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Warning From The Benevolent ETs

By James Gilliland

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d ancient ones would rather be known as the greater family of man. They have watched over humanity for eons inspiring and intervening on some occasions as long as the intervention was aligned with universal law. Despite their efforts Earth humanity continues to ignore the inspiration, the higher guidance and continues on a path of self destruction. It is as if the masses cheer and support their own demise following leaders that common sense would clearly divulge do not have their best interests at heart. Many of these off world visitors are our ancient ancestors. They have already transcended a past history of great wars some of which were in far off distant Galaxies and some were a part of Earth's ancient history. They have transcended disease and do not have a monetary system due to the greed and separation it causes. They have transcended all material need and want for nothing.

It is hard to believe a society can exist, live abundantly and not have a monetary system mainly because you have to have the consciousness for it. These extremely spiritually and technologically advanced beings do not have the ego driven desire to compete with others or their environment. They have learned to cooperate in the highest and best good for all, living in harmony with each other and the environment. This is their message. The soul purpose of each individual is known at birth. That individual is given all he/she needs to advance to the highest state of awareness and ability in that field. They are also trained in other fields as well to round out their education, and understand how everything fits and functions together. Innate within each individual is the knowledge of oneness and a desire to serve the whole. There is no competition. There is total support for each individual to excel and give back to the whole of which they fully understand they are a part. They are unique. yet one with life. This understanding applied in their society created a quantum leap in evolution.

These benevolent spiritually and technologically advanced visitors have intervened on many occasions to insure we continue to evolve. Their hands are often tied by universal law and cannot come down and fix everything. We gain wisdom through experience, and even what we might call negative experience is only negative, if you do not gain the wisdom from it. The basic action/reaction principle with consciousness creating reality along with the divine right to free will to create and experience that creation must be allowed, yet there is a limit to allowing. There have been magnificent ships that have stood in harms way and blocked solar flares from delivering kill shots that would have sterilized that part of Earth facing the sun. They have disintegrated incoming meteors and diverted comets. They have even intervened on some of the pollution. One event they will not allow is a nuclear exchange. This will affect other levels of life of which most are unaware, as well as innocent life on Earth. There is a limit to allowing the pollution and destruction of the Earth, for she is conscious as well and has her destiny and divine right to evolve. The warning to Earth humanity is not concerning some outside threat. It is Earth humanity itself and the leadership of Earth humanity that is the greatest threat. The present civilization is unsustainable. The environment is collapsing and without a platform for life, life ends The oceans are dying. The forests are dimishing at an alarming rate. The air, water and land are becoming toxic. The nuclear waste is now affecting the entire planet. The physical bodies of the Earth are becoming toxic, and what you do to the beast, the fish and the fowl, you do to yourself. It is becoming harder and harder to preserve life for the toxins are everywhere. This must cease, if you are to continue as a species. Profit, greed and material acquisition do not equate power. It is a very low state of awareness. Consciousness equates power and those, who are awake, realize true power comes from within. Selfishness gives way to selflessness, and true happiness comes from a consciousness free of guilt, filled with love and service to others. Earth humanity must find itself individually and collectively. The benevolent off world leadership is chosen by their service to others and spiritual attainment. It is entirely backwards on Earth. It would save these visitors a lot of frustration and work, if we would wake up and smell the coffee.

There must be a mass awakening from the ground up, and the leadership must be held accountable to the desires of the people. As a collective, we do not want war. We do not want the destruction of the environment. We do not want the air, water and land to be polluted. We do not want synthetic over processed food. Food should be our medicine. We do not want the diseases that follow incorrect actions within our environment. In our heart of hearts we want to live according to the universal principles and understandings necessary for a healthy society and environment. We want universal peace; we want individual freedom and prosperity for all. This is the will of the people, and if the leadership cannot recognize this, it is time for new leadership. The off world visitors cannot force these changes they can only inspire them. It is up to Earth humanity to clean up its own nest. The assistance is there once the choice is made. There are technologies beyond your wildest dreams. Yet these technologies must be used properly, not horded, kept from the masses and used to destroy rather than to maintain and create. We are being given a golden opportunity to take a quantum leap in consciousness, restore the environment and unify with the greater family of man throughout the universe. Are we going to stand up to the offer or continue to be led on the downward spiral of evolution ending in disease, destruction and environmental collapse? As it is now seen, there will be those that choose the upward spiral and support the awakening and healing process and those, who will choose the downward spiral, receiving their just desserts.

The benevolent ETs are doing everything possible to inspire, telepathically communicate and intervene, when in accordance with universal law, to insure we continue to evolve on the upward spiral. When the time is right and we have chosen as a collective, they will make themselves known and assist on a greater level. It is the destiny of man to reunite with the rest of the universe. It is prophesy found in all the cultures for those with the ears to hear, eyes to see and the mind to know. Hopefully, it will occur before too much damage is done, and the reactions to actions in ignorance against humanity and nature come home to roost.

James Gilliland
