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Frequency and Physicality Part 7 Pre-Ascensionitis

Through Edna G. Frankel

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are all beloved. Each and every one of you, beloved. One day, when we finally meet, you will realize the true meaning of those words! The scope of our Divine love for you is colossal beyond your wildest dreams. For you see, you are all part of Us. There is truly no you and us, only All That Is. Since you are part of All That Is, you are divine beings. Yes, on a marvelous voyage of discovery back to your true selves, back to the source of your eternal I Am essence. Where is it? Why, within you, of course! You carry the sum total of all the lives you have ever lived within the encoded DNA of your bodies.

Those codes are changing, dear ones, being redefined by the planet's increasing energies. All of you are changing, each in his or her own time, no need to pay for it! Instead, pay for holistic healing work, pay for massages, use your abundance to see you through the healing aspects of your transition. No matter how much Spirit does, one single lightworker doing hands on or distant healing with you can augment and facilitate your clearing process in a huge way. There is no better energy than one human working on another! Use the new tools coming in, add to the energetic aspect (hands-on) the vibrational (sound) and color (light) aspects, and you will see marvels of release upon the table. As we have explained before, your physical pain is actually energetic blockages that your body must deal with as a physical intrusion. As the energies rise and you begin to feel the energetic layers of your aura, you will first feel the areas that are out of balance - yes, your energetic blockages. Your bodies are composed of 70% water, which is a marvelous carrier for vibration. That is why we recommend long, hot baths - do the Circle of Grace clearing exercise in the tub, and be surprised at how much "etheric chmutz" (chuckle) cascades down your meridians to melt into the water! Remember to keep your jaw open, to trigger the meridians to release. If you have the opportunity to swim in the ocean, take advantage of it. The cleansing power of the ocean is way beyond your current knowledge, for it functions at the energetic level - the constant movement of the waves, the composition of the salted water, the combination of water energized by the sun, all factor into the ocean as being a great healing tool. Even the air is energetically enriched by the ocean's momentum. So, go play at the beach as much as you can! Yes, as time compresses and your to-do lists get longer and more dog-eared, remember to spend some time on yourselves. Balance all the work with a goodly dose of play, so that you can keep a more joyous perspective and make that your new comfort zone. We have spoken of awareness in this year's material, on being joyful, on listening to the needs of your body, and other aspects of making your transition a graceful, easy slide into merging with the higher frequencies. In this section, we would like to address the totality of symptomology that you are experiencing, and explain it for you as an ongoing process. Your medical community, if they were categorizing these symptoms, would label it as "pre-ascensionitis" (chuckle). And then they would say, rest often, drink plenty of spring water, and find balance in your lives, for there's not much you can do but get through it!

Ah, but there is a lot you can do for yourselves, dear ones, to facilitate the process. Being aware that something "out of this world" is happening is the first and biggest step! Once you begin to assimilate the concepts that metaphysics offers and use them in your daily life, you are actively Be-coming the shift itself! To Be is to allow the changes to come in. To allow Spirit to come into your lives. To take responsibility for what you have created, and change your lives to suit your changing needs. In cleaning up your lives and your bodies, you are indeed cleaning up the planet! To rise up and sing a new, higher vibrational note of human essence, is to help anchor the shifting tides of planetary awareness into a better, higher expression. That is why we state, over and over, that each and every person is invaluable in this process. It is the accumulation of human awareness that will influence how and when the tides turn, dear ones. Each of you is a brilliant point of light on the planetary grids. And from where we sit, what a beautiful weave it is becoming! As the planetary energies rise, your bodies must adjust to that rise, for it is all around you, within and without. Your electromagnetic signature is defined by that of the earth. What happens when you tighten a violin or guitar string? The pitch goes up, the string becomes more taut, and it's harder to pluck. It's got less give, and your fingers must adjust to a new way of playing, a different way of using the muscles in your hand, and a new sound for your ears to interpret. You may never have considered before that tuning an instrument requires you to retune your bodies to it, but for those of you with perfect pitch, you will easily understand that your instrument being 'out of tune" is painful to you! In a broader sense, you are the instrument, and the earth is retuning you to a higher pitch. While within this vibrational transition process, you are still out of tune with the new energies, and from thence comes the pain of all the imbalances in your lives. The tighter the tuning, the more painful your dissonances become! By this we mean imbalances at all levels, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Ah, but if you attempt to retune that string with too little attention and too much force, what happens? It usually breaks, doesn't it? The best way to tune an instrument is slowly and gently, to reach that perfect balance without overreaching, missing the mark, breaking that string and needing a new one. Each string has two major components - the physical wire, and the tension of it, or its energetic expression. Yes, do you see where we are going? You adjust the physical aspect to bring the energetic aspect into a better balance! A better balance with itself, and with all the surrounding strings, as well. The totality of the tuning brings forth sweet, clear, well-pitched music from that instrument for you to play better and sound better. So, your body is your string instrument, and how you tune it defines the energy you produce, the healthy tone that you seek, the energy and abundance that you create. Clearing the physical body of imbalances is essential to your energetic conversion! Circles upon circles, dear ones, that is how we teach. The Circle of Grace process is your path to self-mastery. It is the body's innate cleansing tool, and the clearing of your meridians (i.e. your nervous system) is available to all who have bodies (chuckle)! And we are available to you, too, through the vibrational link of your voice saying the Healing Prayer out loud, which gives us permission to work with you in your physical dimension. Call in Mother/Father God to join you, call in your favorite religious figures or spiritual aspects, call in the Brotherhood of Light, and call in your own Higher Self, to guide and lead. Then tell us aloud what you wish to work on, to release, to heal. This is daily work, children, and we are always available to you from where we exist in the Now. But you must ask, and list, out loud - for we are bound to honor your free will zone, and cannot interact with you at the physical level without your spoken invitation.

Dear ones, all life is composed of different types of vibration. All the Universal Laws are based on the interactions of energies, and the currents of your lives are affected by how you handle those laws. All progress that is gracefully made is done in small steps, sure steps, confident steps. We offer here to support you in those steps up the metaphysical path to Wholeness, to Oneness, back to your true identity in the bosom of All That Is. Do you follow? We hope you will.

So, what is happening now, in your current Now as you read this material? For those of you passing through the linear time frame of September 2003, for which this material is directed, you are no doubt experiencing many interesting physical anomalies. Yes, back to pre-ascensionitis! We have listed before that as your bodies change, so will your sleeping and eating patterns, your health and energy levels. Be very aware of how you treat your bodies right now. Be aware of the toxins that abound in your environment, the over-processed foods, the unhealthy water. All of these things will impact your systems more and more. Chemicals such as caffeine, preservatives, substitute sweeteners - these are all things within your control to eliminate! Do you find your heart sometimes beating erratically, losing pace, fibrillating, and taking a while to resettle? Yes, that is the body making incremental adjustments at the energetic level, tuning you to the earth's changes. The beat of your heart is the "musical conductor" for your cellular pulses. Once in a while, the heart must recalibrate and find a truer pace. This will happen most often at night, when you are resting, and is no cause for alarm. Do you feel as if the whole world is doomed? Feeling hopeless and helpless, without enough energy to do anything about it? Yes, the frequency is building for the year to clear at the emotional level, and you have been processing a large band of depression held in the global consciousness. Take heart, dear ones, this is a phase you are going through, and it will lift by year's end. Through the shift process, each rise and swell of energy will be felt more clearly as you fall out of tune and are required to catch up. In early November, the new frequency and grid signatures will swell, then rebalance by Winter Solstice at the next notch up. Now that the earth is reaching a higher pitch, you are becoming more sensitive to every retuning! And now that the grids are locking into new configurations, there are no "lows" to give you a surcease from the "highs". That's why, as the Shift reaches its final ten years, the exponential changes are curving into a sharper rise that is being felt more keenly.

And that's why, dear ones, it is essential to begin or continue your clearing now, at all levels, with dogged persistence! We say gently, do not give up. Take heart, for every little bit that you clear makes room for new energy that is light and bright to take its place. Even getting rid of old clothing allows you to see what you really use, and to see clearly what you need to buy - that's the smart way to shop, isn't it? (Chuckle - we endeavor to offer examples that many different people can relate to.) So be a smart shopper, clean out your closets before spending money, and be aware of all the choices you make. Another symptom we would like to bring forth is about clothing. You will find a better comfort zone in loose clothing made of natural fibers. You will gravitate towards solid colors rather than busy patterns, often lighter colors rather than dark ones. Your clothing needs will change as you grow into awareness of your aura, because your clothing is actually inside your energetic field. Your aura needs the freedom to breathe, too! Yes, your free will zone creates your greatest opportunities for change. Change is evolution, and All That Is is constantly evolving. That is why the one thing you can always count on is that things will change. You can either flow gracefully with those changes, and bend them to your will, or stand steadfast in your imbalances and feel the increasing stress of going against the tide. Constant stress and strain on something eventually lead to breakage in your physical world, right? That is why we say, listen to your body's needs and adjust your lives to accommodate those needs, or you will fall more and more behind the rising scale of the earth's vibrational tune-up. Persistence and patience are paramount right now, truly important to consciously practice in order to flow gracefully through the current changes. Patience with all that goes on around you, yes, but also patience with yourselves, for what is going on within you as well. It is a necessary ingredient for self-love, you see, we are merely asking you to take care of yourselves through the shifting times, as a loving parent would advise a growing child. Nurture yourselves, take the time to do the Circle of Grace with us, allow yourselves the time to heal. Through this active meditation, you can empower yourselves by creating a new inner core as a solid foundation for the eternal beings that you truly are. See yourselves as energetic beings with physical cores, and you will gain new understanding about what it takes to heal. Persistence, too, yes, because you are finally in the process of consciously clearing at all levels. What does that mean, exactly? You are clearing patterns of imbalance down to the cellular level, from this lifetime and lifetimes before. That is what is required to change your energetic blueprint. Where is your energetic blueprint, which guides and leads the totality of your physical bodies? Yes, in your DNA! That is why it may seem as if you have an endless stream of pain and stress to release in each Circle of Grace session. Patience, dear ones, and persistence - it took many cycles to create all of these imbalances, so it makes sense that it takes repeated effort and dedication to clear it all. There is also a layer of ongoing, daily accumulation of stress that needs clearing, until you learn to flow through life without creating negativity.

In each section of Frequency & Physicality, we endeavor to give you an overview of what is going on, plus specific steps you can choose to take to facilitate your progress. Doctors advise that exercising less than three times a week does not prove fruitful changes; we advise you to do the Circle of Grace at least every other day, if that is possible. Also, please make the time to sit in the sun and fresh air often, for assimilating Nature's energies helps to smooth and quicken the transition process. Twenty minutes to a half-hour of sunlight can boost the function of all of your bodily systems! Your sun is called Helios, dear ones, and is a huge, magnificent entity that is helping to orchestrate the energetic ascension of your planet. Sit in the sun, call in Helios, and feel the pulses that will begin in your forehead and ripple down your body. And remember to give thanks. In our last meeting, we explained why your short-term memories are being affected by your entry into Now time. This is another symptom of pre-ascensionitis, and nothing to worry about. Just keep lists of things you need to get done, and try to remember where you put those lists! Another aspect of Now time contributing to your current confusion is moving away from linear thinking - feeling as if your thoughts are scattered, often losing your train of thought, sometimes even as you speak. Why? It is becoming more difficult, children, to think only in a logical way! By the same token, it is also more difficult to maintain a multi-task focus on many things at one time. Therefore, you feel as if you are less mentally capable than you used to be. Not to worry, your thought patterns are being restructured as you learn to think, more and more, "out of the box." We guarantee that the shift will not cause you to lose IQ points, but instead will expand your thinking at all levels. You will eventually have access to more knowledge that you ever dreamed possible, along with new ways of seeing and understanding the world around you. Until then, make smaller lists! Take pride in what does get done; the rest will be there tomorrow. Focus on one thing at a time, and do it well. Do not rush, for even your reflexes are in transition and haste will lead to silly accidents. Be patient with yourself, and with others. Honor their need to talk, for there is great honor in listening. Witness when they act out, see the patterns, understand the behavior but do not get emotionally embroiled in the situation. If you do, you become part of the lessons. Be in this world but not of it.

Dear ones, if you met an enlightened human in body today, what would you see? A beaming smile and twinkling eyes. What would you feel? A warm, soothing presence. Their age and countenance might be unremarkable, but the force of their essence would be huge. Why? You would be standing before a person who is fully present, Spirit in body, representing All Love. They simply radiate love, from the inside out. Nothing can penetrate or denigrate that flow, so they remain within that space of inner peace at all times. How? By being fully in control of all aspects of their Be-ing, and by being balanced within those aspects. Now imagine this all again, only you are standing before a mirror. You are face to face with an enlightened human. What do you see? (Chuckle). Look to the goal, dear ones, and take heart. Do not focus on the obstacles, for the more you feed them with doubt and worry, the more they grow and block your path. That is, in a nutshell, the basis of the Universal Law of Attraction.What is it that you wish to attract, to bring into your lives? Health, wealth and happiness? Well, are you focusing on those things, in order to magnetize them to you? If you say, yes, I imagine myself as healed back to original perfection, expressing my soul essence through a work that I love to do, and am quite happy, then we say, congratulations! You are creating a balanced life. Are you focusing on your problems, your aches and pains, all the things that have gone wrong and are going wrong, all the things you haven't done or don't have? Well, then, that is what you are attracting to you. The universe says, oh, s/he's focusing on that, that must be what s/he's creating, so let 's make sure s/he gets it. Taking responsibility for all that you have created or allowed to be created around you is an essential part of your healing process. Yes, we have explained in prior text how important it is to be in control of your emotions, and not let your emotions control you. Here we say, you must be in charge of your thoughts, as well, for your thoughts trigger your emotions. You must be in control of all the layers of your being, the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, to reach a higher state of Be-ing. In order to do so, all of your aspects must be cleared and balanced so that they can function in harmony together. Such a round robin life is, circles within circles, lessons within lessons, little steps that lead to major strides and to true progress up the path to Home. We are honored to be your guides on this fabulous journey of discovery, and we line the way with cheers and hugs and much love from the higher realms. There we await you, and have a splendid celebration prepared!

- We are, in All Love, the Brotherhood of Light

Copyright 2003 by Edna G. Frankel

In the Name of ONE , Sandy
