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Blue Star Council Update : A Call To All Light Workers, Starseeds And Volunteers Upon Planet Earth

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king to assist the planet. So, this update will be focused upon these events and what is to come for all of you upon the planet.

We realize that others have brought forth information since this act has occurred, and now it is our turn to do the same. For many Earth years upon this planet those here assisting has been working to assist people in moving more fully into the Heart Space, to discern the information that is presented, to move out of judgment and condemnation of others. For whatever reason that may be. It was hoped that enough people would move towards the area of Light and Love and work to release all of the old patterns and programming that has been holding them back. For many, they have been doing this and it has made a difference upon this planet. Please know that your work is NOT in vain. We implore each of you to continue to do the work that you are doing in releasing the old and reclaiming more of your own true nature, abilities and in raising your vibrational frequency. Each of these beings who have given their lives in this event, have done so to attempt to show the world that hatred and violence does nothing except destroy. That each person must move more fully into a space of unconditional love of self and of all life upon this planet. We shall see if their passing is in vain or not.

We would also like to report that not all people passed through the death process in this event, there are those people who were taken up body and all. You will find that there are those who are never found within the debris because none of them were left to experience that. They went within and were taken out just before the buildings collapsed. We have been very focused on assisting those souls who did experience the death process in transitioning completely out of this dimensional reality and to return home. We have been able to assist most of these souls and beings, however there are still those who are wandering in fear and uncertainty and are not listening to our calls for them to return home. We ask that each day each of you spend a few minutes sending them light and understanding to assist them in returning home.

Now, we can share with you that those in power upon this planet are working to not only fulfill prophesy, but also to carry forth their plans. You must remember that many of these people are currently being controlled by those of darkness and truly do think that what they are doing is what is needed. They are refusing to listen to their inner promptings and refusing to see what is plainly within their view. In this moment, what we are seeing is that this is but the beginning for what is to come. We ask that each of you focus greater than ever before in releasing the fear, releasing those things that no longer serve you and to completely focus in your Heart Centre and in the Now Moment of time. This will assist more than anything. We can also say that many things have changed through this act. It had been hoped that this world in whole, would choose a different course than what it appears that it is now going in. We have, through our talks with other councils and other groups have chosen and decided to implement a contingency plan. Since it is important that this be shared with all Light Workers, we are going to provide this information here.

Activate Contingency Plan 49762253816559731

Activation Sequence: kae lomm pra nee kea kei tee jeem yeen esskel gee aakk lommb prae kei tae cho je

This is done in Light Language to ensure purity of the activation. It is important to remember that the forces of darkness are working hard to ensure completion of their plans and this is the beginning of their overall workings and plans. From this point on, the choices that people make become more and more intense and more important. We implore each of you to begin not only making the choices in your life from your Heart Centre, but also to follow your Heart fully and completely. This is imperative and important beyond any words that we or anyone else could possibly speak. You have been sitting and wondering when things were going to truly begin, well we can assure you that they have truly begun now. With all of the messages that has been shared with all of you over the years, and for all of you awakening now and the messages and words that you are discerning and listening to now, it is time for each and everyone of you to begin putting into practice that which you know within your Heart Centre to be true.

Each volunteer is going to be having those above keep very close eyes and ears to each of you in the coming days. For now is the time of the end of the fence sitting that people seem to enjoy doing. For those of you who choose to continue to sit on the fence refusing to make a choice, things within your life will happen which will force you to make a choice. Our advice to you is to begin making these choices for yourselves, not later or tomorrow, but starting right now in this very moment. As you have been told, the Governments are calling forth their Military for action and for war. We are calling forth all Light Workers, Starseeds and Volunteers to take up their mantle, to take on who they truly are and to begin doing what you have come here to do. In order to do this, you must let go of all judgments, move more fully and completely into your Heart Centres and live your lives from your Heart. We cannot stress this enough. We call forth all governments of this planet to cease all hostilities and end this before it takes on a life of it's own. For if it does, then it will play itself out completely. With that, then you would be looking at many of the old predictions coming true.

We shall have another update as soon as possible. We are here with you, working with you and for you. Please discern this information through your Heart Centre. If it resonates, then by all means, pass this message on or direct people to where they can read it. Distribute widely.

Blessings in Oneness,

Elder; Blue Star Council
