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Message From The Emissaries Of The Light, August 8, 2003

Through Jim Langman

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hout your history. Now this time it is occurring en masse (all together). The timing of this is not so important, as is the importance of you all achieving this goal. We formally announce that you have achieved it. There were many throughout your solar system that thought it would be an impossible task.

You, dear ones, have proved all of them wrong. We wish you to know that you have already succeeded in a most difficult environment and reality. We say succeeded, as you have now passed the point of no return. This is in regards to your successful completion of your ascension process, not only for yourselves, but for Mother Earth.

Long ago, it was Mother Earth that called for your help and you gladly answered that call. Many of you came from different worlds within the solar system, and there were many that came from other galaxies within your known universe. You chose not to come simply to assist Mother Earth but also for yourselves and all that you could learn and become in the process. You knew even before you came to your present world what was in store for you, and the obstacles you would be up against. You were also made aware before coming, that you would not have the knowledge of who you are, or your abilities, after entering into your present realm through birth.

Billions of beings volunteered for this mission that you have embarked upon, yet only a select few were permitted to come to Earth. This was done for one reason only, it was because of your greatness and your immense abilities of what you were capable of achieving when you so chose. You, dear ones, have achieved what no others before you have achieved. We are deeply honoured and privileged to be able to work with you in bringing everything divinely planned to completion. Mother Earth is eternally grateful for what you all have done and are still doing. It is through your efforts that Mother Earth is now ready to shift to a new reality and state of being. Her love for you all is immense and knows no bounds. She had confidence in you and knew that this time would come about. For many thousands of years she has had to suffer many destructive forces upon her. We are honoured to be able to assist her with your joint assistance.

We wish to make it very clear, and it is important you fully understand, that all you are doing in regards to assisting Mother Earth and those that live upon her, is no less an important task than what we are doing. You have capabilities far beyond ours in many regards, as we have technologies and capabilities that presently are beyond yours. Bring these two components together and there is nothing we cannot achieve together, as one.

You are so close to entering into another reality filled with freedom and abundance that you have not experienced for a very long time. This is a birthright that was taken away from you. The time is arriving where it is to be returned to the rightful owners. We judge not the ones who have created your present state that has continued since ancient times. We ask that when you finally realise the truth of so many things that are soon to become public knowledge around your world, that you do not hold anger or any thought of revenge. Simply be in joy that you are finally free to move into your new way of living and new reality. We are here to assist you as heaven so decrees. The rest is up to you. You are all on the threshold of a new and wonderful beginning. We leave you with our blessing, and we grant you peace.

.................WE ARE ALL ONE CREATING A NEW REALITY..................

....This message is with compliments of Phoenix Ascended News Group..... ........Hosted by Jim Langman. Email to:

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