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Entering The Elegant Emptiness

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

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d by its corresponding parts of completion. As you sit in all of what you once were and all that you are destined to be, you come to a climatic point of reference. You look back upon your life and you think and ponder, was all of that necessary in order to become who I am naturally? Couldn't I have reached an all-natural state without the stress, the strains, the moans, the pains, and the hurts? The answer that you hear so ponderously in the background of your thinking is No!

You needed to walk the ladder of experience in order to come to the roof of yourself, in order to see over the hills and the dales that you once thought you needed to experience. You enter a place of elegant emptiness. A place where you have completely emptied out of what you thought you were suppose to do who you thought you were to be. It is a place that you do not need to fill with any yearnings. For in the emptiness of all that you are, there is such fullness and a completion that nothing will inhibit your movement forward. It is only by emptying a glass that you experience its full potential. When something is full and complete, the next step is emptying, and then there is a filling, and then another emptying.

You all enter into a doorway where you ask yourself in truth and trinity what is my light really? Who is my light really? How is my light really? Do I need to call upon the light? Do I need to pray to the light? Do I need to think about the light? Or can I agree that all is light? It is in this next step of contractual agreement that you will understand that everything that makes its way into your eyesight and everything that is in your life as hindsight was issued to you as a frequency of light.

Light does not mean good. It does not mean God. It does not mean bad; it does not mean gray. Light defines itself in completion as light. Just because you request the light to enter into your life, does not mean it is a holy light or a sacred light. The vibrations of all substance reside with their genetic imprint in the house of light. It is as an architect that keeps your original house plans when your house is fully built. There is a vibrational blueprint to the original manifestation or experience. The light holds the original blueprint of all things that are birthed in light and non-light. Light comes in more shades, then colors. Think about the times you tried to match white to white or black to black, in clothing or in paint. There are thousands of shades of white. And there are thousands of shades and depths of black.

On this planet of duality that you dwell and stretch out, you are about to begin dissecting the light of your life and the dark of your life. This will be seen in such thoughts as white lies and a gray area. Humanity tends to stay close to the division of all that is light and all that is dark, straddling the razor-blade fence of that particular creation. Humanity is now asked to stretch themselves and swim through all the whites and the lights, and dive deep into all the darks, the grays, the blacks without coming up any whiter or any darker then one originally entered. In other words, you are to come fully into your experience of life not judging the many shades of white/ light, nor judging the many shades of dark/gray or shadow. Observing the nuances that have always existed, but you have not seen.

Do not expect to find in your world anyone who is fully light or enlightened. Even those who sit in levitation above the ground are not holier than you are. Do not look at those who wear the dark cloaks of wolves in a world of sheep as something that is against the light. But look at them closely as they too act out what is needed in their experience. As you walk down the aisle of the buffet of light, you will taste a little of this and a little of that, from the very purest of light to the very darkest of dank. As you observe and experience it, do not judge it. For many embrace the process and wear it as a costume of Halloween. They look at it through the eye of God with a knowing that this too serves the end, the completeness, the finish line, that humanity has drawn for themselves in the sands of time.

Each of you in your Creational Vortices will become translators of light and black and gray and beige. This translation is not to be made in a finger pointing judgment but in a new awareness and understanding that all serves. It would be a very bland world if everything were vanilla. The rocky road-ness of your experience of life has served you well. The ups and downs of who you know yourself to be, has brought to you the character lines of your being. Walking the path of poverty and prosperity has given you both the pauper and the prince’s viewpoint and thus has seasoned you well.

So stand tall in this Creational Vortex (Venturi tube) of experience knowing that everything is perfect. Knowing that all rights will wrong themselves and all wrongs will right themselves as you watch the players and the playing become more animated in the next few months. Stand on the chessboard of this experience stretching your self and encompassing all roles. It will be easy for you to float to shore in the upcoming experiences.

We are the Council of Light, any shade of light. We thank you for extending yourself and pushing past previous perimeters. It is time for you to sail on the sea without limits, without waves, without smoothness, and without parting. Just how will you do that? You will find out shortly. We leave you acknowledging your bright lights.




Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


Open your heart up. Allow your heart to absorb the love that is available in your life right now. It may not come from whom you want it to come from, but it is there. So make a promise to yourself everyday to open your heart up to receive the love that is available to you, the love that wants to be in you, of you and with you. You often observe the level of your heart through the people around you. You do not observe the level of your heart through yourself. The energies of the heart are turned inward and sensitivities will be great. In that great sensitivity there will be a healing. It is like submersing your heart in water, the fluid-ness of your life, in order to cleanse it.


For every season, there is a time and for all time there is a season. You enter a doorway of ripening, a pathway of fruitfulness. A pathway and pattern of seeding a future that is asking to be germinated.

The very fabric of time is a quick-change artist that dresses and undresses for each minute of the day. She relieves herself of the past as she impregnates herself with the future. The dress is formal, casual, ancient and culturally sound. You will find that you too, dress, undress and redress the issues that have been issued to you in this fruitful and liquid summer. You will find that what you thought you were to do, no longer serves who you are becoming. You will find that the dreams that you have weaved and un-weaved in your mind and heart ask to be set free as homing pigeons caged far too long.

You will find that what you once housed as patterns of a repeat nature ask to be set free. Just like an inch worm that works its way across the continental divide of self, inch by inch, thought by thought; you let go of, what was, what could be, what should be, what would have been. You will find that you shear the internal wolves in sheep’s clothing and that you undress the turkey dinner that you were so prepared to serve to yourself and others.

Your addresses will change, your emails will change, and the way you define yourself will change. You will become as the quick -change artist of your life. People will see you from week to week and wonder who you are. For you have changed in vibration, in thought, in pattern, and in weather. You will smile as a Cheshire cat underneath the queen’s chair and say, "It is good, for I am in the theater of self and I stand upon this stage with all of you looking and it does not matter if you applaud my actions or you hiss at my reactions. For I am playing all the roles of my soul, trying them on with or without makeup, with and without hair, with and without clothing" -- for it becomes a clothing optional world as you enter your natural state of being. You may find that you sit in your yard in your birth suit. You may contemplate joining a nudist camping. Your sexuality arises from a long dormant sleep as you explore the possibilities of your body.

What is stored in the memory of those fat cells that wiggle under your arm? What is stored in the cellulite upon your thighs? For memory is stored in fat as programs of the past. You may want to take a rolling pin to your self and smooth out the collective thoughts that you have gathered in your body. You may be contemplating surgery to lift this, to tuck that, to remove this, to replace that -- and all is well in the Garden of Eden. For everything that is done to you, serves your evolution and brings you to a higher elevation of self. An altitude of adjustment increases your attitudes of adjustment.

Allow yourself to unfold into the beauteous creature that you are. Contemplate and reveal the sacredness of your sexuality as the nakedness of that which you are, presents itself in a multitude of ways. Could you stand up on stage in front of all who those you love and be naked? Can you be seen in fullness in the naked truth of all that you have lied about? Will the un-doings of your past re-string you to play a new song, a new note, and a new tune? People will notice that you vibrate differently in the harmonics of your new energy.

You are undoing everything that you thought you were to be. You now stand at the peak of 'Mt. To Be'. You are escorted there by every word and every thought internal and external that you have ever experienced up until this time and place of your escapade. You now stand at the peak and you look back at the trail of tears, the sludge of your being and you declare, "I am not who they said I was. I am not who they said I was to be." You no longer honor the salutations of everyone in your world that molded you into what they thought you were to be. Stand naked at the apex of Mt. To Be and re-design yourself.

You can sculpt and mold your essence, physically, financially spiritually and emotionally into anything that you want. This is where the summer of 2003 brings you– to a place where you and only you are the sculptor of your life. You have a lump of clay that you call a life and you are waiting with baited breath for directions from someone...anyone. But no one tells you what to be now for they are too busy molding their own sculpture into pliability. You sit there with this lump of clay asking yourself, " what do I want to be now?" -- You have always had someone directing the traffic of your manifestations. You are clueless and sleepless in the Seattle- ness of your existence.

Call to the magic of your life. Call to everything that you have been afraid of, every love that you have pushed away, every person who has intimidated you. Call to all the fears and phobias and beckon them to sculpt you. Become the most beautiful Venus Di Milo of your celestial existence. For you are finally free.

The 4th of July issued to you a Declaration of Independence of Ascension. Move through it as a fish through water with no boundaries, no limits -- just wave upon wave of experience. What will be the Declaration of your Independence? For you are null and void of the thoughts and implications of others. Do you choose to be or not to be? Unwrap your Christmas present in July and see how the mirror reflects your true being. You no longer have the ornaments of the past that hang upon you or the tinsel that ties you up and chokes you or the star that the 3rd grade teacher put upon your forehead.

You have been a living star all along. You are a representative of all of the constellations of time and space. You are an Ambassador of Molecules holding all possible life within you. You work for Potential Unlimited. You are the founder of it and you have forgotten. Don’t do anything unless it brings a smile to your face. If you cannot wash your dishes with a smile and a thankfulness that you have clean water to do such a deed – then let them pile up until you can smile. If you cannot pick blossoms from your dream without a smile, do not do it. If you cannot give to another without a smile, do not give until you do it with love. Give up the obligatory energies that have so strangled you and estranged you from the true essence of yourself and come home into completion.

You are an island unto yourself but you are also the planet that island is upon and you are the solar system that planet resides in and you are the universe that solar system resides in and you are the galaxy and you are all time. How can you be limited with such a resume? Honor your beginning, your alpha. Become the first to become again.

All that walk upon the earth at this time do so with a stellar bucket of truths. You would be meek to see the fullness of this knowledge. We will not name ourselves for we have not been named as of yet. We are a new system of beings that have just been observed and are actually in the process of being named by your scientists at this time. A new star is birthed through a name and when that name is known, then shall we be. We re-connect you to what you are.


Since this channeling this info has come out in the scientific community.

One Thousand "Wonderful" Stars Discovered in Centaurus A An international team led by ESO astronomer Marina Rejkuba has discovered more than 1000 luminous red variable stars in the nearby elliptical galaxy Centaurus A (NGC 5128). Brightness changes and periods of these stars were measured accurately and reveal that they are mostly cool long-period variable stars of the so-called "Mira- type". The observed variability is caused by stellar pulsation. This is the first time a detailed census of variable stars has been accomplished for a galaxy outside the Local Group of Galaxies (of which the Milky Way galaxy in which we live is a member). It also opens an entirely new window towards the detailed study of stellar content and evolution of giant elliptical galaxies. These massive objects are presumed to play a major role in the gravitational assembly of galaxy clusters in the Universe

A NEW NEIGHBOR STAR A faint red-dwarf star newly discovered in Aries may turn out to be the third-closest star system to the Sun. Or maybe not; its distance is still uncertain, and it might not even make the list of the closest two dozen. But in any case it's a rare find. Known as SO 025300.5+165258, the star glows at a very dim visual magnitude of 15.4, which is why it went unnoticed for so long. Like other dim red and brown dwarfs that astronomers have recently discovered nearby, it was found by its fast proper motion across the sky...

Ancient Planet found July 10, 2003: Long before our Sun and Earth ever existed, a Jupiter-sized planet formed around a sun-like star. Now, almost 13 billion years later, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has precisely measured the mass of this farthest and oldest known planet. The ancient planet has had a remarkable history, because it has wound up in an unlikely, rough neighborhood. It orbits a peculiar pair of burned-out stars in the crowded core of a globular star cluster. The planet lies near the core of the ancient globular star cluster M4, located 5,600 light-years away in the northern-summer constellation Scorpius. Globular clusters are deficient in heavier elements, because they formed so early in the universe that heavier elements had not been cooked up in abundance in the nuclear furnaces of stars. Some astronomers have therefore argued that globular clusters cannot contain planets, because planets are often made of such elements. This conclusion was seemingly bolstered in 1999 when Hubble failed to find close-orbiting "hot Jupiter"-type planets around the stars of the globular cluster 47 Tucanae. Now, it seems astronomers were just looking in the wrong place, and gas-giant worlds, orbiting at greater distances from their stars, could be common in globular clusters.
