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New Light Messages from Shamaan

By Turtle Woman

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an beneath the sea of Indonesia. That which did occur within Iran did begin within the sea of China. And so you shall have continued collision of shelves, continental, as a result of core activity. Many will see these alterations of magnetic field do continue to bring great stress upon body as well as upon the Earth, you see. There shall be, as given, difficult season for many, yet you, and others like you who do work to help the Light, do mitigate suffering. Though you may not see, know that [through spiritual] practice the suffering is lifted for so many by your concern, your prayers, your open heart, through which does pour the libation known as Grace, you see.

As given, pray. Hold in prayer the innocents of every species, for this time shall bear hard upon them. Yet within this great purification does come the greatest opportunity to open hearts. Though many still do sleep, the Awakener is resourceful and ever-growing numbers do awaken. There shall be reached that which is called critical mass, when consciousness does transform suffering through the choice – to love one another.

Those who choose conflict with others to resolve conflict within self shall lose both battles. Yet it is necessary for the many who have chosen this path (the path of conflict), you see. For it is the only path where one may experience such loss without karmic entrapment. The Way must be found through compassion, through peace, indeed, through love. Only when one has been a warrior will one come to know that war is the path for those who have lost their courage to love; and so the warring does continue, and many lifetimes of karma do wash away in these rivers of blood.

Yet those who stand on the shore may send out those which are life preservers. How, you say? By holding forth the Light of nonjudgmental love, by holding forth the Light of unconditional compassion. And so in this way the Earth shall be healed, the human soul cleansed, the human heart filled with the joy of being, and the human mind healed with the Grace of forgetfulness. Then, true forgiveness shall be freed from its prison and shall stand as made (?) between all peoples. Yes, this shall be. Know this and be at peace.

We do request that you increase your efforts in prayer in sending forth the Blue Light [of Peace] for, as given, the season does continue to be one of sorrow for many. You may lift that sorrow and turn away suffering by the simple act of holding steady as the eye of the storm, maintaining within the knowledge that peace shall be victorious. Maintain within the confident knowledge that Light shall always replace the chaos and darkness that comes with war. Hold steady and remain true to the path you have chosen. May the Light of the Holy One shine upon you and within you, now and evermore. Eloheim. Eloheim. Eloheim.
