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The Theologians: The Truth of You

Through Jamie Vernon and Melody Gingras

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uch in the way of your personal growth as well as achieving feats throughout the multidimensional universes and throughout these experiences you have learned much, although consciously you are unaware of these goings on.

The challenges you have been facing you have felt you have had no end to. One has lead into the next which has lead into the next and into the next. This rapid succession of challenges is a symbol of how fast you have chosen to progress into the next stage of being. In past times you spaced out your challenges and your lessons and had gaps where you could Be without having to face your trials and tribulations. But you have chosen to speed up this process, to complete it so that you can move on to the next phase of your being, which is the stepping stone on your path to Joining, and becoming the Second Source.

You will be required at this time, to take time to be with yourself in this energy within this space. Take a break so to speak, put up your feat and relax, and allow yourself to be with family. Allow yourself to take a breather from your sojourns and look back at this past time. Look at what you have achieved, even though the achievements may seem insignificant, and congratulate yourself. Relish your achievements and see where you have changed and how your processes have shifted because of the things that you have worked through instead of dwelling on the negativity of the past events.

Look towards the path you are progressing on. See behind you how far you have come and look towards your goal, for your goal is that much closer than you first thought, and in your constant looking behind you nearly tripped it over. You only have a very short way to travel before you reach your chosen path potential and feel the peace inside that you are seeking once you have reached this path. Much will progress very quickly. Changes will happen on a small personal level and on a global level, that is so grand in scope that at this time, even we cannot see to where you will take this. All that we know is that you will choose to end the karmic cycle quickly.

Your choices from this moment forward will forever change the course of history and although you think that the individual choices that you make in your day to day life have no significance in the larger scheme of things, you are greatly mistaken, for as you choose your path, as you choose the way you are going to be from moment to moment as you choose your goals; these choices affect all who you touch, all who you will touch and as such you affect others. The effects of your influence ripple out and eventually touch your governmental systems where the impact is then felt on a global level. So do not ever think that you in your day to day existence have no impact on what happens in the world. The impact that you have you may not notice, but when that impact and the influence that you have is joined by another's, and another's and another's who all have the same choice taken by them and the same commitment to the same ideal, that ideal gathers momentum. It avalanches and eventually becomes unstoppable and that is when you notice it in your global world. But, the individual is where it starts and for every less individual that does not choose a certain ideal it takes that little much longer for that ideal to gain its momentum and, this may not seem much to you, but were you to look on things with our eyes you would see that the individual has the ability to cause a landslide all on their own.

You are seeing this in a large scale at the moment, between two individuals and the power that they wield given to them by the people. You know of whom we speak. The two powers who are standing either side of the fence. The one choosing to hold onto the old energy and the one that does not know they are walking in the new. The middle east and what is happening there at this time will have great impact on the course of events that will follow. And do not frown so heavily on the man in charge of the American system for he does not know to whom he answers and he does not know that his hand is guided.

You will find over the course of the next few weeks to come in your time that there will be much gnashing of teeth, retorts said, fists waved at each other, but in the end the workings out of the situation will complete in a very unusual fashion. The world is very much paying attention to the goings on and the workings of the governments, the peoples wishes in the matters will shape the events to come. Do not be so concerned about the outcome.

We will take a moment to set the energies in this room for the information that we will present today. For in this space in this time, much needs be said and we have much ground to cover which in the words that we speak may not seem at your time in your place to carry much significance, in hindsight you will see that the few words we will speak will have much potency and meaning far beyond the understanding that you gain this day, and you will gain more understanding as you review this in the years to come.

At this time we will take a moment, breathe through this time. Use the tools we have already given you. Hold your light, your soul flame in your hand. See the Soul flames of others shared within that. Feel the emotions and the mindsets of your loved ones and reverse manifest the events that have transformed your life around you. We ask you to do this now for when you combine these tools as we set the energy you will see something you will not be able to express.

(Long pause to allow this to happen)

What you are feeling at this time is a portion of who you truly are. That part which you have allowed to break through the veil. It has now got a foothold on this realm and you carry it within you at all times, you are just unaware of this. This is an event that has happened in the very recent past. With the grid setting and the evolution of your spirituality and the elevation of your consciousness you have allowed this part of yourself to seep through the veil and become firmly anchored in this reality. And as each day transforms and grows and shifts around you, more and more of this energy is being added. This is happening in each and every moment that you speak, each and every moment that you live and breathe and do your daily activities with your work. Some of you may be noticing much in the way of dizziness, loss of balance, blurring of your vision, unusual noises in your hearing as a result of this or, as is more commonly felt; a sickening in the pit of your stomach as the negativity still dwelling within you tries to hide from the light that is growing in each day within you.

The tear that has been put in the veil at this time is one that You created with the events that you have been creating on a global and personal level in the last few weeks of your time. This tear will eventually grow and allow you a more complete understanding of yourself. It is a tear between you and who you really are, and we honor you for this.

(Long pause)

Feel yourself and your beingness flow with the energies for they are setting patterns deep throughout your being that are assisting in the sweeping away of these negative energy patterns. Allow this cleansing to occur deep within your cellular level and as this occurs, see each cell shine with energy as its purity shines through as it never has before. For as you shed these layers of density and as the sludge is carried away, more of your divinity shines through; you anchor more of your own divinity and more of the energy of who you are, and a stillness and a peace fills you and surrounds you from deep within. And it is a peace and a stillness that is not to be as elusive as the other experiences you have had in the past. It is a quiet steady presence that will be with you at all times, easily accessible, easy to feel, easy to connect with, always easy to ground. And from this place within yourself it is so much easier to connect with the unity of each and every other person on this Earth. And as you hold your soul flame, feel the resonance with this energy.

As you breathe, see your Souls flame flare brighter and pulse in time to your breath. As you focus on the thoughts and feelings of your loved ones and you can see them for what they are, see that they too are grounding and anchoring this energy, even if they feel to you as if they have not changed. You can see it filtering through their bodies, through their biological systems. A brilliant white cord of light slowly seeping into the core of their being. And as you reverse manifest the events of the past times in your recent past, look with your new found knowledge and see how this light that has been seeping through into each and every one of you, is affecting the course of the events that are unfolding. See each significant moment that has been transpiring and see where it could have gone were it not for this energy that has been filtering through.

See the cord as it travels into each human including both parties that are standing on either side of the fence. See both of those men and see the cords that are filtering through both of them. Neither of them are evil. Both are playing a part on a large scale how the old energy is fighting against the New, and how the old energy eventually concedes to the New. This you see on a large scale so that it is easier for you to see on your smaller personal level. Both are playing their part necessary for wisdom and understanding to be granted to You. So do not condemn even the man who has chosen to play the negative role for he is doing it to grant understanding and wisdom to you. To open to your eyes to what is happening on a smaller scale in your own life, and for you to have honor of it.

Without exception, each and every one of you is slowly merging with your true selves at this point, and you will see this in a more profound level as the next year continues.

The reason we asked you to speak your truth in our last communication which has been purposefully withheld until this time was so that you can fully utilize this energy that is starting to pour within you, the golden light of yourself. To nurture it you must be honest else you will cloak it in a layer of darkness that it must break through before it can be seen. You will basically be hiding yourself from the world around you should you not be honest. And that is why we gave that last message.

In your experiences over the last month, look back and see where you have sat with the honesty and your truth as you have communicated with others and as you have had private conversations within yourself. Have you utilized your truth fully, have you been totally honest with yourself or have other thoughts and processes interfered? The importance of honesty and truth in communicating with others is of the utmost importance now and your choices around this will affect your growth and your movement forward at these times for, how do you expect others in higher places of power to be an example when within your own homes, within your own hearts you cannot even be truthful within yourself. How do you expect your communities to grow and change and evolve when oneself is reluctant to do the same. To verbalize ones truth, to verbalize honestly with each other creates the foundation of growth and trust and truthfulness that will allow for the spreading of the waves out to others. Follow your heart and allow others to do the same. Follow your truth and allow others the same. Do not condemn each other for your truth. And how can you join with those around you and become the Second Source if you condemn a piece of that Source? If you segregate any small part of it how can it be whole? We will not elaborate on that any further. We know that you have got the point.

Suffice it to say, to allow yourself to grow within you must start speaking "Light" and by that you must start speaking Truth. And the only truth that you know within your heart is and there is no other truth, is that which you are feeling and know within yourself to Be. It is You who is the truth of your own being. And so therefore, that is the truth you must live. The Truth of You; which is what we want this message to be called.

Let go of the past. It no longer serves you. You see that in your daily lives and yet you cling to it out of a fear of recreating that which you do not like. You focus on the negative aspects of what you remember rather than those that are true and positive. In your upcoming ceremonies around the triumphs over the darkness within man that you call your World Wars. Look at your ceremonies. Where is the message you are speaking? Is it one of sorrow, one of regret, one of denial or is it one that honors the movement out of that energy? Is your ceremony one that says "We have risen above this, and we honor our fallen and we honor our ancestors for giving us the opportunity to do so"? So much has come from your reflection on these times and yet you fear to create them again when deep in your heart you could not bare to go there on a personal or global level. So why is there so much fear within you about reverting to an earlier and less honorable and pure form? It is like the reformed convict that fears that he will steal again. There is no point in it when you have risen above that which once was. So instead honor yourself for rising above it, and remember you who are alive now for choosing to move beyond that level of being. Rather than focus on what was lost, focus on what was gained.

(Long pause) (Baby fussing throughout this period)

The Little Ones know this as you can clearly see. They try to communicate to you to let go of this as it no longer serves you. Some of you listen. Others do not, and so they get disgruntled.

(Short Pause)

We shall take a moment to honor you, for the work that you are doing in this time. If you will, you could say WE give ceremony for what you are doing now and the war you are fighting within. And so we choose to respect your customs and We the Theologians will have a moment of silence.

(Theologians sit in reverence, giving a moment of silence to humanity)

In the coming communications we will teach you more of how to access and utilize your true essence as it filters within you. At this time, there is not that much that you can do to access it except speak your truth which will hasten its development within your being. We do state however, that you take time for yourself and honor yourself emotionally and mentally. Too many of you, especially you of the Light, spend too much of your time aiding others and neglect yourself. You spend too much of your time on your commitments and obligations, on your purpose even. But you forget that it is you who must do that job and that if you fall by the wayside you cannot complete your job. And so we ask that you take time in the coming period to relax and Be. To plan nothing for yourself, to give yourself the freedom to just Be. We still see you human Be-ings Do-ing to much and we would like to stop calling you Human Doings.

Again we say listen to the Little Ones. They know what is going on. They know what needs be done and they need your help to achieve this. They may have the insight but you are the ones that have the power. It is a partnership that must be formed. One that is much more simple than even This One realizes (referring to the channel).

The Angelic realms are all looking your direction at this time, tears in their eyes and smiles on their faces. And, if you choose to imagine it, handkerchiefs in their hands as they look on in admiration, respect and honor and above all else joy for what you are creating as you wave good-bye to them on the other side and start walking through the door into yourself. The part of you that remains with them is standing on the threshold saying its last good-byes as it chooses to merge with you and you with it. There is much crying and tears as this happens, but it is such a special time, for you are finally achieving that which you came here to do in the very beginning and there is much celebration of this amidst all the tears.

We will speak greatly of this in the coming times, as it is the stepping stone for the next part, which is merging together to become the Second Source that we have spoken of, and we will speak more of that in the coming times also. But for now, celebration and honoring of yourself is what We wish to do and what we wish you to do.

Be honored Dear Ones, because you Are.


Copyright (c) 2003 Jamie Vernon and Melody Gingras. All rights reserved. Copying and Distribution of the Theologian materials is permissible under the condition that all credit is reserved by the authors, that no money or profit is generated by their distribution and that this disclaimer is not removed from any of the materials.
