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Birthing Your Future Through The Processof Spiritual Elimination

Through The Processof Spiritual Elimination

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Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

The potential for you to move backward through the realms of time that you have already trod upon, comes forth as you liquefy into your unrealized potential. The doorways of time are swinging forward and back. It is a revolving door where each sequence of thoughts that you enter into, will have a forward or backward movement. The patterns of rotation begin and end with each one of your intentions and your daily declarations.

As you swim backward into the emotional tidal waves of the past, you will find that you no longer belong in that blue lagoon. With a blink, a wink, a nod you will instantaneously move forward into a place of comfortable expansion. In other words, if you chose to swim emotionally downstream, you can fly as the wind upstream. As you explore the sensitivities and vulnerabilities of the past, you do not have to swim back using the same stroke.

Your world announces to you all the ins and outs of new creation, immobilizing all out dated past modes of manifestation. No longer do you have to stand in the wheat field, plant the seed and wait until it grows. No longer do you have to take the grain and grind it into flour, knead it, bake the bread and finally get to butter some of your hard work.

You all are in a process of elimination. In this process of elimination you will continue to look backwards, but in that backward questing, in that retrograde action, you will then be propelled forward faster then the speed of light, faster than the speed of sound, and faster than the speed of time.

No longer do you have to dwell in the hallway of the shadows. Instantly you can lift yourself from all that cause distress, and move forward to a pure field of energy. Imagine your vibrational field as a helicopter. A helicopter can land in places that other objects of flight can not. The helicopter takes you emotionally downstream. You paddle and splash about then decide that you no longer wish to swim in that cesspool of the past. So you get in your cosmic helicopter and you move. You move upward and you move away from what you have just immersed yourself within. It is the thought of a cosmic helicopter that will keep moving up, up and away from all of the human games of deception. You do not have to plant or stay in every playing field you land. Do not plant your seed in toxin ground. Let it go -- eliminate.

The sound of 'nurrrr' (or rrrrrrr) is also another pathway to elimination. Ask your soul to give you the vibrations and sounds of elimination. Elimination is the name of the cosmic game that you have entered into. Imagine yourself playing on a monopoly board. When you land on certain squares - you are asked to go back, you are asked to give up something, you are asked to release and sometimes pay a penalty. That is the way that you have played your life up until now. Now in the 'gateway of no time and non time' pulled by time changes and time chains, the energies shift for you. If you are sent back to start, you skip your $200 penalty fine and play your 'get out of whatever' free card.

By moving backward, you have an opportunity to eliminate and clear the fields that you have played upon for too many generational thoughts. By clearing them with each step of thinking, you will no longer need to walk back to the places that were once quicksand. For the wetness comes to earth and all of you will slosh about in puddles, in water-swollen terrain, in washes, in rivers, in creeks, in all things that flood the natural sequence of energy. All of this liquid gives to you the ability to cleanse the past, to cleanse your body, and to go past the boundaries of limitation that you have set for yourself. For all swollen streams, swollen rivers and swollen eyes will push you clear of your pervious emotional quicksand. In the cleansing, the deluge comes on multi-dimensional levels. You will be able to sail into places you could not enter into before the waters ran high. Ports within yourself, your relationships, and your world. You will be able to see beneath the waters what was once hidden for everything is washed clean. In the fall when the waters dry, then you will be able to see the wash lines of hard truth and reality begin and end.

The time for you to swim to the shore of self is now. You ask for fulfillment, you ask to be filled, but what do you ask to be filled with? This liquid-ness that comes forth from all experiences fills you as a glass that sits in the sink dirty. You fill it and that liquid gives you buoyancy to be able to float above the debris in the bottom of the glass. That in truth explains upcoming experiences for all of earth.

Many schools of thought that were found to be true will now change mid stream. Everything has tried to expand past its boundaries and perimeters and borders to become something more. The world has puffed itself up to look large and expansive in the eyes of others. But now, it is time for each individual to look at their life and let go of all things that have washed upon them since the beginning of their physical incarnations.

You are coming to a point of not looking back. You have asked to be in the present. You have asked for the presence of the present, to unwrap the present in the now. Little by little, inch by inch you have let go of what still binds you. Now you come fully into the finality of releasing all that still clings. All things that represent the barnacles of your being must now be scraped off in order to see the new skin of a new day and a new light. This will not be as harsh as it appears to be, for you were ALL birthed from liquid. You spent the first 9 months of your life in the ocean of your mother's womb. Many of the stars that you have lived upon are liquid in nature. Your body is 90% liquid. Your planet is 70% water. The mother-ness of liquid creation is coming back to cleanse the pups that she once whelped? For the cleansing will be in love and not anger. When you look into another's eyes you will see all the pain that they have endured up until this time. Your eyes will birth the saline tears of the ocean for them, as eye to eye, heart to heart you cleanse one another without a word. Allow this cleansing to be, sail this emotional beautiful sea that surges on earth. Let it cleanse the planet, let it cleanse your body, and let it cleanse your emotions.

For remember, you always have use of the corporate cosmic helicopter. You can swim back, but allow the universe to lift you up past the trauma, and move you to an island that is safe and dry within yourself. We are the Pleiadian Council of One or ON as we speak it. Allow this to unfold to you and let it birth a new opportunity, as women that births a baby in a blue lagoon filled with dolphins. Allow nature to be your mid-wife as you birth your future more easily than you ever thought possible. We leave you with this knowing.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

2320 Bagdad Ave.

Orlando, Florida 32833

407-568-6799 Email
