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Ela of Arcturus via Mike Quinsey - 2-17

Mike Quinsey

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, but, as the mass consciousness has reached a particular point where it is the predominant force, so it is possible to now gauge the outcome with some certainty. Now is the time when a final check can be made, to ensure that the plan is precisely carried out to achieve our aims. Once we can be sure that the major part will be carried off successfully, we will know we can go full ahead. The minor points, while important can easily be covered once things come out into the open. Some of you are aware that there are likely to be small scale contacts taking place, before the main event. All is for a reason and again is subject to alteration if the situation demands such action.

You are so keen for us to come openly that you sometimes cannot understand why there is a delay, but we are looking at an historical event of massive importance, not just to you but the whole Universe. It has to be exactly right on the day, and we have the organisation to ensure that all of our aims are achieved. We plan with what you would call military precision, and our technology allows us to run through it to ensure it is foolproof.

Have no doubt, that once you hear that our actions have started we shall quickly remove all obstacles in our way. Our priority is to remove the cabal from power, and this will enable us to declare peace and put a stop to wars. Our allies are in every section of the military, your industrial and commercial businesses, and they are well versed in what they have to do.

Where it is not in your best interests that we shall show ourselves, we shall nevertheless monitor every action at a distance. If necessary we will intervene, but at the moment we do not see that as becoming necessary. The dark are obviously preparing their response to First Contact, but as we are fully aware of their plans we can ensure they are not successful.

As you can imagine, once all things come out into the open their will be much confusion and concern. This is why we have also planned prompt broadcasts to allay anyone’s fears, and these will go out world-wide to reach as many people aspossible in the shortest time. We realise people will want to know where they stand, and we will regionalise our efforts for this purpose. Language is no problem as if we need to address someone in their own tongue we can do so, as we can program ourselves to learn any language in literally a few minutes. We prefer however to use telepathy as it is seen as being more accurate in conveying our thoughts. The Western world apart, we have ascertained that in other regions the populace are more ready to accept us. In many of their ancient tales, they have a tradition of meeting the God’s and the expectation that they will return. We will not, of course, allow ourselves to be seen as God’s, because on a soul level we are all equal. In the West there will be a lot more questioning of our arrival, but that is healthy for our dealings with you. They shall be open and as you say, "above board", as we have nothing to hide. What we are most anxious for you to understand is that we want you to take a large responsibility for what is to take place. We have never planned to take over all of the projects that are necessary. You will be encouraged to get involved, and we shall need many of your individual skills and knowledge. You will soon learn how to use our technology, and although most of it is so advanced it is also simple to operate. It will be a busy time, and we know that once you take interest in things that are going to lift up your quality of life, you will carry them out enthusiastically. There are, of course, priorities, and we shall quickly organise those activities that are going to clear pollution away. Your Earth is in poor state, and in spite of it, we will be able to carry out our work with great speed. If we did not help you to cleanse Earth, you would experience many more physical changes well beyond weather changes and minor occurrences. The Earth would be in upheaval as it took control of its own cleansing. The Earth, like everything else, has a consciousness and is not some dormant lump that you can do what you like to it, Earth will respond.

My Dear Ones, you have come a long way to reach this point in your evolution. It is a time for great celebration, as you have completed your cycle of duality, and are now on the upward path. You are going back to those higher levels that you left millions of years ago, and you will know of them deep down. You will be meeting once again kindred souls from the star systems where you originally came from. It will be a time of great happiness and joy, and I know many of you are anticipating these moments and can already feel their presence.

I am Ela of Arcturus, and I come, as many of my fellow travellers have to tell you of the wonderful times ahead. Your aspirations and dreams are about to come true.

Thank you Ela

Mike Quinsey

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