoided or forgotten, all across time.

Each time you find yourself suffering from "chronic fatigue," you must realize that your body has simply placed itself on "tilt." You have been "nubbed." At such times, a person may hear voices inside, that say he or she is "just not trying hard enough." In actuality, the exact opposite is usually the case. Your systems have "failed" because you have been pushing yourself, and you need to let go. The same is true of countries, cultures, world leaders, and social systems. There is a rise and a fall to everything. It is the way of the Oneself.

Truthfully, it's all perfect. You must believe this. Everything is lining up, exactly as it is supposed to. You become distressed because your Form Ego is not given enough notice, and things happen where you are caught unprepared. Don't you realize that this is exactly the purpose for which the Form Ego was created?

Why would an all-knowing God fragment Himself? He does it in order to create a version of Himself that does not yet know how the story line ends. It's like forgetting the plot of a favorite movie, only to return to the movie theater and watch it again and again. On some level, you are acutely aware of every cause and effect that occurs within your universe. As you bring this aspect of yourself more conscious, you will lean more in the direction of your 3D world, who will reflect for you the joy and amazement that comes from opening the "surprise gifts" that life can bring.

Sometimes, you are an "innocent child," playing and exploring, and determined to grow up. At other times, you become a "parent" energy, who dances with and cares for the earthly "children," as they go about their maturation process. At still other times, you become a Star Elder--as you twinkle in the heavens, high above the crowd--watching and smiling, and drinking it all in.

It's all you. It's all NOW. And it's all very, very good!

Copyright, 2003. Daniel Jacob. May be copied or shared for purposes of personal growth and/or research. Any reproduction for profit requires the written permission of Reconnections, Inc.


Comments or Questions? Write me. I may not be able to answer every letter, but I surely do appreciate them.
