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-Spirit Eagle - Relay Relay Relay - Ker-ton-tec-of the Blue Star

Spirit Eagle

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akening of those who have slumbered for so long. To those of you who are Speaking Out, continue to do so! The resistance of those who have refused to hear and who have refused to see what is before their eyes is cracking like a great and fragile egg. Speak out! Speak with your passion of Love and Justice! Speak for the children and for the generations to come! The Purity and the Strength of Humanity is within each and everyone of you!

We are the Paschat Warriors and we are here this night with news of a great Armada of Love and Peace above, on, and within your world. We are Warriors, it is true. And we are Warriors of the Light! Our Sisters and Brothers are your companions, in the millions. Have they been changing their behavior a bit? Have they been communicating more with you? Listen closely and you will hear in your hearts the whispers of your Paschat companions. They are your guiding Lights. This is Their Shining Hour Also.

We ask that you all take your Courage in hand and no matter what happens around you walk the Path of the Warrior, the Path of the Peaceful Warrior! Speak up, speak out with Love for all of the Earth and her children for all of the Kingdoms of Earth!

This is a clarion call to duty to bring forth what you have been anticipating! This is a time for proclaiming your Sovereignty! This is a time for bringing your Light to bear on all of the dark places on the Earth. Shine this Light on any dark places within your Being. Transmute! Transmute! Transmute! You have done this before! You must do it now!

Speak out for Justice and Peace on your world! Speak out to your governments that the old way is not acceptable, that the people Claim their Freedom Now! You are the Wayshowers! Go Forth and Light the Torch of Freedom for the Earth and all Beings upon her! Be gentle with yourselves and go in Peace!

Telepathically Communicated by Spirit Eagle March 12, 2006 12:40PM