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A Message About Healing

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ee that the wounds of the inflictor are not even about you. From this view you can see the innocence of both the inflictor and victim and witness these horrible acts as their pleas for help. From this view you are able to heal the past through forgiveness by releasing the wounds not only from this generation but all of them. The truth is you live now in the present and can choose to no longer be controlled by the influences of the past. Gift yourself with a moment brand new with no history to interpret its meaning. A moment in which you see with the innocence of a child; no judgments and a desire to experience it through the grace of God. This is how the past and future is released and time is undone. In timelessness lies the kingdom of heaven.

The war you see is a reflection of the conflict from within you, see it not, judge it not, instead remove those barriers that would keep you from the peace that has already been granted you. This war is the mirror of the journey within to rid yourself of these barriers. With this war will come a great healing on all levels. However know that in timelessness this war does not exist. There are still too many of you who need to judge these events. This judgment is paid for by bringing these experiences to you through polarities. In timelessness these polarities are null and void, becoming the all and therefore the nothing, the blissful stillness from where the voice of God is experienced. Integrate, call the fragments together in the stillness of the now, the harmonies will be restored and you will embody peace. End download.

In Love and Light,

