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A Message From The Intergalactic Council, May 29, 2003

Channeled Through ValerieDonner

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esire to make her ascension. She is being called back into the heart of Prime Creator. Of course, it is her desire to take you with her. She hopes you will come. She loves all of you regardless of what you have done in this lifetime or others.

She is being bombarded now with the photon energies that are causing quite a bit of havoc. You are experiencing these energies. This is your call to awaken and to clear and cleanse your own life. She is about to embark on her own pathway of cleansing. You have already noticed this in the form of earth changes and unusual weather patterns.

It will become more challenging to continue your lives as normal. You will be questioning everything in your lives. You will be asking deeper questions about your purpose and looking for something familiar to hang onto. You will feel as if you are stepping off on uneven footing and you will be doing exactly that.

The photon energies strengthen the existing Light particles, which may feel destabilizing to you. They affect the consciousness of every cell, which pushes the cells to release the darkness within. This is why many emotional core issues are coming to the surface. They may seem monumental, like trying to push a boulder up a mountain, as you personally move through whatever has held back your consciousness. You may feel as if you are pushing harder and getting nowhere, yet you know you cannot stop pushing. This is how important it is to the soul to clear whatever needs to be left behind. In the fourth dimension you will not need these issues. You cannot take them with you.

There is also a collective consciousness of fear surrounding the Earth. Each of you has contributed to this holding pattern of fear. Negative thought forms cloud the Earth’s beauty as well as your own. Face your fears and assist the shift in the patterns of fear. There are some who want to keep you controlled through fear. Most of you are aware of this factor. They are also on uneven footing. Their plans to hold back the planet from ascension will not work. We in the Light Realms are working with you to assure you this will be to no avail.

The directive from Prime Creator is that it is Earth’s time to make her ascension. What happens henceforth is in God’s hands. If you take your awareness to the energies of the Earth you will feel the diminishing force of those who have controlled the planet. We know that it seems like the opposite but if you search your hearts you know what we are saying is truth. Continue to see the darker energies merging back into the Light for this is what is happening with the photon energies.

The consciousness of humanity is prepared for the photon energies. When the apex of the photon belt arrives it will affect everyone. It will feel as if there is an explosion inside of you as well as in the Earth. A period of darkness will ensue. It is important to meditate regularly now and when this event occurs. Many will want to go into fear but it is your jobs as Lightworkers to work with the Light and to remain in love and peace. See this as a welcome gift from Prime Creator and one that is necessary for the upliftment of the Earth.

We cannot tell you exactly what will happen or when this will transpire. It could be sooner than you think. When it happens you will be given the opportunity to reflect upon your lives both past and present. You will be guided each step of the way and will be in communication with Prime Creator. You will be flooded with Spirit so you will be occupied with the energies of love and Light that will fill you completely. Anything that is of lower vibrations will be released.

When you come through this process you will be in the fourth dimension. You will begin to see and know things you have forgotten. You will be able to instantly manifest what you want and will need to learn how to use this ability wisely. The Earth will become increasingly beautiful and so will your human bodies.

We see the Earth steady on her course. We encourage you to conduct your lives with scrutiny. Do not waste your time. Pledge your life to the Light and to serve the Light. New ways of accomplishing service will open to you. Many of you will be teachers in addition to healers, etc. There will be a demand for your services.

Please understand that the ascension of the Earth has been planned for eons of time. It has been adapted and adjusted to humanity’s growing preparedness and consciousness. You are the volunteers from many different universes and star systems. You are the expert Lightworkers who will assist in implementing the divine plan for the Earth.

This is a magnificent opportunity for each of you to advance on your spiritual pathways. The learning you have received on the Earth will be used for eons to come. We hope you will value your incarnations on Earth and know how loved you are by all of us in the Light Realms. We will be with you soon.

We are The Intergalactic Council in loving service.

Heart of the Mountain Workshop Reminder

We still have some space available for our Heart of the Mountain Retreat here on Mt. Shasta the weekend of July 18-20. I was on the mountain yesterday at Shasta Spirit Retreat Center where the retreat will be held. You would love this sacred three acres that has 15 different private campsites, as well as the sanctuary and deck to sleep on under the stars and on the mountain. We are primed for lots of fun, spiritual gifts, meditation, channeling, crystals, information and magic to occur at this retreat. I hope if you feel guided you will be with us.

We are also going to Stewart Mineral Springs for healing in the mineral waters, and to Panther Meadows on the mountain for some in depth experiences with the fairies and nature spirits. Feel the energy and follow your heart to The Heart of the Mountain Retreat.

In Conclusion

We are here to remember who we are and what we came to do. If we allow ourselves to be the treasures of life, to love our bodies, who we are, and why we came here we will give ourselves the reassurance and peace necessary to move through the forthcoming changes.

As the Light from the photon energies shines more brightly the shadow enlarges. It makes itself known so that it too can merge with the Light. This is what we are experiencing in our lives right now. Let no challenge seem larger than the power within. Keep your eye on the prize. Treasure yourself and every breath. Make every moment matter. Compassion for Self and others is necessary to leave the past behind.

When the ego emerges and tries to have everything its own way surrender. This can be one of the biggest challenges. Letting go of the desires of the ego will bring you peace.

Blessings, love and Light,

Valerie Donner
