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Commander Korton of the Galactic Federation Of Light

Through K.C. Soliel

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n accumulating for aeons is now exploding upon your consciousness and upon the Earth.

There has never been a mass inter-dimensional ‘first’ contact such as this (before). Mother Earth and her children are already triumphant.

The shrouds of dark deception have melted before the purity of your collective loving intent.

Borrowing from the words of the Beatitudes “The meek have inherited the Earth’. Meek does not mean ‘weak’ or ‘stupid and sheep-like’. What it means is the opposite of being driven by delusion, ego and lack of love. It means clear-hearted and filled with the love that is happy to sacrifice personal comfort for the well-being of all.

You left the lighted realms to set in motion this transformation knowing that you would do it within the black-out of forgetting.

Yet your DNA held the key. It was there, dormant, waiting for you to come again into calm centre, into the still point of infinite power.

You learned to survive while listening to the heart messages within. You learned to be in the world yet tuned into the pulse of heart creation, which seemed to be both ‘you’ and ‘other’.

Now you integrate – synthesize – and, by loving those aspects of yourself that society has called ‘bad’, you have set up change beyond imagining – a change beyond duality.

Stunned are we by what you, both as individuals and collectively, have done.

The change was not set in place by teams of conditioned, semi-aware ‘slaves to desire, led by the ideals of a few. It was done by the innocent simplicity of those who dared to see the integrated wholeness of who they really are, and then, through that wise and clear vision, to look up yet live in the world of flesh and form.

Delusion cannot resist the tide of awakening. Delusion’s tissue of lies is in tatters at the feet of those who have chosen to turn off the delusion machines of the controlled mass media and the subtle machinations of the truth tamperers.

By not buying into the tinsel dreams or the thunderclouds of terror threats, you stand clear and free.

Your job now is to detach from the illusion. It is to centre and live your truth. Love your neighbour. Hold his hand as he walks through the flames with the shards of delusionary ‘civilisation’ lying around him. Speak kindly to him as his plastic dreams melt. Gently hold her arm as the illusionary securities dissolve away. Let her know that love without limit – unconditional love - is arriving now in her heart and arriving simultaneously in the hearts of all around her.

As you move into source love, those in the lighted realms move into your presence. We have never been away. For we are you. We are your family. Even now, I hold your hand. I/We are one.

Soon what your heart knows will be reflected in the green shoots of hope rising up between the concrete ruins of your cities. The light that has no end will illuminate your experience of being whole and human.

We are with you. We are you. Distance and proximity exist only in limited consciousness. Even as you come to us in heart and mind, we gather around you in physical expression. It is your gift to us. You have extended our spectrum of experience even as you open to your wholeness.

Feel your brethren’s love as we hold you in heart, mind and body now. We love you. We move nearer now. Open your hearts and we are with you NOW.
