Arch Angel Raphael: "The Triad"
The Higher Self, on the other hand could be likened to the rail system, laying and maintaining tracks, managing the switchpoints at the appropriate time and making sure that the train progresses on its journey according to the prearranged timetable. Needless to say that in this analogy your physical body is the train and your body organs could be likened to the passengers with the exception that it is highly unusual for our passengers to get on and off our train.
With this analogy you can see that planning and plotting must have taken place prior to the train service being established. Firstly there must have been a need for the service in the first place, then there must have been a planning process where the mapping of the track layout, stations and switchpoints were all decided. The planning would have been made at a much higher level than the train driver or conductor where the highest purpose of the rail system would have been debated and decided according to a much higher purpose than running just one train.
With this analogy, one train is important, and one train is all we need to consider in detail but we must bear in mind that the rail system services many trains with many starting points and many destinations. With our analogy we will consider one lifetime to equate to on train journey with an expendable train, after all it will be such a long and arduous journey, something akin to travelling right across a continent, and back again using a circuitous route.
On our journey, when we start out our train is brand new and shiny ready to tackle everything on its path. You are urged now to envisage a train load of passengers such as Mrs. Heart, Doctor Liver, the Kidney twins and the Lung Brothers, just to mention a few. I'm sure you can envisage this, and our Conductor readies himself to the task of ensuring their comfort and that their every need is taken care of.
Quite an excitement builds as our train steams up ready for departure. Although we don't know our destination on this journey, something of a mystery tour, we trust that the rail system is functioning to perfection, and off we go...
Now, like all journeys it would be rather boring if we continually traversed the same kind of countryside for the whole journey. We would expect to encounter all sorts of terrain crossing our continent. We would expect hills and dales, mountains and rivers, deserts and lush green pastures, and we would expect to stop occasionally at least for refuelling and resupply.
Now, as we traverse our continent we must expect to encounter hills where we would expect our engine to labour. We would expect to traverse mountains where the going will be even more arduous and we would also expect some relief, a downhill run or two after conquering such mountains and hills. We would also expect to traverse a great deal of easy going country where nothing at all could be expected to impede our progress. Isn't this just like a life with its ups and downs, also with its easy going and perhaps mundane and boring episodes?
Many Lightworkers are on such a journey. Many of you are going nowhere in particular yet experiencing much along the way. Many of you are tackling the mountains and labouring away at the hills just waiting for the downhill run whilst others are just cruising the flat plains in an easy and carefree manner. All are appropriate. All are going somewhere and all are experiencing and learning on their life journey. The easy terrain brings just as much experience as the mountains depending on the lesson to be learned. About the time that you think you know your destination, bang goes a switchpoint change to send you off on a different track.
Isn't this just like life? Just when you get used to something, just when life seems easy, along comes a drama to upset the status quo. If you care to look at this for the experience value alone, you will discover much about yourself. If you take the view that the game of life is all about experience and learning then you will come to know that these diversions are necessary to expand your experience, and without experience learning cannot take place. Experience is learning. Learning is experience. These two are inseparable are they not?
How does this all relate to our Triad?
For a start, we have previously discussed the role of the Higher Self and we said that the main function of the Higher Self was to achieve Soul growth. This begs the question of what exactly is our Soul and if we are to achieve Soul growth, how does it grow?
Some people tend to think of the Higher Self as your Soul and some people relate the Soul as the part of you that flies off to heaven when you pass over. This is not entirely accurate.
The Soul is actually your Ka, the fifth dimensional replica of your physical body and as such your Soul has all of your personal attributes. Being a replica means exactly this, a replica of your physical characteristics, but also containing your emotional and mental bodies, which never die like your physical body. True, when you die the Soul does sort of fly off to the light to return home for a while but your Higher Self and Soul are not the same thing. After physical death, the Soul and Higher Self do come together to review the life just past, and they do set about planning for the future, yet they remain separate as far as beings and function are concerned.
OK then, how does the Soul grow?
The ONLY way the Soul can grow is in the area of knowledge and experience. You all know that you cannot take anything else with you out of the physical world. Money, possessions, relatives and pets are all left behind. Retained knowledge is the sum total of your past life and the more you have of it, the more you grew. Remember also though that you are experiencing and learning on behalf of All That Is, and that we are not necessarily talking about the stuff of scholars. The mundane, and not so mundane stuff of family life counts as experience and for many this is a great experience. For others it may not be so great. Anything that you do and learn from counts as experience and the accumulation of knowledge and experience contributes to the growth of your Soul.
Coming to the point of reincarnation, what role does your Soul play in this act? If your Soul is the 5D replica of your physical body, how then can a Soul reincarnate?
This is rather simple in fact. Your Soul is actually a hologram which, as you know in the physical realm is a 3 dimensional picture stored on a 2 dimensional medium. In 5D we see it a bit differently than you. We see it as an interference pattern superimposed on the etheric medium of love, and as such we see the Soul as a 3 dimensional being as well the interference pattern generator which can be likened to your 2 dimensional hologram storage medium. The great exception with us though is that our hologram is stored as a time sequenced movie, if you like, and that being time dependent, our hologram can take on different forms, especially in the physical realm. This is why a single Soul can be an adult one day and a newborn baby the next. It's the same Soul just with different physical forms at different times, so not only does the Soul grow with regard to body size each lifetime, it grows with respect to accumulated knowledge and experience as well. This accounts for why some people seem to be instinctively more knowledgable than others, or more "cool" with regard to their reactions than others. Their "instinct" which is the Soul's domain, tells them that we have done this before and it no big deal. You should know that presently on Earth there are souls from many different backgrounds and many and varied experience levels. There are a lot of new souls as well.
Before we go any further with the topic of Soul Growth, let me just say that I think the best way to approach the idea of reincarnation, is to look at it as a Soul's journey. Starting as an idea in the mind of God, through the physical experience of life, to being reunited with God once again, all the while gathering as much experience as possible in the physical realm. This will take many, many reincarnations on planet Earth and elsewhere to accomplish. From an idea, through physical life, then back to God, remembering that you are God, and remembering that I am God also.
OK, now on to Soul Growth.
"How come I can't remember my past lives?"
Actually you can remember your past lives, up to about the time you learn to speak, then you gradually forget all about them. After that your memory of past experiences from past lives is purely instinct and comes through your etheric DNA as recorded responses to physical stimuli. The genetics provided by your chosen parents only affect the two physical DNA strands and have nothing to do with instinct and auto-responses. They can pass on such things as accumulated immune responses and other such thing as genetic physical weaknesses, but that's about the limit.
Some people actually retain memories of their past lives well past their childhood years but this is rare. Those that do however usually develop personality disorders and that is the main reason for forgetting in the first place. It is enough to cope with the personality associated with this lifetime without bleed through from previous lives.
Soul Growth then, how is it measured and why is it so important to your Higher Self?
Soul Growth, as far as recorded knowledge and experience, is not measured really. Your experiences are recorded in your Akashic records and I suppose the size of the file could be considered to be some sort of measure but it really isn't important. What is important is where you are in relation to your Soul's aim of reuniting with All That Is.
A new soul instinctively knows that it has much to learn. An experienced soul instinctively knows what it still needs to be experienced, so I guess a measure of soul growth is purely instinctive and could be viewed as the proportion of collected experiences measured against instinctive expected experiences. Sounds a bit complicated but that's how it is.
The importance of all this, to your Higher Self, is that your Higher Self's prime goal is simply to reunite with God after collecting all those experiences that life can produce. These experiences are also the goal for All That Is, so by compiling the collection of ALL human experiences from ALL humans, you can see that life is well and truly in all its glory, and all its misery, a brilliant learning experience. Good, bad, dark, light, it's all experience and it all counts.
That's about it for now.
Until next time, be in peace and be peaceful.