Teetering on the Edge - Let Us Push It Over!
Gary McDaniel
The messages I have read from channeled sources the past week have indicated that we again have a great window of opportunity this holiday weekend to push the first parts of the awaited programs into the public arena.
I have spent as much time as I could spare the last couple days meditating and working with the Violet Flame. When I was working the VF in behalf of freeing the news media from its Illuminati controllers I received a strong word from the Spirit that I wanted to share with you.
As most, if not all of you, are aware the various public news media across the board are controlled at the top by Corporate Elite who are deeply indebted to their Illuminati masters. Very seldom does a news event get put on the air or released to the print media which has not been carefully screened by those who overseer that which is divulged to the public. Nothing that is detrimental to the “larger cause” is permitted to be aired to John Q Public.
The Spirit showed me that with out any question the so called main stream “free press” is anything but free, and the control is almost absolute. Even so called “leaks to the press” are always know before hand by the controllers and nothing is leaked without a purpose that serves the agenda of the Illuminati overseers. To the average person it appears that the press at large is presenting both the liberal and conservative sides of an issue as they parade out various pundits or politicians who argue (You cannot call it a debate!) endlessly over nothing of significance.
On those rare occasions when an individual or group of individuals within the main stream press have tried to publish the real truth about our corrupt leadership the punishment is quick and severe. Heads roll metaphorically and sometimes literally to set an example for others that might dare to challenge the darkness that governs our land.
As the Spirit showed me the depths of this diabolical control of the press in America I began to wonder how we could ever hope to get truths such as 9/11 out in front of the general public. As we know 80% or more of the public get their “news” from the TV or their morning newspapers. To most Americans it is unfathomable that they are being lied to on a vast scale by their government. Without the major media’s cooperation in telling the truth concerning 9/11, and a raft of other deceptive acts perpetrated upon the American people by this dark regime, there is no hope for a full exposure of the perpetrators.
What the Spirit conveyed to me is that by a concerted effort of Lightworkers using the powerful Violet Flame we can transmute the negative energy the Illuminati uses to control the press. The Spirit showed me that just a tiny hole in the dike that is holding back the cesspool of filth and corruption is enough to start a flood of revelations coming forth. All it takes is one major truth, such as 9/11 being revealed to the public and it is over for the dark cabal. That is why they cannot allow the slightest sliver of real truth into the public eye.
So what can we realistically do to end this waiting for our inner vision to show up in our outer corporate reality? This is what I received from Spirit.
The Mighty I AM Presence is asking all Lightworkers to join together in a mighty work of invoking the VF and directing it toward those who are holding back the TRUTH from the people of Earth Shan. There are many decrees one can use to invoke the VF. The Spirit inspired the following decree as I was meditating and perhaps it may be suitable for you as well. If not just go with the flow of your own Spirit.
O mighty Violet Flame of Liberty and Freedom I do hereby direct you by my Mighty I AM Presence to transmute all core, cause, effect and record of the discord emanating from those who control the freedom of our American press.
Blessed Violet Flame we call you to your fullest momentum to accomplish the task of setting America free by the liberating of all forms of media resulting in a truly free press by which we receive our daily news. We know you will accomplish this work in an expeditious manner, and in a way that is most suitable to the task according to your infinite Divine Wisdom.
We ask you O blessed Violet Flame to empower us; and to prepare a way in which we might contribute to this task in whatever manner you deem necessary and most beneficial to our continued spiritual growth.
We love you O Mighty Violet Flame and we thank you for your liberating work. We thank you for making us a truly free people with a truly free press.
We ask that St. Germaine, Archangel Zadkiel and the Ascended Masters to assist us in magnifying the energy of the Violet Flame to its fullest potential to accomplish the requested mission of freeing our American press so that the TRUTH, the WHOLE TRUTH, and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH will henceforth be told. SO HELP US GOD!
May manifold blessings of Light, Love, Peace, Joy, Happiness, Abundance and Wisdom be yours in this auspicious moment of NOW!
Gary McDaniel
Feel free to spread this word far and wide wherever you are lead.