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Daily Quado: Making A Lot Of Money

Carrie Hart

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and completely understand it's what we chose/choose/are choosing...that it is our creation....that to some it's important, to some it's not...but deep in my heart I feel there is more to it than that, more of an answer than that. I mean I would truly LOVE to create $800,000 to $1 million in my life.

Quado, do you have an answer to this question?

Ah, yes, of course. I am pleased to answer this question.

There are a number of things being asked here. How things are and what you can do to help yourself achieve what you wish.

So first, let us address how things are. The people you mention, those movie stars and star athletes, are really not just people to the society, they are archetypes. They have come to symbolize something which the society treasures. In different societies at different times, different types of people are elevated to this status and rewarded to this extent.

And you will notice that as such, they can also fall from grace if their personal lives violate the symbolic representation. They can suddenly be swept from the pantheon of gods, pulled down and rejected by the very society which elevated them to this great status. This is a difficult position and not really something to be envied, unless you are one of the few whose true internal life happens to meet the expectations of millions of people.

Do not focus there. Focus instead on the many people who are making good money just doing things that support their society in other ways. They are people who have found a way to use whatever talents they have to provide something for which enough people are willing to pay enough money. And hopefully, along the way, they have also found something which they enjoy dong.

If you wish to join their ranks, you will need to become very aware of what is going on around you, of what people want and need, of what they are willing to pay, of the trends which are moving through your society, and then match this with what you love doing, what you can do and are very good at doing. Watch, be alert and aware and see how all of this matches.

Also realize that you will need to be tenacious and courageous. If you choose to go after wealth, you will find it an elusive quarry at times, and you may well fail many times before you succeed. Read about the lives of very successful people and you will find that this is often true. There can be great risk involved, and great courage through the trials. But if this is a challenge you wish to undertake, you certainly may do so.

Before you do, however, think about why you want to have a good deal of money. Think about what it is you think you will get from it. If it is position and status, you must be aware that you can lose this easily; it can all be swept away, and it is better that you build up your own feelings of self-worth through something which will last, such as your own feeling of central worth through spiritual growth.

If it is for possessions, you are certainly aware that they too will be swept away eventually and perhaps sooner than you would wish. Again, it is a danger to identify too deeply with these, to think that your worth is somehow reflected through this.

If you wish to do it for security, this is an interesting position. For the attainment of great wealth requires risk. Again, read the stories of people who have become very wealthy and you will often find tales of bankruptcies that occurred when their first ideas did not work out. Going to work in your steady job may be fairly secure, but not likely to bring great wealth.

You must also look at what you are willing to sustain. There are ways to make wealth without great risk if you are willing to be steady and calm and resolute, and willing to wait years for your steady efforts to bear fruit. This is something else to consider, how much you are willing to risk and how long you are willing to wait.

And if what you want is happiness, then know that you can be happy right now, in exactly your circumstances, since happiness is the result of an attitude and a point of view, not money.

But if you wish to pursue wealth for the challenge of it, if you are willing to go through the growth process, if you are willing to stumble and fall and can pick yourself back up and keep going, if you are willing to risk and dare and try out ideas and possibly fail, if you are willing to dedicate long hours toward things which may not work out and then just try something else again, if you can face defeat and setbacks with resolute confidence or if you want to build up the character that can do all this, then by all means do it.

Begin by looking for that ultimate combination: what you can do well enough, are willing to do and enjoy doing, combined with what people in your society at this time and in the near future are willing and able to pay enough for. If you can find this and are willing to follow through and do what it takes, you will achieve your goal.

You will need to be flexible, watching for new trends and how old ones are waning. You will need to be very aware and attuned to other people. And you will need to accept things as they are, not waste your energy in wishing they were different. Accept how things are. Accept how you are and understand, objectively, what you have to offer. Accept other people and what they like and do not like, what they want and need, and do not waste effort in wishing it were different. Understand how things are. Accept how things are. Then move toward what will make all this work with resolution and confidence.

Move out of the world of daydreams, wishing and envy of others who have "made it" and into the world of acceptance, courage and action. This is how it is done

And if, after consideration of all this, you would rather go to your job and spend time helping your children grow up, that is all right too. That may be an excellent choice on your part. But it is a choice.

And regardless of whether you do or do not choose to pursue wealth, do choose happiness now. If you are walking a path toward wealth and encountering obstacles, you may still choose a deep inner peace and a feeling of joy that you are proving yourself. If you are doing your job and spending time with the family, then you can choose happiness in that decision. If you have a job which you do not like, then you can either choose to find another or you can choose to adjust to the one you have and find what happiness you can within that situation, perhaps just by changing your focus and the way you respond to what is around you.

But wishing things were different, wishing a fairy godmother would rescue you, watching the TV and thinking everyone is luckier than you are is just time wasted. Love your life now. Love yourself now. Then get out and do whatever it is you would like to do. Do it with passion. Do it with a feeling of lighthearted fun. Enjoy yourself, no matter what you choose to do, no matter how much money you have.

Money is just what people exchange for services and goods they want or need. It is not proof of goodness and spiritual attainment or proof of the opposite. It is not happiness. It is not self worth. It is not love.

Happiness, self worth and love are things you may give to yourself, right now, no matter what. Money is something you must get in an exchange with other people. And if they are not willing or able to give you enough money for what you wish to exchange, then that is as it is. Find something else to exchange. Accept and understand things as they are and make your choices from there.

Remember that life is about change. And within change are great opportunities. They are springing up all around you every day. But you must be aware, deeply aware, and you must be flexible. Give yourself a solid foundation in your center, a solid foundation of deep self-love and confidence, belief in who you are and the courage to dare, then see how things are out in the world and go pursue a few of those opportunities.

Remember that the angels love action. It is the greatest affirmation in the universe.


If you have a question you believe might interest other Quado readers, please send it to me at Thank you!


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Go to to learn how Carrie Hart became a spiritual healer, and what services she is now offering, including personal messages from Quado, shaman power animal retrieval and full spiritual healing sessions.


Carrie Hart is the author of "There is a Garden", the story of her spiritual journey from stressed executive to spiritualist and channeler of Quado. This book, Carrie's CDs of original music, as well as daily messages by Quado are available on
