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Emissaries Of The Light

Through Jim Langman

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upon your world. We mean this in a very positive way. Many things have been occurring behind the scenes that most of you are not aware of.

For a long time now, we have been having meetings with your world leaders. Within these meetings, great secrecy has had to be maintained at all times. We have until now kept this knowledge on a very short leash, meaning that we have only touched base on this subject in the past in a very small way . Within these meetings we have discussed with your world leaders the inevitable transformation of your planet and also the transformation of the human race that resides upon your world.

We have for a long time now, tried to assist your world leaders through a transitional period, and make it as easy as possible. In our endeavours to do this, we have been met with much resistance. Many of your elites wish not to lose any of their control over you.

What is not greatly understood is the fact that it is the mass consciousness that governs the level of free will that is upon your world. The mass consciousness has now reached a level that now gives us permission to divinely take steps. It permits us to be able to step in and assist the people directly to transform from one reality to another. The Divine Creator had set the rules of free will to which all of Creation must obey. You are all aspects of the whole Creator. Once the mass consciousness has reached a certain level, the need to carry out that will has to be obeyed. This permission has now been given.

We will no longer allow month after month of delays, and the will of the people be continually ignored. We, the Emissaries of Light now decree that the divine plan for Mother Earth shall be fulfilled and completed as quickly as possible. Dear ones, you have worked long and hard to bring the mass consciousness to the level which it has now reached. What a great battle you have fought. This has been a battle for the Light. Thanks to you this battle has now been won. This battle shall we say, has been fought on many levels. Now you have brought this victory into your own realm. One thing is certain, you are victorious.

You will now see many great wonders manifest before you, even before the end of your existing year. The winds have changed dear ones. The winds are blowing in your favour. We make this statement to you, we will not tolerate interference with the divine plan. We will take whatever steps that are needed to bring events to a conclusion as quickly as possible.

Dear ones, we ask you to stand strong over the coming times, as you will be tested greatly. Any means possible will be used against you. Saying this, we state to you now, you have the divine protection of the Creator. All the Light forces are behind you. Stand strong dear ones, and stay committed to your divine tasks. We leave you now with our blessings, and we grant you peace.

................WE ARE ALL ONE CREATING A NEW REALITY..................

...This message is with compliments of Phoenix Ascended News Group..... .......Hosted by Jim Langman. Email to:

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