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Energies Matched By The Angels A Planetary Forcefield Of Unconditional Divine Love

A Planetary Forcefield Of Unconditional Divine Love

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A Planetary Forcefield of Unconditional Divine Love

Together we have the ability to create a unified forcefield of Unconditional Divine Love. This forcefield will be far more powerful in its impact on Humanity's global consciousness than any of the other humanly-generated forcefields of energy perpetuating the serious problems facing us on this planet. It is a Universal Law that if the inner conditions or forces within Humanity's global consciousness are transformed through Love, the outer conditions of the world will proceed to reflect the Divine Plan for the Earth. The Divine Plan for the Earth is a living, active, all-powerful forcefield that will produce perfection if not interfered with through lower, human free will. In the Heavenly Realms, the Beings of Light work purely and precisely with the great Forces of Causeknowing full well that the effects will take care of themselves. Most of us are currently trying to manage "effects" in our lives rather than focusing on the "cause" which will truly change the situation from within.

To insure the transformation of inner conditions for Humanity and the Earth, together we will create a forcefield of Unconditional Divine Love. Centered within unity consciousness, our collective spiritual ability will empower each of us to accomplish this Divine Plan.


The electronic pattern for this forcefield is a magnetic Heart of Pure Divine Love enfolding Planet Earth. This crystalline-pink Heart, formed through Humanity's unified consciousness, magnetically attracts the energy, vibration and consciousness from every Ascended level of Being in the Universe into our planetary cause of manifesting the Era of Eternal Peace and Abundance that is now dawning.

Seven magnificent Solar Archangels of pure Divine Love now descend into the atmosphere of Earth from the electronic belt around the Great, Great Central Sun. They joyously take their strategic positions around this planet to assist us in this activity of Light. The Solar Archangels are stationed at the four cardinal points around the planet as well as above, below and directly within the center of the Earth.

These Beings are now conducting a symphony of Love ensouling and interpenetrating our Beloved Earth. Each Lightworker is a power point of Light unified in consciousness with every other Lightworker inbreathing, absorbing, expanding and projecting this forcefield throughout Humanity, the Nature and Elemental Kingdoms, the Angelic Kingdoms and the entire atmosphere of Earth.

As we experience the manifestation of this forcefield of Unconditional Divine Love, we see the deep colors of Love, smell the fragrance of Love and hear the Cosmic Tones and moving melodies of Love. Through this activity, we are truly Love in action, collectively changing the core vibration of the primal Light substance, which has gone into the present conditions on Earth.

We are the CAUSE of this magnetic forcefield of Love anchored on Earth. Through this activity of Light, we are setting in place the basic spiritual forces of Divine Love over which Humanity will Ascend out of our long exile in Darkness into the Realms of Light.

As we unify in consciousness with the Kingdoms of Earth and the Realms of Heaven, we create an Open Door to explore and rediscover the great Family of God in which we will find complete support for the fulfillment of our Divine Plans.

This is what the magnetic forcefield of Divine Love will attract to each of us personally if we live within it. We will be raised into a profound reawakening of supreme Love become again the Masters of Love we have always been and truly are here and now.

For the greatest success, we must recognize ourselves as Beings of Love, accepting responsibility for loving this sweet Earth andall her life free. We are One with this blessed planet, and the planet is One with us.

The seven Solar Archangels are now projecting their luminous presences to surround each of us in a Cosmic Forcefield of Divine Love. This forcefield is anchored to the north, south, east and west of us, as well as above, below and directly within the Divinity of our hearts.

It is a critical time on this blessed planet. As we enter the year 2003, the Company of Heaven is asking Lightworkers to cocreate a powerful forcefield of God's Will. This forcefield will prevent the treachery of Humanity's lower human egos from interfering with the glorious, unfolding Divine Plan. Contrary to outer appearances, this is the time when the foundation of the New Earth is being permanently established. As we join hearts and work together to fulfill this facet of the Divine Plan, our victory in the Light is assured.

The following affirmations, visualizations and decrees have been building in power and momentum for several years through the efforts of dedicated Lightworkers. We are now being asked to redouble our efforts and to greatly empower the vision of the New Earth.

As we focus daily on being instruments of God's Will, we will lift the Earth and all her life into frequencies of harmony, peace and abundance.

Visualizations and Affirmations for Invoking God's Will

This very moment, surrender your lower human ego to the perfection of your God Self. Know that you are ONE with the Divine Heart and Mind of every man, woman and child evolving on this Earth. From within the silence of your heart, unite with the God Selves of all Humanity and affirm as one voice, one breath, one consciousness of pure Divine Love:

I Am a Beloved Child of God, and ALL that my Father-Mother God has is mine.

I invoke the All-pervading Light of the Universe, the Supreme Source of all life, the omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Cosmic I Am.

I kneel within my heart in recognition of the Light of the Cosmos, and I draw forth the Flames representing the threefold activity of life, as exemplified by the Holy Trinity:

I invoke the blue Flame, which represents the Divine Will, Power and Authority of my Father God.

I invoke the pink Flame, which represents the Divine Love, Adoration and Reverence for Life of my Mother God.

I invoke the yellow-gold Flame, which represents the Divine Wisdom, Illumination and Enlightenment of the Sons and Daughters of God- the Solar Christ Presence.

Beloved Father-Mother God, come now and assert your rightful authority within me and within ALL Humanity. Show us daily and hourly how to reverently and humbly express the perfectly balanced activity of Love, Wisdom and Power.

O Supreme Light, I acknowledge you in all life.

I give gratitude to the glorious Cosmic and Ascended Beings as I invoke them and the great Angelic Host to amplify the energy, which I am now releasing to assist with the fulfillment of the Divine Plan. May that Light expand and expand as it travels throughout the Universe, ever widening the borders of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth in fulfillment of God's Will.

Beloved Presence of God-the Source of All that Is-I love and adore you. I acknowledge you as the owner and giver of my life, my intelligence, my substance, my all. Seal me in the Love, Wisdom and Power of your victorious accomplishment. Blaze your Light and Love before me, and prepare the way that I may always walk the path of Light.

Guard and protect me; guide and direct me, and give me the Illumination of the Truth that will set me FREE. Help me to BE your Divine Love in action at all times, and sustain your Love through me to bless all life I contact.

In fulfillment of God's Will, I dedicate my life to the manifestation of Divine Government-a government OF the God Selves of Humanity, BY the God Selves of Humanity, FOR the God Selves of Humanity.

I invoke the God Presence of every soul that is in any way associated with the governments of the Earth to direct, sustain and expand the portion of the Divine Plan which is that soul's destiny.

I Invoke the Legions of Light throughout Infinity to direct their full-gathered momentum of Loving and Illumined Obedience toGod's Will into the feelings, minds and worlds of all governmental and business leaders throughout the planet.

Through the Power and Presence of Almighty God, I Am, I decree and affirm that Divine Government shall manifest NOW and that ALL Humanity shall follow the Will of God.

And so it is, Beloved I AM.

A Greater Presence In Action

In the Name of the magnificent Flame of Life, I Am, and my Beloved Father-Mother God whom I have embodied to serve, I do now affirm that in all areas of life and service:

I Am now surrendering my ego and human will to God's Will.

As the embodied Flame, I Am,

I KNOW there is a greater Power than myself in action here.

I KNOW there is a greater Wisdom than myself in action here.

I KNOW there is a greater Love than myself in action here.

I know this greater Power, Wisdom and Love is the victory of the Light in action through me! I accept this as the Truth in all areas of my life and service.

I AM that Greater Presence in action.

I Am that I Am.

Gratitude to our Father-Mother God

Beloved Father-Mother God, from your glorious Heart I came into Being, and into your loving Heart, one day-when my service here on Earth is through-I shall return.

I thank you for the privilege of having life and of having a physical embodiment during this sacred time when the Permanent Golden Age of Spiritual Freedom, Eternal Peace and Abundance is being established on Earth.

I thank you for the gift of the Violet Transmuting Flame. Through that Sacred Fire, all that is not of the Light which I or othershave created, consciously or unconsciously, will be purified and transmuted into Light.

I thank you for sustaining, through the Legions of the Ascension Flame, the Open Door through which this sweet Earth and ALL life evolving upon her shall return Home.

To this end I offer myself as a Holy Grail through which the Light of Creation will flow to fulfill the Immaculate Concept of the Divine Plan.

Assist me, Beloved Father-Mother God, to harmonize my outer self, my physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies. Through the Grace of Transfiguring Divine Love, invest me with the power to magnetize and radiate God's Will with every thought, word, action and feeling I express from this moment forth.

Archangel Michael and His Legions of Protection

In the name, love, wisdom, power and authority of the Beloved Presence of God, I Am, blazing in my heart, and by the Power of Light's Victory now made manifest on Earth, I invoke Archangel Michael and the Legions of Power and Protection to come forth NOW!

Beloved Ones, descend into Washington, DC, and the surrounding suburban areas. With your Sword of Blue Flame, cut free every force that is not of the Light. Encapsulate these energies in your Cosmic Circle of White Lightning. Lift every electron of this negativity into the arms of Divine Grace. Transmute it cause, core, effect, record and memory back into the Light.

Beloved Archangel Michael, I ask that you now direct your Legions of Power and Protection to expand this Divine Service into every state, city, town and homestead in the United States of America. With your Sword of Blue Flame, cut free every force that is not of the Light. Encapsulate these energies in your Cosmic Circle of White Lightning. Lift every electron of this negativity into the arms of Divine Grace. Transmute it cause, core, effect, record and memory back into the Light.

Beloved Ones, expand this Divine Service now into every country, city, province, town and hamlet on Earth. With your Sword of Blue Flame, cut free every force that is not of the Light. Encapsulate these energies in your Cosmic Circle of White Lightning. Lift every electron of this negativity into the arms of Divine Grace. Transmute it cause, core, effect, record and memory back into the Light.

Beloved Legions of Light, in the full authority of God's Will on Earth, I COMMAND that in every location where negativity was removed, the patterns of perfection for God's Will and Divine Government shall be established NOW and FOREVER.

Through the Presence of God, I Am, I ask for a special Cosmic Dispensation:

Beloved Father-Mother God and the Legions of Light throughout Infinity, envelop Washington, DC, the United States of America and every country on Earth in the Flame of God's Will. I ask for the Flame of Divine Wisdom and Illumination, the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love and the Flame of Purity until Divine Government and all of the infinite patterns of perfection associated with Divine Government are firmly established in every country of the world.

I accept and know that this dispensation is manifesting even as I speak, through the power of God, I Am.

God's Will and Protection

I Am the individualized Presence of God and the God Self of every man, woman and child in the United States of America and in the world, and I Am invoking:

The Mighty Elohim, the Archangels, the Ascended and Cosmic Beings associated with God's Will and Divine Government to this Earth to come forth NOW!

Beloved Ones, blaze the most intensified activity of God's Will and Protection that the Earth and Humanity can receive at this time in, through and around every particle of life on Earth.

As a surrogate on behalf of ALL Humanity:

I Am the Open Door for this Holy Light, and I Am within everyone commanding that God's Will now be done through everyone. I Am that I Am.

I Am the Cosmic Blue Lightning of God's Will now DISSOLVING all opposition to the acceptance and manifestation of God's Will as a way of life and service for every elected official, every appointee and every employee in the federal government, the state governments and the local governments in the United States of America and in the world, NOW and FOREVER. I Am that I Am.

I Am the Resurrection and the Life! I Am the acceptance! I Am the Restoration and I Am the manifestation of God's Will as a way of life and service for every elected official, every appointee and every employee in the federal government, the state governments and the local governments in the United States of America and in the world, NOW and FOREVER. I Am that I Am.

God's Will

Beloved Presence of God I AM within me and within all Humanity, Beloved Ascended Masters, Mighty Cosmic Beings, Legions of Light throughout Infinity and the Great Cosmic Momentum of God's Will for ALL Life evolving on this planet, COME INTO ACTION NOW.

Blaze the full-gathered Cosmic Momentum of God's Will and God's Divine Plan for every man, woman and child on this planet through the hearts and minds of every soul.

Manifest NOW (3X) the full power of God's Will into, through and around the four lower vehicles of every person evolving here.

Blaze the power of God's Will directly into all that which opposes the dignity of womanhood, of manhood and of family life. Transmute and dissolve forever the cause, core, effect, record, memory and tendencies of all behavior that is not reflecting God's Will, Oneness and Reverence for Life.

Replace every destructive behavior pattern with goodness, honor, reverence and respect for the Divinity within every Child of God unto the full manifest expression of the Solar Christ Presence within every soul.

Great Ascended Host of Light, I thank you for the fulfillment of this Divine Fiat, which I decree in the sacred name of God-I AM.

Blazing God's Will

Legions of Light, come forth NOW, and blaze, blaze, blaze the Cosmic Flame of God's Will through (*Me) and clear away any destructive activity of (*My) own free will, which might

Help (*Me) to become and remain obedient to the Law of Harmony and to BE God in Action at all times!

I accept this call fulfilled...As God's most Holy Name I AM!

* 1. Me

* 2. All Governments and Governmental Leaders

* 3. All Religions and Religious Leaders

* 4. All Military and Military Leaders

* 5. All Children and Young People

* 6. All Students of the Light

* 7. All Humanity

Purifying Decree

In the name of God I Am, and through the magnetic Power of the Sacred Fire vested in our hearts and the hearts of all Humanity, I invoke:

The Elohim of Purity and all of the Legions of Light associated with Cosmic White Lightning of Purification,

Archangel Michael and all of the Legions of Light associated with the Sword of Blue Flame,

ALL of the Angelic Legions associated with the strength and purity of God's Will,

St. Germain and all of the Legions of Light associated with the Violet Flame of Transmutation, Freedom, Justice, Liberty and Victory.

Beloved Ones, come forth NOW...and blaze your radiant Flames of Light through:

(1) All embassies, chanceries, consulates and all offices of the international representatives in Washington, DC.

(2) The Capitol Building, the Congressional office buildings and the Senate office buildings.

(3) The State Department, the White House and the Executive office building.

(4) The Pentagon, all military bases and every office and business concerned with military affairs in any way.

(5) The United States Government departmental offices, of any kind, throughout the world.

(6) Now, Blessed Ones, expand this activity of Light. Traverse the planet north, south, east and west, and blaze these powerful, purifying Flames in, through and around ALL government and military buildings. Purify and Transmute ALL governmental and military activities associated with each and every country in the world.

I ask the God Selves of every governmental official and employee to PURIFY (3X) the consciousness and the mind of each one. Replace all negative thought patterns with Divine Consciousness and the desire to manifest God's Will-in ever-expanding action-until Divine Government is firmly established here on Earth. Transmute anything that is hindering the expansion of God's Divine Plan for the governments of the United States of America and the world.

Transmute (3X) ALL that is not of the Light cause, core, effect, record and memory before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained. Transmute all negativity into the pure Light of the Cosmic Threefold Flame and the Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity.

I accept this call fulfilled in God's Most Holy Name I AM.

Gratitude to the Angel of Restoration

Mighty Angel of Restoration, in grateful humility I acknowledge your Presence in the Universe and the tremendous service youare rendering to the Planet Earth and her evolutions.

I thank you for sustaining a canopy of Light over Washington, DC, and I now offer you my energy and the good of my Causal Body to help you expand and sustain this canopy of Light over all the countries in the world.

I ask you to SEAL all governments on the planet within a constant outpouring of the Crystal Flame of Restoration until all life is purified, restored and manifesting God's Will for Divine Government on Earth.

I consecrate and dedicate my vehicles to be the Open Door through which the purifying process of the Sacred Fire will flow to restore all into Divine Perfection.

And so it is, Beloved I Am.
