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Life In The Fast Lane, With Justice For All--No Predator - No Victim, Amazing Information Regarding 9-11-01

Amazing Information Regarding 9-11-01

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In your hands truth, liberty and justice becomes a living reality. I invite all to remember deep inside the blue ray of light does one hold the power to convey a mass conscious liquidation of old materials, unveiling the brilliant mind that is fearless operating in all facets of earth plane activities. It is time the body of Christ moves into society and become a motivating mathematic link that factors into the laws of modern day mastery. This will require stepping out into the world and not hiding anymore within the sacred space of new age dynamics. Your work is far too important now to hold in a comfort zone, and the fearless shall herald the governments, corporate business, education facilities and health communities and dare to step up the frequency, while making a common boundary where the two factions meet. Harmony is the linear character where the two worlds meet. If you notice the spiritual movements are falling fast, for the foundation is already in place, there! is nowhere else to go, and so direction of God-Force becomes home in an arena that will make a physical difference. Not holding onto energy, not anchoring energy, not keeping up with the soul communities or parties of spirit, but daring to live as a Master. You will take what you already know, apply that with a direct link unto Source, dare to face new invitations in a league all your own, and teach the masses with strength nurtured by feeding from the hand of your spiritual essence. You have been well trained, and there is not one Master leaving this planet, you are here amongst the living light in Shambhalla, look around your vision beholds a unique inward sight.

We are speaking about the cloak or design for earth to shift as Source calls into physicality the timing mechanism on November 11, 2002 that pulls in a magnetic electrical field answering to the family of Unity. We have held patience, hope and intuition that refuse the field of fear, now we prove in unconditional love that Light prevails in any system. As you sleep during the next few weeks, notice how each day its as if you are born anew. Your thoughts become attuned with Planetary Leadership, and surrender unto the will of God becomes the key factor opening the Sourcerers Stone residing on top of your midbrain. A Christ being does not need to be taken off the planet, they must become one with earth in her garment of Bethlehem she is already wearing. The Universal Meridian Structure locking into the under-earth tracking system of Bethlehem will come together and connect underneath your feet centers first, then inside the root center, winding its personal tracking system! inside the Crown along with your I AM Presence preparing for the next level of attunements to arrive. The auditory structure will adjust accordingly and just beneath the bridge of your nose will become the Eternal Gateway of Light.

We are prepared for the movement we call "Earth-Disclosure", For A New Day Is Upon Us. There is actually great excitement for volumes of information can be downloaded into the brains making room for many changes. The higher mind centers are actualizing new material being fed into the hearts of human masters willing to accept the challenge by completing ALL past materials of spirit. You will integrate with Ease and Grace the new creations come forth from the Table of creative activation you assist to implement on this planet. The healing fields will change as people instantly mutate moment by moment as the skin of humanity lightens up via crystalline electrical currents. The White Ray is the planetary skin enhancer, after the inner organs have become one with its own God-Essence. It is the skin changes in a light being transferring into this society as the look of a pure master does not lie, and carries its own weight telling a story of human perfection. Those carrying Go! d-Conscious cellular structures and nothing less must demonstrate all these products and tools of spiritual in-lightening. You are given ample opportunity to move personal instruction and information upward. It will always evolve as does the master, freely expressing the miraculous capabilities of spirit, teaching occurs within while promoting the unique individual master full of self-confidence. For it is in confidence that people can finally let go of holding onto old ways, advancing quickly with new creations. I have noted many thrusting out in the beginning with great intention, but not as many have crossed the finish line of mastery for it does take much work and a deep commitment in selfless service. BE A MASTER LIKE NOBODY'S WATCHING, AND FIND YOUR HAPPINESS IN THE PROCESS.

It will take courage and we do understand what it takes to step into the full note of modern day mastery. After all there is not one entity that has not had to face the dual essence within and find closure of the Black Gemini Ray. In the end we are never experiments of duality, and it has unfortunately become an accepted dynamic amongst the spiritual training of earth, but we ask you to look beyond the lower light of duality, reaching into the brave pastures of purity. Here you open up the highest of Christ essence that has no form or color, but the purest crystal energy one can encounter. It is known throughout the Universe as Christ Jehovah and resides along with the Ancient of Days as planetary rulers and coming back into manifestation. The masculine presence of Jehovah Christ Light came into being before this planet was created, for there would always be a realm that held nothing but the purest light with no lower lights or levels attached. We as a society of ascende! d beings have searched long and hard to reclaim this division of spirit, and now that it is opened there is no turning back, and all entities may enter upon its realm. The feminine Jehovah Christ light will be born onto the planet this year of its original essence known as Rachel. Many beings will remember the male/female purity in its origin, and also remember that there are 12 entities known as Christ. It is a surname, which leads back into the original Christ Jehovah Light of male/female perfection. For those that have taken its name through the course of earth history and time will be given the go ahead to drop this surname as of November 11, 2002 and move forward into their modern day cloak. The 12 Christ masters have been as follows, Moses, Jesus/Sananda, Arch Angel Michael, Isaac, Abraham, Maitreya, Elijah, Elisha, Ezekiel, Guatama Buddha, the Prophet, Mohammed, and Sanat Kumara. All 12 of us have carried the name of Christ from the origin of Jehovah in order to prepa! re for the birthing of the Feminine Christ Jehovah Light or Twin Ray of Christ Jehovah. Imagine just for one moment what this means on earth/Bethlehem, a realm of expression has finally come to light that will never accept any density. The beauty of creation and all the mysteries that shall come to light, and there will be much mystical uploading in your body's computer, the Merkivah.

As of the year 2003, many pure Christ Jehovah essences will birth along with the female Christ Jehovah light, because those that saw fit to carry their own Messiah light all the way into ascension has prepared the way. Your individual work with source cannot be understated, and you have no idea what else will birth on November 11, but as the Scorpio Leagues of Light congregate and celebrate, the human body will become its glorious monitor. It is time for your body to become a Temple of Light, and as you balance the forces of the past into a new vehicle you are well rewarded for all patience and perseverance it has taken to come this far. Emotionally many will find themselves shaken, but I can only tell you it is an emotion of love you will feel so strong you can do nothing but cry tears of joy. We do it all the time in the house of Shambhalla, and its not something that will only last for a fleeting moment as you tap into spirit, it is something that will stabilize into ! your energy field. There is a device implemented by the human grid carriers and activators of the universe on November 11, 2002 that we call "The Scrambler". It will come into life by the Twin Ray carriers that allow the perfected male/female balance to become a living reality, and will be an electronic device in the Merkivah and human body that does not tap into earth's electromagnetic grid system. It will only be in alignment with the Bethlehem grid system, keeping the body of Unity together and in touch with new creations and instantaneous manifestations one is allowing.

We have a few suggestions in this meditation that will greatly assist your advancing into the home of spirit. Make it a living reality with this information you have received and watch your life expand and grow in joy with no fear. We ask you call forth, "I AM ONE WITH GOD-SOURCE IN CHRIST JEHOVAH PURITY". As you relax with vision expanded we feel it is important that all focus inside the Frontal Lobe of the brain, which is your sacred space and chamber of ascension. As you seat allow your connection first with your God-Self to anchor inside the Solar Plexus. Next call into living light your mighty Presence, I AM to move just inside your crown center. Pure Source light embeds in its home the heart of all there is. Now is prime time to let go of the Soul, Higher Self, and move into integrity of being the God or Goddess you came to live. Through the mighty throne of El Shaddai, the blanket of Ark Angel Metatron resides the essence of both masculine and feminine Christ Jeho! vah flames, which make up the Temple of El Shaddai. The body may take a few moments to adjust, as we call into your feet centers the Bethlehem grid system. As the feet become attuned the root center will begin to vibrate and expand along with the perineum. The Universal Meridian Lines connect down through the earth plane as your Crown will adjust and lock into Bethlehem gateway 6 feet under earth. The entire body must break bread and communicate as its spiritual light and so give the feet, root, and crown centers time to adjust. The pineal gland electronically handles the incoming spiritual nutrition, and physical nutrition and must join union with its partner the pituitary gland. Therefore the pineal gland must become one with the biorhythm system of Bethlehem, and not earth electromagnetics. There is a complete changeover process here as your body in masters training has been feeding off both systems, but for the lightbody of health in physicality and purification it must ! answer into the Bethlehem dynamics.


We will now implement The Scrambler keeping the body attuned into God-light at all times, eliminating earth density including your own personal cycling of density. Note how much time you will have for the spirits food, without old recycled energy. Your meridian alignments will carry a trinity of mathematics and it is now the crystal sphere we call the Sourcerers Stone on top of the midbrain takes those mathematics and calls into light Sacred Geometry alignments. Keep in view you have been working with math and not Geometry, for most forms termed Geometry are simply mathematics made in artistic impression, for if you were tapped into Geometry along with mathematics you would have ascended well before now. The light would flow, and most of all the foremost physical sign is that your body would have mutated into perfection. There is a little work on educating what is Geometry and how it completes itself with mathematics. We will give you a great start with this creating tea! m of math and geometry. If you took a piece of paper and drew 7 lines across, and matched that with 7 lines equal to it straight up and down it would make 36 squares or better yet, the square root of 36, which is 6X6. This makes 36 spaces for creation of which your individual body and Merkivah resides. Now each square is 3 feet on all 4 sides. This makes up the Universal Meridian Grid alignment around a human body attracting itself with Source, and matching that under earth is the Bethlehem tracks that are its mathematical equal, and yet connecting two different crystal currents, that of Arkansas the grounder, and South America, the heightened awareness factor. Anytime you see the word Factor applied it represents a mathematical equation of spirit. For instance the Maitreya Factor represents the math that applies in the great Black Creative Void for the Gate of Immortality to be realized in human embodiment. Now these mathematics gather inside one place of the human body and! that is on top of the midbrain with the crystalline Sourcerers Stone. They are stored however throughout the energy field of the Merkivah around the body and deep inside the cells.

We are giving you time to set the correct grid mathematics into your body, now let's take that all one step further, the set up of 36 squares, will host a triune of Universal Meridian Mapping, as you deepen your understanding the Universal Meridian closes in on 6 lines up and across only making 25 squares, or the square root of 25, and then one final set of refinement, 5 lines up and down making only 16 squares or the square root of 16. Think of this as an eternal spiral moving back and forth with one another all within the same system. This is connected to the Eternal Gateway just inside the bridge of your nose. Math must not be an eternal spiral going into nowhere; it can always be refined by setting up a magnetic station where the question, or math is answered immediately by Source, or geometry. This trinity of square rooted (36, 25, 16) light blends the male/female Twin Ray energies together, as both Merkivahs connect in the space of 36, come together in the space of! 25, and lock in one large Merkivah in the space of 16 facing one another. We are working on the purity of light as you set this Universal Meridian Space into your body. It knows where to go, believe me instead of fearing the higher math, go after it with great joy and personal intelligence, because you are that and more. All 3 Universal Meridian alignments will connect inside the midbrain, which is where the Central Nervous System ends in the head center. They are answered with both the Chinese Characters of Eternity and Harmony. These characters will actually implement throughout the body, Merkivah and brain for a moment. The human languages ARE Sacred Geometry, and it does not get any easier my friends. As you move up in vibration the simplicity that manifests will be quite astounding. In short the Geometry must become part of the human language. The mathematics gives the meridian and human body time to vibrate into purity, and the answer becomes the geometry of human lan! guage. There will be a new meaning to the language of humanity as you come to know that all is in divine perfection. You will really come to know how easy all the answers reside within the human kingdom. You must simply attune yourself to what is already implemented. Everything will always take you right back to where you are remember that.

For a moment inside the sinuses you will feel realignment, the middle ears will expand, also a crystalline tube of light moves through the Eustachian tubes which takes the Eternal Gate into the bridge of your nose. Some of you will note the sinus adjustments that have been occurring are due to this upgrade. Deep inside the head a new viewing of spirit on earth must come in, and inside your throat center where the tonsils reside, (or used to for many) a connection into the bridge must be established and your esophagus will partake of upgrading including that which you feed into your body. We have cautioned all in the past several months that your physical structure must cleanse in order to handle a masters light, and the time is now to take care of it. The Eternal Gate keeps the flow moving inside your body and requests answers from spirit immediately. What may seem a little surprising is the Source Self speaks the loudest now in your body. It is truly what all have been ! requesting. From now on each time you create a Bridge of Light into your body, you will burn that bridge because you have established this rainbow level of light inside your new home and no longer require a bridge, for you are that exact same light. Therefore opening up room for creating the new bridge, and eventually relinquishing that inside your cellular structure. This will assist in letting go while moving forth with the flow and tide of spiritual waves coming in. It also sets up a precedent in the human masters mind that is not afraid to advance itself, God-Source is always in alignment via direct connection, which answers to itself and only to itself.

As you have set the perfected alignment and structure you may be asked to study math and the human body in its behaviors moving from the old into the newly refined body of light. All is within your grasp; you must be willing to eat these fruits of spirit by doing the detail work and articulating the changes at hand. At this time we would ask the higher mind meet the higher brain waves inside where the right and left hemispheres of the brain meet and come together. They are sewn with the seeds of the character representing Geometric Harmony direct through the human body and Merkivah interweaving the Source light on high with Source light on earth, for you came to earth of Source essence and purity. You will travel from being one of the Messiah seed carriers into the Sacred Geometric forms of Jehovah Christ purity. The White Ray being the strongest energy structure created will mutate from its foundation of personal divinity all the way into a space, which has never experi! enced density or duality. Much joy is to be encountered on this journey as you each make yourselves a dynamic mathematical subject of light. It can be called forth from its own triune of Eternal Universal Meridian Lines the space to create ALL Geometry in human languages of light. Enjoy blessed masters; there is much to be unveiled from your cellular brilliance as you tap into ReSources of Spiritual Light. In love and deep honor, it is I your brother of equal measured math and Sacred Geometry Elijah. Channeled by Lisa Smith

Dear Friends, it has been some time since I have been able to channel a direct message, and no complaints here as spirit has kept me busy!! I do love to learn and study human biology, and that is the biggest surprise of all. You are reading from a girl that never applied myself in school, nor was I interested in studies. But something happens when a spirit enters your life, and although it has seemed at times an impossible task, right now the magic is bringing it all together. I tell you what; I honestly do keep up with these meditations Elijah and Zach present, and do them months after they have come out, because for some reason these guys are able to put in several pages volumes of information. I have always marveled at the way we are nudged into mastery, and those that study in their own personal time, those are the ones I am seeing right now move into their channeling and spiritual assignments. I mean these people study day and night the information, and it is clicki! ng in. People have asked me about these channels and seminars, and some have no idea what they mean, but they are intended to make you think and undress yourself to the core being you are, coming out fully clothed a United Master with the home of Shambhalla. I think the Sacred Geometry of Gratitude along with its mathematics of grand emotion would do us all well in these days. Can you feel the spiritual tide advancing faster then we can think, and yet somehow we get it!!

I have just come home from Hong Kong a place that moves personal mountains for me, and love what going into that culture does for me. I have come to finally understand that communication is different in American, then in the East and in Europe as well. What a blast through old emotions and fears it has brought about. I have finally come to the conclusion that it is never about being in spirit setting myself up for lessons, it is the brave that would be willing to SEE their own fears play out that advance the quickest. And believe me I had plenty of fears play right back to me, but at the same time I had created such inner peace and somehow had trust in the process, even if I did not know where that process would take me.

As a spiritual channel and educator I have learned first hand the woes of lessons through money, personal strength and character attacks, and insecurity about my mastery, especially as Elijah and Zach are always on the cutting edge of new information. This week after 4 years of traveling and channeling I finally got it, we always talk about it, we know the dynamics but to FEEL the changes within are something unique. These are my biggest challenges and fears, and that's exactly what I got to call in and see, spirit is always going to initiate new doors with me, for that is my job plain an simple. How I set it up and command its entrance is entirely up to my source connection and I have learned quick how to set that alignment in. If you think you aren't going to learn on your road to mastery through education, think again. If you are holding your own information back for fear of making mistakes trust me, you will challenge yourself, and here is the most precious gifting o! f all, you get to do it as an EQUAL to all earth born masters, and move yourself into mastery as one in unity. And so as we hold this November 11 most sacred there is something far beneath its Scorpio light, EVERYONE in every realm is always going through changes, personal Source strength is always the answer. So give everyone their own space to create, and focus on self with Source Light and you can never go wrong. That feeling of invincibility its right here among us, and that comes through the energy of allowance, as we only answer to source.

What does that mean for me, I am back in full understanding of my source essence, and yet willing to make mistakes or look like a fool in the process, but as Elijah quotes, Be a Master, as if no one is watching and it really changes the way you view the self in its source light, then you stop looking at others through your view of mastery, and see them through theirs, that is perfection in the process. Well that's it for my wise corner of the edit, just kidding, I am so moved by this channel and working with Elijah, and next a forthcoming view with Zach in the Ftn. Of Youth 12 electronic bodies, we are rocking with this seminar and it is assisting many move into the perfected body.

We are looking forward to the November 8-11 seminar here in Reno. I am given the go ahead to present all 12 White, Blue, Yellow and Lavender electronic bodies within the major Ray it comes under. This will include great details into the body of light. You know Zach loves Biology and the electrons it takes to create the Fountain of Youth. I have never seen such quick transformation and the new ones coming in are the purest of beings I have ever met, no wonder we old timers had to get it straight for these new ones. We have some great tape sets and I have yet to get them all up on the web site, and the God-Cel necklaces based on the Geometry of Eternity are getting rave reviews with many across the globe. By the way, all peoples that helped to spread the Bethlehem grid system across the planet have actually prepared the way for the Universal Meridian Lines and its sacred Math and answer of Geometry. Go deep into the mapping, and get a pencil and draw these designs, 7 lines! up, 7 lines across and so on with the other 6 lines and then 5 lines. Put yourself inside this system and let spirit lead the way. If you draw it out it will make the sacred squares across your body, kind of like the meridian lines already established inside the body that acupuncturists use. I personally find that calling forth the Dragon Rays first when I am refining the higher light always makes it a little more powerful, and I still call in the 12 galactic rays with their according energy centers, all inside the body. It's a nice set up, so try that one while you pull in this new information. Enjoy your changes, and most of all your day-to-day life with Source.

Love, Lisa
