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Divine Mother's Assistance Program Level 2

By Amaya ASCEND Emissary

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us on self, being self- ish, being the centre of the cosmos. As one chooses to lovingly focus on self, inner happiness grows and expands. Being self-ish is about taking care of your individual needs by becoming your own best friend, supporting the part of you that is asking for it, accepting yourself lovingly just as you are in each moment and loving yourself unconditionally no matter what. Our inner child has sometimes been taught that it is selfish to focus on itself and give itself what it needs. This has created a humanity of grown up children with unmet needs, miserable, unsatisfied, unhappy, creating addictive behaviours to not have to feel, to look at, meet, connect with or know the wounded feelings. So every time you need something, go ahead and give it to yourself. In this way one will be sustaining oneself with the purity of love of the heart. It is in this way one will become self- less, unbounded and free to be. As you love yourself, so others will then also feel this love that you are and be magnetized to you to offer and share their love with you without you searching for it, trying to organize and plan for it and worry and think about how to create it.

Right now, if you are sad and lonely and you need a hug, go inside yourself into your heart and give it to yourself, ask your love Self to hold you and as you begin to experience this know that All That Is holds you as you hold yourself. When anger comes, you may need to change something in your outer life or maybe energetically within yourself, be lovingly self-ish and take the time and do it. When tiredness comes, honour yourself and ask Goddess God Self within to fill you, to nurture you now, to energise you now. When you are unsure or feeling unsafe, hold yourself in a large egg of love of knowing and trusting the safety of the unknown. Offer and gift yourself a free gift to honour yourself and the journey you are undertaking, a token of appreciation and gratitude, a gift of love. No matter what is happening in your house, in your life you can always gift yourself something. Your greatest resource is the divine consciousness with you. So you can take a walk to a peaceful place, a place of beauty and sing a song to yourself, a beautiful song, a present of a love song for you. Your present can be a love dance with yourself or a drawing, mandala or painting of love for your Self made with sand or rocks or colours on paper or on the inner screen of your mind. Just the walk can be a love walk if you intend this to be so. Now I'm going on a love walk with myself and see what happens. Let the Mystery magically show itself to you as it will. So whatever it is that you need in your life, be selfish and give it to yourself. No guilt. Love the guilt and set it free. No shame. Be self-ish and change the story of your life. Just keep on asking the question, what do I need to do now to feel love over all other feelings. Choose love over all other feelings by continuously feeding yourself spoonfuls and cupfuls and bowlfuls and bucketfuls of love and more love and more love. Live in the cocoon of Love's freedom by giving to yourself what you deeply need to fulfill you. As you gift to yourself all that you ask for on the outer will come gracefully also as you learn to receive for yourself from yourself first.

This is the Divine Mother's prayer for you and when it is all too, too much for you, let Her do all this for you until your heart petals open more and you can do it for yourself again, you can feed yourself again the elixir of Love that sets you free to be. The taking care of others will happen so beautifully when you yourself take care of your primary need to be happy first. You can be so selfless when you are self-ish first and in this way there is no underlying sense of duty, doing things out of duty, wanting to feel needed by others, no anger when you are assisting others wishing you could be somewhere else with other people, places. Self fulfillment allows one to be of service to others without resentment, fear, anger, neediness to satisfy others to make them love you, admire you, praise you, respect you for you will have all this for yourself regardless of what else is happening. It is in this way by being totally responsible for creating the fulfillment of our own needs that we as humanity can come of age emotionally. Respect oneself. Love oneself. Honour oneself. Be honest with oneself. Be kind to oneself. Be tender with oneself. Be lovingly gentle with oneself. Be compassionate with oneself. For all these things are focus on self, loving oneself.

What can I do to show me that I respect myself? What can I do for me that shows that I love myself? What can I do for me so I really know that I honour myself ? What can I start doing in my life to demonstrate/create honesty with myself? How can I create an experience of loving kindness, tenderness, gentleness for myself each day? And for all the denied, suppressed and repressed parts of me that now perhaps experience separation from me as emotional anguish, mental turmoil or physical pain?

Part 2

Create an etheric Love Pocket.

Sit inside the heart and spin up a pocket made of love fibres, rays of golden pink heartlight adorned with sprinkles of rainbows, and the love songs of the angels of your heart and your own creative love delights. Create the Love Pocket with your intent, creative visualization, imagination and the power of love.

Place it somewhere etherically, maybe in front of the heart or where you wish. During your waking time be aware of thoughts not holding love's resonance. When you become aware of these, ask them to go into the Love Pocket to receive nurturance and to be held by love. Every time you have a feeling that is uncomfortable ask it to go into the love pocket too so it can be held by love and feel love and listen to Love singing songs of purity and innocence and joy. Into the Love Pocket can go uncomfortable dreams, challenges, misunderstandings whatever. The Divine Mother will assist you to take care of everything you place in the Love Pocket. At the end of the day you spend a little time with everything in this pocket and set it free by holding it with your love. Take the Love Pocket and hold it in your cupped hands of love as the heart love flows down your arms and your heart flame totally floods the pocket and all its contents full. And all held in your hands feels nurtured, accepted and supported. So now nothing is denied, rejected or suppressed. So not one part of you is unacceptable, no one part of you is unlovable, not one part of you has to hide and be hidden, not one part of you need separate itself off from the wholeness. Then bring your 2 hands to your heart and ask all that is in the Love Pocket to forgive anything that needs forgiveness placed on it. This allows all now to go Home into the heart to Goddess and God in honourance of the sacredness of all, unconditionally.

Affirm, "I claim wholeness as I restore all that feels wounded, back into Love.'

"I sustain myself with the Love I AM."

"I am a master of Love sustainability."

Part 3

The Child Self

The beauty that is you

Shines forever more through the echoes of eternity,

Unbounded and free,

An expression of divinity

A radiant Child Self

Forever to Be

Inside your heart lives the child that you are. Go inside and be with this child. Just sit there with it and meet with it, feel it, feel what it is feeling. Notice what it's doing and just allow yourself to have some time with it like this each day for you to be comfortable with each others' presence. When you feel ready for this one day, begin some form of loving communication and interaction with the child self. Ask it how it is feeling, play with it, hold it in your arms, tell it a story, go for a walk with it through a garden of Eden, a fairground, a fairy grove, a fantasy icecream parlour, a crystal wonderland, lay with it beneath a shady tree just sharing love space together and paint a new picture with it each time you meet your child self in your heart. Allow your inner child to lead you through its worlds it wishes to explore.

This child that you are is having its needs met now and will grow within to maturity as its needs of acceptance, love, playfulness, creativity, joyfulness are met by you being the loving parent to yourself restoring the gaps of unfulfilled childhood needs. There may be times when this child will feel afraid, hurt, angry, lost and will want to hide from you and not participate. Honour this with it, accept it and let it know that you know how it feels and that it is all okay, it is just okay to feel this way. Without trying to change it or fix things up, offer your love, offer just to hold it, nothing else. It is just looking for acceptance and love. Embrace it with your heart flame and arms of love. Just allow it to feel the safety of this and be safe and feel safe at home with you.

You may wish to make a beautiful home for it in your heart with your creative visualization. This home can change as your inner child's needs change and is for you and it to enjoy, share time together and create a fulfilled inner child of love. One day this child will birth itself anew and be the divine child that you truly are, the original Divine God Presence child that you are eternally. Call to the emissaries of the ashram of the Divine Mother to assist you and the child you are to restore its woundedness to love, lifting the memories, feelings of not being enough, lost, rejected what ever arises from within your cellular memory as you continue to heal this within yourself. Each night as you sleep ask to be taken be taken to the chamber of The Divine Joy Child in the Heart of The Divine Mother for the healing of your inner child.

"I am the Divine Mother returned to earth now to awaken that which has lay dormant and sleeping within the hearts, to awaken it to claim the experience of joy which has been forgotten. I offer my hands to support the earth. I offer my heart to all that has forgotten me here. I offer my creative womb for all to manifest the heart dreams in mergence with all here now. Call to me to merge with you. Call to me when it feels you are lost. Call to me when you feel so alone. Call to me when you are feeling hurt and I will anoint you with the ambrosia of my very essence, bathe you with the heartlight of love's purity, tickle you with sprinkles of opalescent bubbles of joyous delight, nurture you as I hold you, embracing with the arms of Love itself, divinely supporting you as the Christed child You are. Listen as I softly sing to you songs of remembrance of who you are. Be at peace, be still now and listen with your heart. I am with you always. Never did I leave you. Wherever you are, I am there.

Beloved ones, my children, unfold each petal of your hearts, each petal a delicate tender one that has felt to keep the heart protected and secure from harm. See each petal in its divine state, fully open and glowing with the energy of divine presence, each petal a glorious lover so freely in love with itself as Goddess God I Am. Call to my being to lift from you your deepest traumas with grace and support you in the gentle embrace and softening of yourself as you open to loving all of you whether you feel it is wounded or divine. Acknowledge and love your own feelings of woundedness. Acknowledge with loving acceptance your divinity. And Blessed be the Union"

Amaya ASCEND Emissary

This program is copyright to Amaya and The ASCEND Foundation. This may be distributed freely on condition all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered. .

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