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Ascended Master Kuthumi: Discovering Your Personal Truth And True Identity

Channeled Through Michelle Eloff

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sensing and of patience. Greetings, beloved ones. It is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with you upon this day, as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.

Beloved light-walkers, as we gather with you in the presence of the Christ Consciousness, we come to share with you the lesson of discovering, of integrating and becoming your true identity, and in so doing, embracing your personal truth.

It is important to bear in mind that each person has an individual truth. That individual truth will resonate with other people's truths, and this often resonates with the greater community which spreads across the world, resulting in diverse groups following various media of spirituality, of religion, lifestyle, social interaction and so on.

You have heard the saying that "one man's medicine is another man's poison". This statement is a very powerful one and one that should be ingrained to a certain extent within one's mind, and in so doing, lifting judgment from a person's heart, from their mind or their ego - whichever is motivating the need to judge.

One of the greatest lessons facing humanity, apart from others during this current wave of change, is to unconditionally acknowledge and accept that every person has the right to pursue the divine within themselves and to pursue the divine outside of themselves in whichever way serves them best.

The divine pursued within and outside of themselves is God because that divinity is the truth that resonates within them, which will resonate out into the universe and merge with the divine aspect of truth which is a part of the God/Goddess mind or Creative Source.

As humanity adopts this understanding, more and more people will be free to awaken to their personal truth, because it will be easier to find the truth and all levels of resonance that support it. Currently, many people hide behind a mask, a façade, out of fear: fear of revealing their true self for fear of being judged, rejected, criticised. Many people live a lie because they are so unconscious that they do not even realise that there is more to themselves and their lives than what they know. So the more humanity expands beyond the current limiting and limited consciousness the easier it will be for people to awaken, to grow and to follow their truth. Let us add at this point that the consciousness of the earth has expanded dramatically already and that in itself is cause for great celebration and brings the light of hope to the core of the planet but it is important that people continue to move and grow with the flow of the cosmic cycles and the divine plan of their individual

path and that of the collective community.

People are searching for their personal truth vehemently, some of them not even knowing what it is that they search for, yet are driven by a sense of emptiness within, searching for the substance that will fill the hole, that will bring life once more to the numbness felt within. These people's souls are already attracting catalysts into their lives to initiate the awakening, the remembering and the feeling process.

You who are present here today and those who will read these words and resonate with the message are also ready to embark upon a new journey, to find the next level of your truth, bearing in mind that a personal truth is just that, personal. One needs to make the conscious effort to pursue the spiritual journey with the focus of further discovering more of one's individual personal truth, and in so doing, also focusing energy on attracting to oneself the group resonance of similar personal truth.

In doing this, you create a structure of support in which and through which you and other members can learn more, develop and grow. You have a means of support therefore in the process of growth, of development and of expansion. You have like-minded and like-hearted souls who can feed back, who can guide, offer a shoulder or an opinion or a truth through the process. This journey was never meant to be done alone; you are all connected on one level or another. Your hearts all beat in unison with the beat of mother earth's heart, with the pounding of the resonant frequencies of love emanated by the creator of all that is. You have all been created in the image of the mighty God/Goddess that in itself makes you one. The image is not just the form of the human body; the image of the God/Goddess is the accumulation of all that is light, all that is love, all that is truth which is all embodied within wisdom, and all that is embodied within wisdom is love, light and truth; and within

the soul of everything lies the same four pillars. Even those who live a cycle of darkness still have those four pillars somewhere within them.

In attracting the members of your soul group to you, you are supported in manifesting your true identity. The network created is one of such strength, of such power, of such light and love that the inner child is able to tap into the original print of her/his identity and re-manifest it. The inner child feels the strength, the inspiration and motivation, the willingness and inner drive to consciously release himself/herself from all programmes adopted in their earlier years from their environment.

Therefore your current healing cycle is about embracing your personal truth, about making way for your true identity to manifest itself. Therefore you may find over the days and the weeks before you that your personal truth may very well be challenged. If in the past it was a spontaneous defence to hide your personal truth you will see now that in a way, a divine way, your soul will in a sense force that personal truth out into the open. Now this can be done very cleverly, so be aware of this. Perhaps you will only become aware of it once the deed has been done. This is sometimes manifested through being placed in situations where one's true colours are exposed.

Your core shines through most of what you do when done spontaneously. Things are done on an impulse because an impulse has struck a cord within you to respond, your true nature takes over, and that behaviour shines through. It is when one is threatened and the threat presents a danger that the fear programme usually takes over, as would the lower ego, as does the survival instinct, and that is how one acts - not necessarily from a point of true identity; it is more from a point of survival, and whatever skills of survival you have learnt, you will use. So as an example, if a child observed a parent lying when placed under pressure or when confronted, the child will learn that in confrontation you don't tell the truth; you say whatever you can to defend yourself so that you can run away from the situation. The child may witness a parent behaving aggressively when faced with specific experiences and will learn that that is the way to handle such an experience. So they move away

from true identity and adopt what has been shown to them practically in their material environment, and anyone who knows children knows that a child can be programmed very quickly; it does not take years it can happen in a heart beat.

So you, beloved ones, will go back to those times in your early years where you observed behaviour in your environment that indicated to you that you need to behave in a way other than your true identity. Now a child outside of the family environment may be at school. This child believes a truth in his/her heart which is different to the teacher's. The child expresses his/her truth because the teacher does not resonate with it. The teacher then insists the child is wrong, or the truth might be so different to his/her peers that they laugh at him/her, ridicule and tease, and the child shuts down and pushes that truth into a closet and slams the door shut and forgets that that truth ever existed because that truth resulted in pain, humiliation etc. so he/she will not go there again. The child begins to adopt everybody else's truth because the child perceives that truth as being acceptable, and I am sure many people can relate to this.

The other way that children are programmed is through religion. So now the child is not at home and not at school but perhaps attending a gathering of souls on the holy day, and in that meeting the children are told they were born sinners and a sinner is a dirty, bad person who deserves to be punished and to be burnt to a cinder in the fires of hell. Children have very active imaginations; now can you imagine the picture this paints? This gives rise to fear in the child, and immediately the child says: "I will not burn in hell; I will not be punished". Then teacher or minister or priest or whomever it is will proceed to give a whole long list of so-called sins, and the child makes a mental note of all those sins. Other children are also sitting in the group, and besides having made a mental note of all the sins, they start feeling a sense of inner sadness because they thought and believed that they were a pure, perfect and magnificent creation of God. The child looks at this

person who says they follow the teachings of God, and thinks to himself/herself "I was born bad" and confusion sets in, and so instead of the child becoming stronger in self-love and self-confidence, he begins to doubt his purity, his sacredness and his innocence, that of course is either confirmed or aggravated by perhaps a handful of those children being exposed to some kind sexual violation or emotional or verbal or even physical abuse, and especially if the invasion or abuse comes from ones whom they love like a parent or close relative, and even more confusion sets in. Fear takes over and the truth is lost, sometimes forever, and that child therefore lives purely on survival instinct.

So let us go back now to the children perhaps who have not been violated in such a manner but have now had their consciousness challenged and tainted by the belief system of an individual which resonates with the belief system of thousands of other people. And because it resonates with so many others, that child whose personal truth is different doesn't know how to deal with that and automatically thinks he/she is wrong. There are always exceptions to the rule and there will be children who will stand firmly in their truth and challenge others' belief systems. This often happens when the child is consciously parented to do this. So the more conscious and open their parents are, the better their chances are of remaining united in their truth.

One of the greatest belief systems within humanity that has caused a breakdown in personal truth and true identity has also been taught through religion, and that is sexual identity. Sexuality has always been perceived to be bad, to be dirty, to be avoided. It is a natural sense within the human to respond to certain hormones that give rise to sensations, and this is where more dysfunction sets in because the child or young adult has to fight against the natural biology of their form because an outer source has proclaimed it to be bad. Separation is then ingrained even further and the chasm between the feeling self, the intellectual self and the non-self becomes greater. The more confusion that sets in, the more anger it gives rise to, the more frustration and the more "death" takes place, in the form of the death of true identity.

The individual's personal truth is eventually denied to such an extent that it is forgotten. As the person goes through their life, they reach a point, as many of you have, where that personal truth has to find a way to re-emerge. The soul will prompt the person and thankfully many people then embark upon the personal journey of rediscovering and of uncovering their personal truth and true identity.

So, more than just discovering your own truth, you are having to lead by example to show others that a truth exists deep within them, so you become a catalyst and then some of you become parents and grandparents and again your role increases because now you are leading the future of your planet into a new paradigm, into a new light, and your children and your grandchildren will help to lead the others whose parents perhaps are still sleep, into their light.

So, no longer is it just you leading but through your example you will continue to lead generations even after you have dropped your organic vehicle, and eventually there will be more who follow their truth than those who do not, and we are actively and very quickly reaching that point thanks to all of you, your courage, your perseverance, the power of your will to manifest your divinity. This is why you deserve to experience the next level of your power and divinity.

Every personal truth that you discover empowers you; every new character of your true identity that you identify empowers you. It strengthens your will, it reveals more of your divinity as well as your divine plan, and as that expands, so you see more of what you are capable of; you recognise more of the service that you have agreed to serve in and more blessings come. Those blessings manifest as wisdom, as knowledge, as inner strength, as courage and abundance in many forms. The pay-off is not always material: many times the exchange for your energy is more light, more support, more guidance, and as humanity is able to shift its expectation of blessings out of the material plane, more of the gifts will be acknowledged. They will gain so much more.
