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[Part I]---LOTAR: Morning Wake-Up Call, January 22, 2003 [Part II]---LOTAR: Morning Wake-Up Call, January 16, 2003

[Part II]---LOTAR: Morning Wake-Up Call, January 16, 2003

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Through Nancy Tate |

Welcome my friends to this day of plenty and goodness. I am Lotar, and I sit with you today in the rightness of the energy, as there is no compromise in the duties that are set forth in the coming together of the education of the masses in the new excitement of the governing establishment of the world.

Within the halls of learning on the land of the free, you will find classes available for the people who are willing and eager to lend a hand of support for the new regime that will be coming into the temporary support of the United States. This will be a course that will make clear the auspices of the patrol that watches over the running of a nation.

When the new energy of governing is set in place, there will be a renewing of the dream that the forefathers of your nation brought to the people of the new country of states. This was their dream as they sailed from the shores of England and took with them a dedication to find the freedom they were denied.

This is a course that will educate the people as to the cause of freedom and equality for all. This will give them back their constitutional rights and assure them that they have full garnership over the land in which they live.

Also involved in this program of study, will be the right of the world to join in the financial structure that will be brought forth in this nation. The other nations will also be given instruction as to the smooth melding of a system that will serve the needs of the international commerce that can result from these new measures.

Some of you are wary of what has been termed a new world order, and rightfully so. This has been a dream of many of the group who has subverted the freedom of the people for so long. I tell you that this is not going to be the energy in which this new unitedness is carried forward. Your wishes and demands will be met, and your voice will count in the governing of the land.

You may wonder why I, who do not even reside on earth, would be bringing you this news. I am telling you that there has been a board of intergalactic beings who have been working with Ascended Master St. Germain in this matter. Some of us have lived a number of lives on earth, including myself in my oneness with this one whom I speak through. In my capacity as member of this board, I join with my constituents in the formation of a trust to bring together a program of education for the clarity with which this new governing body can be supported by the people. We realize the importance of bringing into unity the people of the nation and of the world in this time of the evolvement of man into the lightbody stature that you are headed for. In our work here on Jupiter to form this education process, we are working in unison with several beings from planet earth, as well as from other planets in the solar system, and the galaxy.

We here on Jupiter enjoy a system of interplanetary education and intelligence, and many new programs of education are formed here in this energy of learning. This is the energy in which we support our position in the Galactic Federation and the Federation of Universal Order.

We see the wonderful happenings that are taking place at this time on earth; and we also realize the energy in which these events take place. You see, there are many measures that are taking place to assure that the law that is before the consideration of the country in which freedom is being reformatted at this time, comes forward in implementation, fully and with total support. It will also be backed up with the finest governing body that can be put into place till the time when you the people of the United States will exercise your sovereign rights as a citizen of a country that is of your creation, and bring into standing a duly elected governing body of well chosen representatives of the people they serve.

This is the dream we see, finally coming into existence, born in love and unitedness, rather than in the fear that drove the people from their homeland to begin with. In this crowded world there is no place to which you can turn to relocate and fulfill your dream. So you stand your ground and declare your sovereignty on the land that you have earned as home.

This is the supremacy that is your inheritance, and now it is coming back into your hands. Do well with it my friends, for it is your country to mold and create into the original dream of your forefathers. This is the opportunity that many of you had when you stood in Independence Hall and signed your names to the documents that represented your dream. Your beautiful energy of love and desire for the unalienable rights of a free people is being brought back to you, so that you may go on in this energy of matter, and find the road to the highest state of being that you can ascend to from the platform of the freedom which that high state represents.

I leave you now with this promise; I will continue to serve your course of freedom in any way I can, till the work is accomplished and it is in the capable and rightful hands of the wonderful earth people who walk so grandly through this journey. I am your brother, and in the unitedness of family, I salute you and send you my love and support, for always. Blessings come your way with every breath you take, claim them my friends and walk in Glory.

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From: "nancy tate"

Hi everyone, Here is the week's message; Kryon brings us a beautiful message full of love. Enjoy!

Selamat ja,


[2] Weekly Message, Jan16, 03 [From Lotar]

Hello, I am Lotar, and I would like to bring to you a message from the planet Jupiter that will give you a moment's notice of the impending attitude of brotherly love and joining of the wonderful energies of family when the coming time of reuniting is accomplished. I say, a moment, for that is how it will be to those of us who await the outcome of the visitation that will be taking place in the near future on your planet. As you have been told by many of the beings who are on the other side of the veil there will be a coming to earth of a number of visitors from the galaxy and the universal tribunal. These beings will represent themselves in the flesh, as they will be received more readily by all of you if they do not all present themselves in the original manifestation of their species. That will come at a later time.

Because there are a number of occurrences of envy within the course of the procedures of disclosure, there has not been a degree of completion within the confines of the deliberateness of the procedures. There are certain pitfalls that have had to be overcome before the disclosure can take place. These are being worked out, and are almost cleared away. There will come the day soon when the full disclosure will be accomplished.

We here on Jupiter are rounding up a council of elders who will be choosing who among them will represent this great planet. Yes, we will be present when the visitation is done. We will bring to you an example of the life that we live here in the energy of the change that is taking place at this time on the planet. Yes, we are undergoing a change as well. During the time of the Galactic wars, we sustained a great deal of disruption of our energies and the face of the planet has had to undergo almost a complete facelift, if you will.

Where before there were beautiful plains and green fertile valleys surrounded by the majesties of tall mountains and hills, there are now the scars of the disastrous damage that was done to the landscape. We are now repairing and bringing back to the original splendor the face of our beloved planet. We will once again be able to provide a harmonious arena in which to flourish on the surface of our planet. The once lush and beautiful valleys and plains will spring forth in vegetation that will rival what once was. The mountains will stand in silent tribute to the array of color that was once only a whisper of the potential that was carried in the rocks, soils and vegetation that decorated and supported them. Yes, we will see the various colors of our planet play forth in all that is in potential once the restoration is complete.

The waters that we are encouraging to come forth and stream over the land in their fissures and dedication of purpose will reflect the very abundant stones of all colors. Therefore they will have a hue that will change as they are gazed upon, and as they play over the stones and through the traces that they carve in the land. This is the pleasure that we look forward to. Our sky, which is unique to our atmosphere will return to the beautiful pale lavender that was prevalent before the wars, and the occasional clouds will reflect all that is on the face of the planet, as well as what the core emanates from within. You see, the core is of a substance that reaches itself into the atmosphere that surrounds the planet, and causes a chemical reaction that reflects back to the surface as an ever-changing pattern of iridescence, much like your taffeta fabric.

As our planet is enjoying a rebirth, we are projecting that you too will experience a rebirth of sorts. Your beautiful Gaia is even now going through a metamorphosis that will leave your planet in a state of beauty that will reflect the beauty that will live within each and everyone of you. You see, you are working with Gaia to create your home, and have it reflect your utmost wishes and desires for the ultimate place in which to carry on your work and lives as supreme members of this wonderful galaxy and universe. You will one day join with your neighboring planets and marvel at all the wonderful restoration that has taken place. It is as what is happening with your bodies, this restoration. Your DNA is being reactivated, and the various areas of your brain are being awoken so that you may carry on in the fullest potential and expression that is your inheritance. I, for one, am looking forward to the reunion that we will have with the various people who now live on earth, those who have visited our planet, and lived in the midst of our civilization. There are a number of you who even now make visits to our planet in your dreamtime through the astral, and confer with us as to the coming times when there will be a co-operation between all members of this galaxy. We are advising many who come here, and they bring this technology home to earth to share with various projects that are in their infancy at this time. These projects will be used in the development of free energy, cleaning up your environment and planet, and the means of communications for interstellar co-operation.

There is a vast array of interaction that will be taking place once the disclosure has happened, and the earth is at a greater degree of harmony with itself. At this time, these technologies are being used in some measure toward the furtherance of the evolvement of the frequency of the planet and her inhabitants. I leave you now with the full knowledge that there will be a time when there will be a reunion between all of us in the galaxy, and beyond. Till then, we bring you blessings and see you in your shining glory.
