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Quado Daily Portion - "Connect and Follow"

Carrie Hart

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lishing connection and through experimentation. Learn to connect and follow.

The most important element is a morning routine that gets you in touch with your higher self, and through your higher self, with all that is. Yes, all that is in the entire world. You can reach that state of connection, for you are all that is. At the highest and the widest, there is no difference between you and all else. It is a paradox but true, that you are, at one and the same time, utterly unique and completely one with all else. This is the truth of your life, and as you learn to understand this, to feel this, and then to use it, your life will blossom wide in joy and excitement.

And the excitement comes from feeling the flow and realizing the endless possibilities contained within each moment. And when you ride that flow and begin to feel the power it contains, begin to realize what it is like to have the forces and energies of the flow running in the same direction as you, you will not want to live any other way.

But will it make rational sense? No, of course not. For your rational mind does not understand serendipity. Your rational mind looks for cause and effect and control. If I do this, then this will happen. This is the way you live your life, but is it true? There are certain ways in which it is true, of course. If you eat less and exercise more, then you are likely to lose weight. If you spend less, you are likely to be able to save more. But then there is that moment when you follow your intuition, when you give way to that irrational urge, and in that moment you meet someone who has the ability to completely change your life, enough so that the amount of money you have saved, month after month, becomes irrelevant; enough so that the weight just falls from you as you are swept up into a new life.

Say yes. Say yes to the invitation. Say yes to the idea. Say yes to that urge you feel. Say yes to the whispering of the angels as they point the way. And if some of the avenues thus pursued do not appear to pay off immediately, that is all right. Firstly, you have had the experience of following an instinct, and it is by following them that you will learn. And secondly, the universe does not work in your rational cause and effect way. In the world of urges and instincts, intuition and serendipity, it may take many apparently disconnected events and responses to finally bear fruit, as you suddenly are swept up into a circumstance that pulls together the many different skills you have learned, experiences you have had and people you have met.

And through all of this, belief is your friend and doubt is the enemy. Doubt does not help you in any way. Belief in yourself and in the help that is there for you will continually lift you to new places of being. Doubt will drag you down to repeating the past or living out the life others had intended for you, but not the one you are intending for yourself.

Have the experience. Live your life. Dare to break away from the safe and rational. If you open up your world, you will see that it is entirely possible to live a life with a solid and steady base that fulfills your basic obligations to yourself and your loved ones, yet contains much new adventure. Just open to it and intend it and it will unfold before you.

Then when the door swings open, take a deep breath, fill yourself with courage and walk through.

Here is a little prayer for today

I am open to the flow of love and life of which I am a part. I am open to newness, glowing golden all around me. I am open to the possibilities that sparkle around me. I embrace this life in all its glory.

I believe in myself and all that I can do. I believe in the help that is there for me, surrounding me with guidance and embracing me with deep caring. I know that I am loved and protected, deeply cared for, in each moment of every day.

I am love. I am power and light. I am.


If you missed any Quado messages from the last week, you will find them on . You will also find there powerful meditations and a Quado Healing Crystal, which will help you feel the connection to Quado and these words.

Please also be sure to download your free gift, a powerful invocation to spirit to use every day: "Here I Am (Ave Maria)".

"I just finished listening to it, and tears of joy came into my eyes" Leonor Campbell

I wish you love and peace.
