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Message From Lord Ashtar and Mother Sekhmet

Channeled by Susan Leland

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d. There are layers and layers. And you know but very little, because your news sources are not really giving you much of a picture are they? In fact you’re hearing that more and more they’re being shut down.

Well let me tell you there’s a bright Light burning at the center of everything, and it is about to literally explode. Now there will be some who will be unhappy. There will be many who will be in fear. So again what is your job? Well it is to be the Light, the holders of the Light. It is yours to say, all is well. Be not in fear, be in joy, because the changes are going to be absolutely astounding. And as we have said before, it will be like the dominoes falling, first one thing then another. Oh yes, there will be many events happening.

You’ve noticed that some of those in the leaky boats have climbed on board the big luxury liner. Hmmm! They have said, or another, as others have, said the rats are leaving the sinking ship. Thump! Ha! Well we don’t care how you say it, it’s happening is it not? And this is very important. This inner group is the group that gives the most feedback to Bush. You know who Bush is? Uh humm! And so when this inner group starts to leave, what do you suppose is going through, what he has left of his mind? Yeah, he’s in great fear now! He’s in great fear.

Now we have visited him. You all know Mother Sekhmet. Uh hmmm! She has visited him, and laid out his options. He’s starting to lose confidence that his way is going to win. He’s starting to doubt those who are giving him his orders. You know they’re layers there too. We’re going to be talking about layers a lot tonight. Ha Hum! That’s kind of a fun way to see things, is it not? And we want you to always to remember that no matter where someone is in the layers, they’re layers around him them, there are layers within, and those layers come out, and they impact upon the whole world indeed, and beyond.

So for all of those who are taking place, for those who think, this is a time to bury their heads and do their meditations, and not focus upon the world at large, it’s time to do just the opposite, it’s time to wake up. But the waking up is on several levels again, because when you wake up and when you start understanding that you’re all players on the stage, even I, and participating in the dramas, and all of the beings from the Lighted realms as we interact, you start to understand that all is in Divine Order, and so when you bring your head up out of the sand, as it were, smile and beam, and know that all is well, and because it is that confidence, that knowing, that is going to truly bring others into the Light.

If you say, I’m not going to have anything to do with you because you’re putting out some negative vibes , well it’s going to take that much longer to accomplish what we’re all here to do. Those who are in negativity are here to come to the Light just as much as all of you, so don’t be looking down at them, and saying well you just don’t get it, so I’m not going to bother with you. Now you do what you want, but that’s about as much of a lecture as you’re going to get on how you should be. What we’re going to do now is make some positive suggestions, because that’s much more fun, is it not?

So we just simply suggest as you look around at the world, and do take a good look. Be not afraid to know what is going on. The role of the Light Worker is to put the Light on everything, is it not? And so if you keep your Light to yourself, and to those around you, who are wanting to live in the Light, what happens? Well there’s a big world out there and it tends to stay a little bit darker if you don’t beam those Lights out. Beam them out. People come to you for various reasons, and generally speaking people come to you who are wanting to be in the Light, if you are transmitting or broadcasting on that frequency.

So make it a point, here’s a good one, keep your gloom to yourself and transmute it to Light, then go out and beam the world, how’s that? It’s really a much nicer, happier, friendlier, world when you’re feeling Joy. It starts with you. It starts with each and every one of you to be your own keeper of Joy. And so when you open to receive all of these loving energies that are here for you, you bring yourself into Joy, and then what you want to do is go out and be contagious with it. Spread it.

Do you know how much healing you can do simply by smiling. It’s wonderful indeed. It’s absolutely wondrous, and when we see you smiling we join in. We’re here. We’re close. You know that. There isn’t anyone in this room who doesn’t know how thin the veil is. And it’s because you co-created that with us. We’ve been standing ready. You know there have been other times in history of your beloved planet, where we had hoped that the accomplishment would be accomplished, but the reason it wasn’t, the reason it didn’t all switch back into the radiance, the reason that every one didn’t come home eons ago, was because you marvelous beings said we’ve got more to co-create here. We’ve got more to experience. Thump! We have more to do. That is our mission. And yes it has been since time began.

You are messengers. You are what you call the contact people. You have been sent here. You have volunteered to be here. You have been asked to be here, by Creator. Mother Father sent you here in order that you would experience all aspects of being human, and as you know when you came into the body, the density created a separation. Now it was imaginary, but never the less very real on your side of the so called veil. And now, now the veil is pretty thin, and indeed we come together in these gatherings, and there really is no veil at all. Isn’t that awesome. Ah hew! Yes we do enjoy this so much.

We come in many places. We come especially you know with the children now. The children of today are so welcoming. You see they are free of a lot of the restrictions that you have. These clearings that are being done, do not need to be done to these special children, because they don’t have that program in them. And that is exactly in Divine Order, and all according to plan. The children communicate with us, and with each other very freely. You’ve heard us speak of the telepathic communication, and we honor you for working on it as diligently as you have. And if you haven’t quite gotten it yet. If you’re not quite hearing that guidance as clearly as your neighbor, keep working, because you’re getting it. And because you’re just so close, so close, and simply by being in a gathering such as this, it heightens for you, this connection. You’re really connecting with that which you call your higher self, you know, and simply receiving the messages that come to you from the One, from the Universe, from the One we all are.

And it comes in through that which you call your crown, and comes into your being.

And if you’re not hearing the message clearly, don’t worry the Love energies are there any way. Don’t ever worry about anything. There’s nothing to be worried about, or anxious. We simply want you to know that the path that you’re on is what you call the High Road. It’s the Light Road. It’s where you want to be. So share, give of yourselves. Be not in hiding. This is especially a time when we ask that you not retreat into a cave somewhere.

Now there are those who are a little bit concerned about what might be happening in the world. Oh there are so many possibilities. There are those who make a big production of telling you your volcanoes Thump! are all going to blow, your Earth is going to break apart, you’re going to drop into the ocean, Thump! and so on. No! Thump! Thump! Thump! Ha Heh! Not going to happen. Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha! Thump! We’re into Plan D, and that’s Divine. Thump! Thump! Thump! One of these plans A.B, and C, have been bypassed, don’t worry about them. They’re not going to happen.

Now we are perfectly candid, and we are not going to sugar coat everything. There has to be change, and sometimes change can only come about through disruption. Now we have talked at great length about Mother Gaia, and how she feels about all these disruptions that humans have done to her in her fields. We have discussed the matter of drilling holes. How would you like to have holes drilled in you and all of your blood sucked out. Well that’s exactly what humans have done to Mother Gaia.

Now, we’re speaking in these terms to get the picture, not to condemn, blame or create guilt in anyone here. This has been a collective experience, brought about by the co-creation of the particular experiences, all needed, so that, so that you could come back to the Light, and be participants in the healing of Mother Gaia. And don’t worry, you don’t have to give blood. We’re not, we’re not going to be doing that kind of healing. This is on the energetic levels. So the first thing that anybody can do is send Love to Mother Gaia. That starts the healing even while the blood sucking is still going on. And Mother Gaia is responding to the Love that has been sent.

You will notice, did you not, that there was a little poof from your volcano, and not a big blow. Well, that is Mother Gaia’s way of backing off a bit, and saying it doesn’t have to be that severe. There will be some blowings. You’ve noticed that in Japan in particular, there have been some earth quakes. That is another way of letting off steam. It’s just an adjustment in the energies, and it does help to alleviate a lot of the pressures, that Mother Gaia has been feeling. These pressures have been building up for eons.

I’ll just mention that you have contributed in more than one lifetime to these pressures being built up. But the most of it has been occurring as a result of what you call industrialization. And there are some countries who have done more industrializing than others. Thump! No we have the Rain Forests being destroyed, so we’re going into the even the more natural areas, the ones that have been left alone up until now. And destruction is taking place at a very fast pace. Thump! But it’s all going to stop. Thump! Thump! It’s all going to stop.

There is an evening happening. There is a flow that is happening and it is a peaceful one. So while there may be some shaking, and there may be some rumbling, and there may be some major storms, such as what they had in Florida, which are not going to happen here, by the way, but there will be some good ones. And there will be floods and blizzards, and all of those kinds of weather things, and all of those kinds of nature things happening.

Mother Nature loves you! Mother Nature only knows Love. Interesting is it not? She must make adjustments at times, so that Mother Gaia can heal. For Mother Gaia loves you all too. She does not harbor anger. She does not hate. She does not blame. She simply knows the results, and she loves. And she’s taken a lot of hits, has she not? She thrills when even one of you sends her Love. She is ecstatic, and she knows that the time for the atrocities to be committed is very short. She cries when you humans hurt each other, or hurt any of the kingdoms here.

Yes, she hurts, she bleeds, but above all she loves, And she gives freely knowing that many are already giving back to her, and knowing that we are in a time now upon this planet, when soon, very soon, she will be honored, she will be protected, she will be healed, and she will be loved by all, with the reverence and the respect that is due. So she weeps not at the future. And all of the kingdoms, save the human one, as a whole, are thrilled with what they know is coming.

But it’s going to be a bit chaotic. It’s going to be a bit rocky, you might say, in the next few moments of your time. Now you know we don’t give dates, but we can assure you. We are going to confirm some news. Let’s see where shall we start? Now we have already mentioned those who think they are going to survive are leaving those whom they feel are doomed. We’ve mentioned that. More on that will come, and will come to Light. There is coming to Light a great deal of what you would call publicity or news about certain events.

How Thump! about those voting machines? Well guess what? Thump! Thump! Thump! Orders have gone out to your news media, most of whom are under the thumb of the owners, who are not wanting these things to come to Light. But there are some brave ones out there, and more are about to speak. That will be coming, and it will be somewhat messy for some.

Now imagine what would happen if all of the elected people got undone because it was found that the voting machines had cheated, had been set to cheat. Somewhat chaotic wouldn’t it be? How about an announcement that clears everything, and then the replacements are ready to step in, and no problems. You see just about the time that everybody thinks that the mess is so bad it can’t ever be cleaned up, that’s what’s going to happen

Now let’s talk about the economy. You may have heard some rumors lately that there are those in other countries, in other parts of the world, who are going to bring down your dollar. Well if it does, it does. You know you might want to buy a little bit food to get you through, but the truth of it is, it’s going to happen, and when it happens, how about an announcement to take care of everything? Thump! How about that? Now we’re going to confirm something. You’ve heard perhaps, that the gold has been safely moved into your country, and that it is protected. Hmmm! You know who those protectors are? Ha! Ha! Nothing’s going to get through them. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Oh it’s so good. It’s such a beautiful picture.

All right, because you know gold shines, t’is quite lovely, lovely to look upon. It’s quite bright. It radiates. It is special not for what it can buy, but for what it is. Think on that. Gold has certain properties you know. There are other metals you call your precious metals, that have certain special properties at certain times. And they are very healing. They can provide energy to do things with, like move around when you need to, and run your power plants. Uh Hmmm! This information has largely been available only to the chosen few, they’ve chosen themselves to run the show.

Well the lid’s coming off. There are going to be so many new technologies it will be like, which one do I choose? Oh and by the way they’re not going to cost a bazillion dollars either. Uh Hummm! They’re going to be made available to everyone. So all of that is just around the corner. So if there are sudden big power failures, and different things like that, going on again, how about handling all of that with one big announcement. And let’s just clear the decks and get started. And that is coming.

Do you really think we’re going to let all of your children be put on drugs. Do you know about that, the testing? Now that’s an example of what you can do to pull your heads up out of the sand, and distribute information as fast as you can to everyone you know. The country has not been told about this. It will happen in just some fine print in what your elected officials choose to pass, and they need to hear from you. Very quickly, like tomorrow would be excellent, and get the word out there. This does not require marching in the streets, it requires no organization whatsoever, except perhaps using your telephones and your computers, and your fax machines. Oh yes you can get a whole blizzard of papers and emails going into that place called Washington D.C., and by the way there is a lockdown there, of sorts.

There is a protective force shield, and those who think that they are going to scurry away in the dark, aren’t going to get anywhere, because the Light is shining, and the Light is turned on permanently, and there are consequences. And those consequences rightfully need to be brought into fruition. Not to punish, but simply to cause those who have acted in their own interests to the detriment of many people in the world, and indeed the entire planet. All of the kingdoms have been affected by their actions most grievously. And they need to stand in the Light, and they need to own up to that which they have done, and they need to stand forth and take responsibility, and say yes I did that, and even though it was scripted, I did get a little bit carried away. There are those who did. Shall we say they over-played and over-extended their roles. This was not the original intent of their contracts. They simply lost sight of themselves, and let’s face it they were manipulated and so on, and so on, and so on.

There are layers again, layers of responsibility, layers of action, layers of planners and order givers and order takers. Thump! So all that is about to end. And with the end of that will come new ones. Some of you yourselves might wish to step into some roles on the local level. Government will be greatly changed, and only those who truly desire to serve, will be chosen to be put into office.

Do you know what happens with all of this telepathy? Thump! Well you get to be more discerning. And you get to find out whose here to help, whose here to take responsibility, without taking away your freedoms, and who is really determined and on a mission, and has a passion for serving, and for healing. Make no mistake those two go hand in hand. Because of where you are in this now moment, anyone who serves will be a healer whether they know it or not, because they will be healing, whether it is by straightening out the paper work, and simplifying and doing it from a mental perspective, or whether it is someone who cares, and heals from an emotional perspective, or whether it is someone who literally undoes physical damage, all will be connected in spirit.

All will clearly understand what the new contract is about. And it will be a great coming together. And as people join in some form of service, whatever their passions might be, there will be service. You see when people understand they no longer have to do the

J-O-B (job), and it is for them to follow their passions, they will be serving. They will be serving outwardly for the whole world to see in quite a visible manner.

They will also be serving in the fields of energy of all upon the planet and beyond. Because they will be coming together in a grand uniting, such as we come together here, and they will be working together to experience now the true Golden Age, that which you call the Age of Aquarius. And why not beloved ones, you’ve earned it. And you deserve it, because you are who you are. And you have suffered and you have caused suffering in all of your lifetimes here and other places. And we do know what that’s about.

And we do know what it is to be Light in Spirit Body, and to be total Love and Joy. And you will share this. You are whatever your perceptions of yourself may be, I can assure you now, and this company who is here, you’re Love. That is all you are. Because that is all there is to be. And so when you remember that, when you focus upon that, wherever you are, you share it. And that’s how it is, because that’s Quantum Physics.

It’s just what happens. So focus on it, and be true yourselves. Express yourselves as you really are. You are Divine Beings. You have taken on the physical bodies at this time to be here for this, the grandest moment ever in Terra’s history. And you have chosen to be active players, very active players coming home. You are the Christs, every one of you. Every one of you is a Master upon this Earth. If you could but see yourselves the way we do. How brightly you shine. How beautiful are all of your colors. And you’re adding more even as we speak. And we have spoken of this. The beauty is incomparable. As we are fond of saying, you outshine the brightest of stars beloveds. And there is more. There is more coming. There is more Joy for you as you reach even higher, as you become even more the Masters, the Christs walking upon this planet.

Well truth be known, you’ll be flying more than walking, soaring. But your place is here at this time, because you’ve chosen to be here, to be in assistance to this grand Ascension process, and that’s what we’re talking about. You are already living beyond the third dimension, and you know that. And it is so joyful when you reach, and truthfully it’s not so much of a reach anymore. We give all assistance, because we have been asked. We have been invited to come, and co-create with you this grand process. And it is so joyful.

We have told you Mother Gaia loves you so. And receives so joyfully the Love that you send to her, to Mother Nature and all the Kingdoms, to Father Sky, and to all upon the planet and beyond. There are those below the Earth who are making their presence known more and more, and we await. We come in Love, and we come in joyful reunion and we tell you how beautiful you are, and what a grand time it is, and how great is your contribution to this process.

And so we join with you and we are ecstatic, first at what you are accomplishing, and secondly, because you have called upon us, and invited us so sweetly, and it is reaching out in Love. Oh there are some who call upon us because they are terrified at something or rather is going to happen that they won’t like, but for the most part it is a genuine bonding of Love, because you are beginning to feel the empowerment, to feel the Divinity, the Majesty you are, and to know that when you look in the mirror, you are looking into the eyes of your God.

Now that is a key that not only affirms that which you have been intellectually knowing for some time, but it is proof positive to you that this is for real. And all of that drama out there, all these layers we’ve been talking about tonight, and all of the things happening, that is just simply something that is a play on the stage that you made up, and it’s just moments till the final curtain comes down. And then the Light will shine everywhere.

So when things get a bit chaotic upon your planet, focus on Love. Beam it out as we say. And keep bringing it into your own royal selves, because there is plenty there for you. You never need to run out. Energize yourselves with it, and then send it out. That is the greatest gift, and the greatest work, if you want to call it that, that you can possibly give. And beyond that, look for your passions, and be true to yourselves. If it doesn’t feel wonderful to you, then start questioning whether you should even be doing it.

Give yourselves permission to live the lives you came here to live. And don’t let anyone else tell you. Well you can do what you want, but if you’re going to live your passions, you are not going to be dictated to by anyone else telling you what you should eat and how you should sleep, and what you should wear and all of those things. Decide for yourselves. Stand tall in your empowerment, and do it all with Love.

And remember to Love yourselves first. Be true to yourselves and then you will be impeccable with the world. So a few things to think about tonight. Yes I think so. It’s wondrous to see you all shining bright stars, and here together in family. That is what we are you know. We’re all family, and so we love these gatherings and we Love that you come. And we thank you for being with us. You do us great honor you know, you Gods upon the Earth. And we are ready to celebrate. We’ve discussed this before. It’s party time every one. It’s party time.

All that which you perceive to be wrong or troubling in your world isn’t real. It’s getting less real by the moment. So rejoice, and be glad and happy, that all is well. All is truly in Divine Order everywhere. And when you start thinking that things are wrong and all of that, just go within and pull in some of the Love reconnect and bring yourselves up and out of those negative fearsome frequencies, and then you will look out upon the world and you will see how it shines. And you will see the Love there, and you will know that all is truly well in your kingdom.

And so there is one who is most anxious to come and say a word of blessing. So we shall stick around as they say, and enjoy the festivities here tonight. We are with you. We are at your service, even as you serve us with your Love, and your continued invitations to join with you. We are in gratitude and appreciation, and we invite you to call upon us at any time that you feel the desire to do so. So, I shall move from the center of the stage ass it were. We Love you all. Salut!

Mother Sekhmet

Well good evening, I am so pleased to be here with all of you this evening. It is so joyful indeed. And I have a little bit of news Yes it was mentioned that I have been in contact. Shall we say, in meetings with those, who think they are about to continue to decide the fate of your country, and indeed the World. Well I will tell you right now they are starting to get it. They are starting to understand that there is a power greater than theirs in the Universe, and that power is Love.

We may present a bit of an intimidating experience, particularly when all of us show up together. Yes! You may consider it to be intimidating, but we do it with Love. Always we bring Love. We bring messages of Love, and we simply invite all those whom we visit to join, to come into the Light of Love, and come home. And then it is up to them.

But progress, grand progress is being made, behind what you call the scenes, that you see. You may travel there at any time you wish. You may look into those rooms and corridors of those places of power, and when you do, notice the Light, and feel that there are more energies of Love there, than have been since the beginning, and rejoice in it, because it’s true. It is so true.

And so we feel the magnificence of the Love here among all of you, and we say blessed are you, blessed are we. Indeed, we are together. We are one, regardless of what may appear to be differences in fields of energy. We are one, and we are so pleased at the welcome that we receive. And we are so joyful to see you doing that which you came here to do, more and more, more and more.

You are truly warriors of Peace and Love as we are. We have been here since the beginning, and Love is who we are. And so are you. And so we welcome you to this family once in the Light of Love, we confirm again that you have the protection of the Pashats. And we pledge our loyalty and our Love to all those who shine so brightly, and who express so beautifully the loving oneness that we are.

Go in Peace, go in Love, and go with your crowns on, because you are the royalty, the Divinity and the Love that you came here to be. And we are honored to be invited into your most sacred presence. Namaste!
