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Djwal Khul Message, August 26, 2003

Through Valerie Donner

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ey could even seem out of control.

This is all the more reason for you to establish your roots to the Earth. Some of you have a tendency to get impatient and wonder if the ascension process will ever happen. Trust me--you are in your ascension process right now. The divine plan is at work and if you reflect upon what is happening around you will see that life is not the same. Is this enough evidence for you?

It will become increasingly apparent that transformation is in action in the days to come.

Your power systems will continue to be a focal point. New forms of power are in order. Your new forms of inner power are also in order. Your consciousness is changing. Even the masses are questioning some of the spoon fed material they have been long consuming. There is simply so much happening that you must be on your toes. Look for deeper meaning with everything and continue to question.

This is a time to find your inner strength. As spiritually aware beings you are stronger than most because you have the best tools with which to work. You have your inner guidance, prayers, meditations, group gatherings, and telepathic connections, dream state awareness, faith and inner knowing. You for the most part are connected to your guides, the masters, angels and to God. Of course, there is always the opportunity to broaden and deepen this connection. These tools will serve you the best.

If you properly position yourselves with your own strategic plans you will be exactly where you need to be at all times. Even if you are in the throes of earth changes you will be safe. The strategy to follow your heart, your inner guidance and knowingness at all times will be a safeguard. If your consciousness is more in the fourth dimension you may not even be aware of most of the earth changes that are occurring. You will be elsewhere.

Strategy is of considerable importance now. This is because every choice you make affects your homecoming. It means that you need time to prioritize and to clarify where you are going, who you are, and what you want. The inner focus is a necessity even if the third dimension feels as if it is pressing in on you. This is the strategy of ascension and is why you are here. Each one of you has a different responsibility in the process and your own way of getting home.

We in the Light Realms are standing closer to you than ever. We are at your call. Anything we can do to strengthen your resolve and to help you to reach your goals is what we are here to bring forth. As you sit at the breast of the Divine Mother, you beloveds, have the Feast of the Father at your fingertips. On your pathway home you will discover many tasty morsels about yourselves. You will journey into the depths to rise to the highest peaks and find yourselves home at last.

This divine journey has been a long and arduous one. It has taken you through the greatest of challenges only to bring you to this polished state of new birth. I recommend you recommit to your homecoming, beloveds. Recommit every day in meditation resolving to let nothing stop you on this important journey.

We as masters made our ascension in times when the energies were not so conducive. There were few of us. Usually it was one at a time. We relish the energies that are with you today as you uplift yourselves from the density of the third dimensional earth plane. God and the Earth are providing you will the grace and ease of a gentle birthing process. You are doing it together in the full form of the precious Lightworkers that you came here to be. You are assisting each other as well as the Earth as you reposition yourselves for the higher frequencies of Light. We are assisting you and you in turn will work with the rest of humanity for their homecomings.

This sounds like a big job and it is. You are worthy of the task and shall rise to the occasion. Nagging self-doubt and lingering fears should not prevent you from owning the task. Let Mars enable you to purge and transmute the past and anything that is holding you back from your work. Release the old programs that keep you in separation. You are headed back to the oneness and the oneness is what you shall manifest.

The frequencies of Light from the photon energies are brighter than ever. You might notice this as you see the extensive growth of your plants and trees. They are reaching up to the heavens in fully glory and so are you. This Light is affecting the consciousness of every living thing. In reality there is no battle between the Light and the dark. All is one. The dark energies are simply making way for the Light and they allow the Light to be even brighter. They are serving in showing the way for the Light to reflect more of itself.

As the Light reflects more of itself you too are reflecting increasing Light energies within and around. Each Light bounces off the other and at times it can appear that the darkness too is more pronounced. If you simply remember to commit to your homecoming and to let the Light work through and around you, you will be doing a large part of the work you came here to do. The Light is filled with God's love and your love so this makes a pretty package for the planetary ascension.

Keep your pockets filled with the golden crystalline energy of God's love. It is precious and it makes you even Lighter and more fulfilled. This is the Source of true abundance. The love of the Divine Mother and Divine Father, the love of Self, the Light of Creation are all rolled into that one package of a worker of the Light. When you fill your pockets with this abundant love your heart will find its way back to the heart of God. This is your homecoming. You have been waiting in dire hunger for this return to the Feast of the Father.

Drink with joy in your hearts, beloveds, for the nourishment that sustains you. It will see you through as the birthing process of the divine feminine soothes you. The breast of the Mother is available to you for your joint homecoming. You are God's precious children of the Light here on the mission of the grandest scale ever. You have been hand picked and you shall be rewarded with the fruits of your labor.

I am Djwal Khul in loving service to the Light.
