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Relay-Relay Relay & St. Germain 5/12/06

Spirit Eagle

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onnel from many different planets who cooperate in this mission. We have retrieved samples of the the various pathogens on your planet, many of which have been produced or modified in laboratories to the detriment of the human race.

The disrespect and disregard for your Mother, the Earth has exacerbated the illnesses that are plaguing your species. We are one group of many who are in your solar system to ameliorate the harm to all species on your planet from this plague of self-destructive behavior. We will help those who wish our help in healing your bodies and your minds. Ask now, to be taken on our ship before you sleep and we will help you to remember just Who you are: Ascended Masters with the ability to heal yourselves and transform all of the Earth. We will get you started with healing yourselves, then healing the toxins on the Earth and in all other Beings.

It is time to REMEMBER how to do this. You have done it before! Much of what is planned after Open Contact will involve Everyone on Earth. There is much to be done and we will ASSIST you and teach you what you need to know. You will all actively participate in the Healing of all Beings and the Earth. It is time to rejoin your Galactic Family as Equal Partners in this time of your Ascension with the Earth Mother.

Sweet Dreams and we will see you on the Ships!

Telepathic Communication by Spirit Eagle 5/12/06 12:15 am


We are aware of your feelings of weariness with the dramas seeming to

drag on, oh, so slowly while you hold the Light of Truth. Be assured

Dear Ones that Nothing done in the Light is fruitless. The Time to

harvest the fruits of your labors is nigh upon the land. I am St.

Germain and I wish you to know that the Plan for your release from

the shackles which have bound you for so long is in full

implementation. You are participating in the End of the darkest

night. The Dawn arrives with the sweetness and melodic songs to

Creator in angelic harmonies of joy.

What appears to be slowly evolving is now under the law of Manifest

Exponentialism. The tide is turning all over the world and in the

united states the Bell of Freedom is Ringing. You will see a change

and hear the cries of "ENOUGH'! The Voices of The People will be

heard all around the world! The legions of Angelic Beings and of

your Sisters and Brothers from the stars will gird the Earth in Love,

and the Light of Truth. This is your Shining Hour! GO INTO IT WITH

COMPASSION FOR ALL! Even for those who you perceive as your enemies

for in Truth you have no enemies. You are all brothers and sisters

who have journeyed together down the sands of time and have come to

the end of that journey.

You have helped each other down the road to make this Final Curtain

Call on the Stage of Duality. I love you all Greatly; ALL of you!

Good Night Dear One! The Goddess Goes With You!

12:57 am 5/12/06