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A Message From The Master Djwal Khul, Nov. 12, 2003

Through Valerie Donner

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he consciousness of the planet. Your world wide Oming was felt throughout the universe for all are aware of what happens on the Earth.

We in the Light Realms appreciate you greatly. We can assist you, of course, but do you know how much you are assisting us? You make our jobs much easier by the inner and outer work that you continue to do for the Light. Your innermost desires and intentions affect our work. We are all one, you know.

At this time Prime Creator is pleased with the strides you are making in the ascension of the Earth and your own progress towards your enlightenment. You are being given the keys to the kingdom, beloveds. This is part of what has been promised to you for your hard and diligent work throughout many incarnations on the Earth. You are to inherit the Earth! Every one of you is important to the divine plan. Each one has an important role to play in the ascension process.

We know that the road has been challenging. Imagine yourself now at the breakpoint station. This is a point where you are taking the planet into a new direction. It is more than a choice point; it is a transformational point. The redirection of the Earth is what we are discussing. God is the conductor and you are the engineers of Light.

Please understand now why we only chose the crème de la crème of Lightworkers throughout creation for this important task. The journey is almost complete. It is an important inroad in the evolution of consciousness that we are addressing. It impacts all of life. As Earth advances so does the rest of life. You are trailblazers. Sometimes you feel small and insignificant. That is why I am addressing this issue so that you understand how loved and important you are to the divine plan.

Imagine Prime Creator’s hands reaching out to you. They are filled with everything you could ever need or want in your earthly embodiments. This is yours and more. Allow yourself to receive the keys to the kingdom. Your new kingdom is one of peace, harmony, love, joy, abundance, with everyone doing their divine purpose in loving relationships and communities. Yes, this is what was long promised and there is more.

We in the Light Realms will be with you again. You will remember us as well as yourself in the grand scheme of things. You will be with loved ones again who are on the other side. The veils will drop. The emergence into the Light is your goal, beloveds. It is this transformation that you are bringing forth into the fourth dimension and higher.

Think of yourself as a little child awakening from slumber. When the little one opens their eyes they are still in the remembrance of the Light from which they came. Then they phase back into the physical body. You are like the little child awakening from a deep sleep. The challenges that you find yourself in are more in the physical plane. As you awaken you are more challenged because you find yourself increasingly in the fourth dimension now rather than in the third. As the third pulls you back from the energies of love and unity, you may feel weary with the ways of 3D. See this simply as part of the process of ascension. Let it be a reminder that you are actually living more in the fourth dimension now than in the third. You can do this for a little longer, beloveds. The third dimension is on its way out.

I want to acknowledge you for some of the accomplishments you have already made in your service to the Earth and humanity. Some of these include:

Your perseverance in many incarnations on the Earth to hold the Light.

Your dedication to your inner work and self-growth.

Your participation in the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 as well as the recent Harmonic Concordance which both served to bring about shifts in consciousness on the Earth.

Your adept work at being generalists on the Earth and for infiltrating all walks of life to bring your Light.

Your endless meditations, prayers and communications with the Light Realms.

Your abilities to influence the darker energies just by your presence on the Earth.

Your higher consciousness that exponentially affects that of the planet.

This is a brief list. It is endless but I thought it was time to honor you and to tell you how important and loved you are. We are one with you. We feel every need. We answer every call. We experience what you experience. We encourage you in each lesson you learn. We applaud your very existence and every victory.

You, blessed Lightworkers, deserve the keys to the kingdom. You are the future of this Earth. As the precious leaders of the Light you will begin to see why your true identity cannot be revealed until the appropriate conditions exist. Trust that one day you will know who you are and why you came here. The glorious victory you have been awaiting is yours.

I am Djwal Khul.
