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Spirit Eagle

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the people in the grandstands as it were, at this your last game of your epoch journey back to remembrance of Who you Are! And we say, "Well Done"!

We are Kasan-da-ra and Dah-ri of the Galactic Federation of Light. We are all from numerous planets and work together here on the Hirotisus in a number of capacities. Some of us are skilled in Diplomacy and have great Empathic skills, some work with stabilizing weather patterns that can potentially cause great destruction. Some of us have experience in cultural transformations such as you will soon experience. Others of us are skilled in the subtle arts of the Mind, Body and Soul healing connection. Some on our ship have been working with you in your Dreamtime by helping to prepare you for the stresses of Change.

You are the Ground Crew and will have much to do in the coming weeks and months. We look forward to being with you on your planet.

In this Final Phase we ask you to keep yourselves in an uplifted attitude. The darkness and pain of these last years on your planet has been difficult, we know, but we ask you to keep reminding yourselves that you Know the Outcome! This was how you all agreed it would finish. This is your Shining Hour! Smile with the knowing that you are in your future. Your future has NEVER been out of reach as you have imagined! It is NOW!

Use discernment in all areas of your lives. It is one of your greatest teachers and will guide you to the Light! Tell your friend that "We will discuss uniforms"! HA HA HA! (reference to a discussion about the colors of Federation uniforms)

Good Night!

Telepathic Communication by Spirit Eagle July 18, 2005 1:04 AM

May the Universe Shower Blessings, Peace and Abundance Upon You! From the silence of your soul comes the voice of freedom. NESARA NOW WON! WORLD PEACE NOW WON!
