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Understanding Our Sirian Connection

Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

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enter into all the numbers of the universe. Walk through that doorway allowing the geometry's of that which is old and that which is new, that which is above and that which is below to embrace you. Let them dance about your being as they find where they will fit and adhere to.

In the days of past and the times of old when you were Sirian of nature, you came forth to the earthen sphere collectively with others of the same vibration. (different encodings, colors and geometries) You grouped upon earth and laid down your light. The prospects of birthing a new consciousness with you as its parents were grand. The I AM of the universe entered the genetics of earth. As you looked as the new strain of children birthed on earth, half mammal and half star you frowned. What have we created? What have we done? The animal instinct was grand and hairy with sharpened claws, the stellar essence shone behind all that was animal. You toned down the starriness of the beings and looked as they developed and re-developed generation after generation through test tube, through womb, through earth. You gave earth a foot up, a quantum leap forward past the animal nature of their being moving light years ahead of where they were destined.

Now in this day and time people of earth sit in a place of confusion as they meet the animal and the star within their being. They draw a line in the sands of time and they look eye to eye. One-day people are filled with animalistic tendencies and the next they are profound and shine bright. Teeter and totter they do.

There comes a time between 8/8 and 11/11 of the year 2003 that the energies of animal and star will merge. Into an alchemical union a stellar emulsification. In the next several months humanity will growl and swims toward the stars simultaneously merging into a new level of DNA activation. The birth of the humanness and the stellar together will biologically create a physical 3rd strand of DNA.

In this merging you will be set free of the constraints that now keep you still and dormant. Doorways that were previously closed will open. All that

has been placed upon the backburner of self now ignites with a passion not filled before. All of the limitations that you have shackled yourself with, now are set free for the key lives within the memory.

When you seek the new dwellings of the heart, of the body, of the physical temple of the light - the key to unlock your hidden truths is cell memories. You came forth to earth with encoded dormant truths that awake as you seek them. The key to life is memories. These memories are kept within sections of the brain that have not been activated. Ask your inner self to open the doorway to the hallway of memories within that holds these truths that you seek, then they shall be unfolded as the origami of your soul. They will come to roost in your life as a sacred crane stands upon one leg waiting to submerge into the next aspect of itself.

Within the volcanic structures of the world live ancient truths that are to be birthed through the sequence of fire unto water in an alchemical marriage of land and sea. Volcanoes birth new truths, and new information that is held dormant within the molten loins of Mother Earth. When you place yourself within the vicinity of new volcanic birth, and new earth those truths are unleashed into the waters of the oceans in which the new earth is placed. Opportunities then are given to those of said lands near the volcano's to immerse themselves in the sea in order to be able to see what ancient truths were once hidden within the core of Earth.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

2320 Bagdad Ave.

Orlando, Florida 32833

407-568-6799 Email
