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Ascended Master Kuthumi : Merging With Your Mastered Self

Channeled through Michelle Eloff

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We bring you the teaching of aligning yourself and merging with your mastered aspect in order to further develop along the path of soul evolution and bring about the divine imprint of all that you are into physical manifestation. The mastered self is the aspect of self that has journeyed along every path available to a soul in physical incarnation, and who has mastered the aspects of the various challenges that present themselves to the soul on that journey, and through this, the soul has gained wisdom, enlightenment and full awakening.

This present day and age is one of great opportunity for all of humanity, and over the past three days, including this day, there has been a reinforcement and re-grounding of what is known as the harmonic convergence energy. All the grand masters of light have laid another layer of the peace matrix to rest upon the grid of mother earth. This is supporting the upliftment of human nature, and is supporting the lower ego in relinquishing control to the soul ego - that of the higher self, so that humanity can reach the point of understanding what it means to be motivated by love - in other words, the higher self and the mastered self - and not be motivated by fear, which is often what the lower ego projects in the form of doubt, fears and any other kind of negative feeling or tendency to motivate the person in any kind of negative or fearful direction.

Your mastered self is in fact your future self. You can call upon this aspect to guide you and to assist you in gaining deeper insight and wisdom when required. When one is faced with a challenge, one feels one is unable to find the answers or the clarity. This is when one can call upon one's mastered self and ask that aspect to merge with the present self and to communicate what needs to be done in order to overcome the obstacles and to master the lesson presented by the challenge. Working in this manner speeds up the healing process. This accelerated rate of healing further supports the manifestation of the gifts brought about through overcoming challenges, and accelerates the process of integrating those gifts, the wisdom and learning relating to the application of the wisdom and the tools gained in everyday living.

This is one of the reasons we have blessed you upon this day with the gift of responsibility. This blessing comes from your soul so that you may be fully in touch with your ability to respond to the communications brought to you by your higher self, your mastered self and any other evolved aspect of your consciousness.

Utilising your ability to respond supports you in merging more consciously and effectively with the mastered aspects of yourself. Therefore we suggest that on a daily basis you set the intention that you consciously choose to align your present-moment self with your fully-mastered self and all other aspects of your enlightened self, and that these aspects guide you, motivate you and support you by utilising the creative force and the life source of the Father / Mother / God / Goddess.

Setting this intention also nurtures the process of balancing the masculine and feminine aspects of self. If these aspects are not in balance, one would not be able to ascend through various levels of learning to achieve full mastery. So, at this time, you will find that any aspect of your masculine and feminine energy that is not in alignment with its other half will be challenged, in a manner, to reveal to you what the imbalance is, where separation has manifested, and what exactly needs to be done in order to bring balance about. You will also be shown where the inner child has been denied support, because your inner child, too, has a masculine and feminine aspect. So all three of these aspects - masculine, feminine and child - need to be addressed, supported, nurtured, listened to and embraced at the same time. This, too, is the Mother, Father and Child energy.

Currently, many of the lords of the higher realms are working actively with a number of people through different systems and modalities, different levels of consciousness and understanding, different races and cultures of people in order to bring about that opportunity of understanding how it is that one can achieve self-mastery. You are all a part of this process, and in your individual and divine ways you are being guided and supported and used as a vehicle of communication; in other words as a channel through which this information can be spread.

Many on this planet are awakening at a rapid rate to existing modalities, and new modalities that are to be created - tools that people can utilise to further support their self-mastery journey. This is all extremely exciting because it allows more and more new energy to come into your being and the planet as a whole. Each time a leader of light accesses more codings, the more the levels and frequencies of energy can open and increase in vibration. Again, this accelerates the ascension process for the whole of humanity.

The other cause for great celebration is that the two earths that were once separate have merged. Therefore, those of much lower frequency who were not responding, so to speak, to the promptings brought by their souls to awaken to the new light of the new day of the new age, and who were going to experience further lifetimes within that world, have chosen to awaken. This, too, is another reason that everything has accelerated as it has. It appears that time is becoming shorter, that the years feel as if it is only six or eight months rather than 12 months. In fact, this is correct, because time has sped up to such a degree that, time-wise, you are experiencing half the time you were accustomed to experiencing in the past.

Those of you who are conscious and open to your healing path have also accelerated the rate at which you are dealing with issues, and some of you are compacting up to seven years of healing processes and challenges into a period of between six and twenty-four months. This is resulting in a number of people feeling extremely overwhelmed by the responsibilities and pressures of life. However, your soul would not have agreed to this accelerated rate of processing if it did not believe that you would be able to handle it or cope with it.

A number of souls have also chosen to offer their services through the process of their leaving the material world. At the point of death, which we will call the point of resurrection, the soul opens a dimensional gateway and acts as a conduit through which certain debilitating and old paradigm energies and processes of thought and belief systems can be released from the network of energy vibrations from the planet; in other words, levels of density are released in order for new levels of higher frequency to enter. So a departing soul opens a dimensional portal and serves the process by allowing denser energy to be released.

Incoming souls open dimensional portals to bring in higher frequencies of energy. So every new soul incarnating upon the planet brings higher frequencies of light, and every departing soul releases dense energy on behalf of those left behind. More and more souls are incarnating, which is one reason that more and more souls are departing. Some of the souls departing have experienced traumatic exits. There is a dual purpose to this, because the circumstances of their leaving also constitute an AWAKENING for the rest of humanity. It is revealing what needs to be acknowledged so that necessary changes can be made to further support the collective consciousness, so that, collectively, humanity can merge with the master plan of planet earth.

There have been a number of souls who have served in this way who give the planet and humanity the gift of awakening. They shatter things of illusion as they depart in a manner of speaking. As a member of a family, the departing member will also support the family in releasing old binding energies that may have manifested in a form of lack, loss or limitation within the family's life. This may have been on an unconscious level for some members and on a conscious level for others, and what the member takes with them is a departing gift so that the remaining family members can also experience an accelerated rate of further growth and consciousness awakening and therefore benefit from the opportunity and be supported in merging with their mastered self.

We mentioned earlier on that the mother earth has a master plan. This is also her master-self manifesting. Planet earth is the only planet in this universe currently being exposed to so many different levels of energy influence and dimensional influences. Therefore, in a manner of speaking, there is no excuse for not waking up this time round. We do not say this is an insensitive way, denying the depth of many people's wounds. What we are saying is that no soul can blame the lack of opportunity as a reason for not evolving.

Further to this, many masters of the other worlds are also preparing for a time that is not too far ahead where physical manifestation of their bodies will take place. More and more people are awakening, which is cause for great celebration, because the more who awaken, the higher the frequencies become; the less dense and higher the frequency, the more opportunity there is for those of the other worlds to manifest, or at least your being able to see their manifestation. You will notice over the next three to five years more and more reports of encounters with angels and the experiences of such phenomena. People will open more rapidly to the senses beyond the human five senses. The world as you know it will begin to come to an end faster and more tangibly. We were unable to say this with such conviction a few years ago; so much hung in the balance, but even over the last eight days much consciousness has shifted. Your world is waking up; even though it is currently in a sorrystate, it is waking up. So the more of you who consciously strive to merge with your mastered self, the more opportunity you present to those who come after you to find their way, to understand the path of light as being one that allows everything else connected to it to evolve. The more you consciously strive to become a mastered human being, the more possible it becomes for the collective consciousness to transmute negativity into light. The more possible it becomes for individuals and the collective consciousness to recognise what is out of balance and in disharmony and to recognise what holds the density of fear-based belief and thought and consciously move it into its higher frequency.
