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Spirit Eagle

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h of the whales in your region is from a new scaler type weapon that the Navy used in experimentation. It has been allowed in Canadian waters also. These will be inactivated shortly.

Yes,when you and your pet saw me I was on an emergency expedition on your surface. We are quite excited that we have "gotten through" to you tonight ! There is some excitement in our communication center! We would like more of you to open yourselves to telepathic communication with us. When you call us, we hear you but you must listen for our replies.

We are a technical! group but have our share of philosophers too There is a great light over the horizon and on that new day we will show ourselves and our ships will descend from your skies in great numbers. There is just a little more work for us to do before we greet that day. We would like you to be comfortable with us when we land and so we encourage our sisters and brothers in Light to communicate with us and to not be shy about it ! We are Warriors of the One in the service of the Light of the Universe.

One of our Female Crew want to tell you something. I am Tellesta I was with you in your "dream" in Falluja. Our women are honored and respected Warriors of the Light of the Uninverse and we will be bringing this Goddess way to your people. There is much imbalance in the way women are treated on your world. You will learn the great joy of living in a truly balanced society. There is much to learn from Galactic communities. We bid you Good Night. Stay in touch!
