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Quado Daily Portion for Friday, September 22, 2006

Carrie Hart

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inue to pursue them. You continue because you have a fixed idea of the way things should be. I would ask you to be open to the idea of dropping those parts of your life that have lost their energy, at least for a time, and opening yourself to new energies, ideas and flows that are more active and full of vibrancy.

When you feel these shifts, go deep into your center and ask whether this is just a temporary lull, something you should continue to push through, or if it is a major energy shift, signaling that the world has changed. For if it is the latter, you continue at the peril of your enterprise, wasting your time and effort on something which is no longer likely to succeed.

Today, be sensitive to the energies around you, for they are shifting and changing. Your own energy is also evolving and changing, and as you open more to the spiritual wonders in your life, your energy will be lifting and pulling you toward new ways of being and new types of activities. Allow this to happen.

There will be moments when you may feel strongly compelled to make a change which would have seemed impossible before. Pay attention to those shifts. Have the courage to shift your direction, even if others are confused. If you know, deep inside, that this change is necessary, then own that knowing and act upon it. Immerse yourself in your personal truth and allow yourself to be lifted and carried to the next level, even if it means leaving the familiar territory you currently inhabit, pursuing dreams of long duration. It may be time to dream anew.

Here is a little prayer for today

I open myself to newness and change. I am deeply aware of my own evolving nature, as I am of the shifts and changes around me. I pay attention to what is and am willing to embrace new ways of being, thinking and seeing.

I open my heart to new love, my core to deeper ways of connecting, my mind to new insights. I am willing to lift myself to higher states of being.

I am love, energy and power. I am.


If you missed any Quado messages from the last week, you will find them on . You will also find there powerful meditations and a Quado Healing Crystal, which will help you feel the connection to Quado and these words.

Please also be sure to download your free gift, a powerful invocation to spirit to use every day: "Here I Am (Ave Maria)".

"I just finished listening to it, and tears of joy came into my eyes" Leonor Campbell

I wish you love and peace.


carriehart@msn. com