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Relay Relay Relay June 6, 2005

Spirit Eagle

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on our craft.

I am a Communications Officer. We are pleased that you have contacted us. I am Sorsull. I will see if I can answer some of your questions. You may find your bodies carrying more weight than is usual. This won't last too much longer. The extra water in your bodies helps you to transmute the extreme energies that are coming to your planet.. This is helping you to keep from burning or shorting out your circuits. As the density lessons on the planet this process will ease and your bodies will adjust quite quickly. Please remember to walk in thankfulness everyday. Be grateful for the gifts that each day brings. A glass of water, a piece of fruit, a smiling face, a hug, the laughter of a baby, for these are life's joys! Walking the path of Joy raisies the vibration of all on Mother Earth and of Mother Earth Herself.

As your bodies are becoming less dense you find yourselves a bit spacey, eh? Yes we know that it can be disconcerting to not quite, "be here"! Well, the answer is that you are not FULLY here at this time. You are walking between dimensions. Be patient with yourselves. The things you have "misplaced" are still there and when you slip into that inbetween place you will see them again!

As events are planned we expect to meet you all in person in the very near future. Be Blessed in Peace and Love! We look forward to our Reunion with you all! Sleep well and we will see you on the ships!

May the Universe Shower Blessings, Peace and Abundance Upon You! From the silence of your soul comes the voice of freedom. NESARA NOW WON! WORLD PEACE NOW WON!
