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UFO Expert: Stanley Fulham UFO predictions fulfilled over NY, Moscow, and London Continue reading on UFO Expert: Stanley Fulham UFO predictions fulfilled over NY, Moscow, and London

Alfred Lambremo..., Seattle Exopolitics Examiner

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In an exclusive February 14, 2011 ExopoliticsTV interview, a Canadian UFO expert has disclosed his technical evaluation concluding that the three predictions of now deceased former NORAD officer Stanley A. Fulham of UFO displays over New York City on October 13, 2010, and who accurately predicted UFO displays over New York City on October 13, 2010, "a major UFO display over Moscow between the end of the first part of January 2011 and the second week of January 2011, followed by a major [UFO] display over London approximately seven-days later.”

According to Mr. Fulham’s writings and interviews, each of these UFO displays corresponded to “decloakings” or interventions in our Earth’s airspace of interdimensional Pleiadian craft at the direction of a regional galactic governance council of which the Pleiadians, the Alpha Centaurians, the Sirians, the Bootes Greys and other intelligent civilizations are members.

For more detail, please see:

Listen to the exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview with Canadian UFO expert and Fulham representative Randy Kitchur readers can listen to the exclusive interview with Canadian UFO expert and Fulham representative Randy Kitchur embedded above in this article or by clicking on the URL below: 

UFO Expert Randy Kitchur

Randy Kitchur is the official spokesman for the recently deceased Stan Fulham, author of the book Challenges of Change, who accurately predicted UFO displays over New York City on October 13, 2010, "a major UFO display over Moscow between the end of the first part of January 2011 and the second week of January 2011, followed by a major [UFO] display over London approximately seven-days later.”

Mr. Kitchur, who spent 5-years of graduate school with the University of Manitoba Department of Political Studies in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, worked at the University on a Master's thesis dealing with the UFO cover-up.  He has a 4-year BA (Honours) degree in Politics from Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, in addition to 2 1/2 years of a Sociology/Psychology major at the University of Winnipeg in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.  

Stanley A. Fulham and Randy Kitchur made 2 YouTube videos about Mr. Fulham’s book and his October 13th, 2010 UFO predictions in advance of the Oct. 13, 2010 date.  These video interviews with Stanley A. Fulham can be seen at:

Challenges Of Change - Stanley A. Fulham (Part 1)


Challenges Of Change - Stanley A. Fulham (Part 2) 

Randy Kitchur has worked on a variety of Exopolitics and UFO Disclosure initiatives with close associates including Alfred Lambremont Webre of, Dr. Steven Greer of, and Victor Viggiani of, among others, for over a decade.  Mr. Kitchur provided the majority of UFO research news items for 7-years for Victor Martinez' large UFO mailing list.  

Randy Kitchur was also the person who worked with the late Charles Huffer to publicize his receiving of then-governor George W. Bush's and Dick Cheney's promise of UFO Disclosure if elected president and vice president, and once after George Bush became president.

Actual CNN Transcript of Gov. George W. Bush (R.-Tex.) Promising UFO Disclosure @

Report by UFO Expert Randy Kitchur on Stanley A. Fulham UFO predictions over N.Y., Moscow and London

Randy Kitchur prepared the following report for evaluating the accuracy of Stanley A. Fulham’s predictions of UFO displays over New York City on October 13, 2010, "a major UFO display over Moscow between the end of the first part of January 2011 and the second week of January 2011, followed by a major [UFO] display over London approximately seven-days later.”

This textual evaluation should be read in conjunction with the UFO video evaluation below.

Randy Kitchur's evaluation of Stan Fulham's 3 UFO display predictions

The following is the text of Randy Kitchur's evaluation of Stan Fulham's 3 UFO display predictions.

 “Based on the enormity of eyewitnesses and video evidence taken by many independent sources and posted on the Internet for all to see, it is clearly evident the late Stan Fulham's predictions of 3 UFO displays taking place over New York City on October 13th, 2010, over Moscow the first week of January 2011, and over London the 2nd week of January 2011 have proved to be accurate.

“Meteorological data of the wind speed and direction over NYC on that day, as well as time-lines that do not correlate with the evidence of thousands of eyewitnesses, and the number of objects sighted and changing patterns indicating intelligent control, prove the impossibility of balloons as the cause for what transpired over Manhattan that day.  It is little known, but Stan was given his prediction for that day from a highly ethically advanced interdimensional being he had a longstanding association with -- a sort of spirit guide or benevolent and protective guardian angel a year and a half before the event.  It was not until a year later he wrote the foreword for his book putting in writing his prediction.  The actual role the Transcendors played -- through deep trance medium Rik Thurston -- was to confirm the prediction and allow for Stan to indirectly communicate with the actual ET civilization involved in the display on that day.

“Others make the claim he predicted a massive, worldwide display on that day.  True but in his conversations with the Transcendors in the weeks leading up to then, myself and others, Jeff Peckman in Denver who was involved in his UFO Disclosure initiative for one, knew the ETs believed such a large scale display would do more harm than good, and would cause a great deal of panic, and Stan was told in advance it would be scaled back and just limited to one major city, which he was hoping would be Denver, but which I believed should be either New York City or Washington.  When I started receiving unexpectedly non-stop phone calls from major media in New York the morning of the 13th, starting with New York One TV and the New York Daily News about UFOs over NYC, I learned right then and there Stan had nailed it.

“Throughout the course of the day, but was unable to respond to for several days, we received media requests for interviews from the New York Times, Coast to Coast AM, the FOX News NY affiliate, and relentless calls and e-mails from Inside Edition.  Presumably Inside Edition's hit piece claiming it was just balloons was because they must have taken affront at what they presumed was their being ignored when I was just swamped with non-stop calls which went on for weeks.  When I finally opened my e-mail a couple of days later, I found thousands and thousands of frantic e-mails and books orders.  

“Stan never for a second doubted the event that he predicted would take on October 13th.  It was a sublime confidence.  It was the same for the predictions for January for Moscow and London.  Although Stan was perfect with one prediction, I was a little apprehensive about him going out on a limb so soon and predicting two more events so close in time.  Stan died of pancreatic cancer with most of his family members at his side on December 19th and tragically didn't live to see his predictions come true.

“The first week of January I spent glued to TV news reports watching for something to happen over Moscow.  A day or so after the 7th, it dawned on me I needed to surf the Internet if I wanted to find out what was going on in Moscow.  I started finding UFO videos from Moscow that corroborated Stan's prediction for it in all respects.  Then the Moscow UFO started and became a tsunami with each day coming to light on YouTube independent confirmation after confirmation of irrefutable evidence.  I started posting them to our site where they can be found now.  There is even a video posted of a UFO event that took place over Moscow on January 7th, the very day if one reads the prediction carefully he said it would take place.

“London was a little different.  London actually started out with what look like a fleet on New Years Day, and ended on January 31st with a single UFO videotaped low over a residential neighbourhood.  In between there was a videotaped event on January 14 over downtown London, the very date Stan predicted if one interprets his prediction for London correctly.  At one point in late-January I thought Stan might have got the order of the Moscow and London displays reversed, but it wasn't until I learned the significance of the January 14th event following the incredible UFO display over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem on the 28.  Actually, it wasn't that specific event that provided that understanding, it was the front page story carried by Israel's largest newspaper mentioning Stan in relation to a prior event which took over the Wailing Wall in mid-December just before Stan died, of an orb that was videotaped the looks exactly like the orb in London on January 14th -- the day Stan predicted.

“So, to anyone who has paid attention, Stan was a perfect 3 for 3, and as far as I am aware, such a feat has never been accomplished by a human before in all of recorded history.  But then again, Stan had very, very good friends in very, very high places.”

Randy Kitchur’s Technical Assessment of the UFO sightings over N.Y., Moscow, and London

Randy Kitchur has provided a summary of the highlighted UFO displays over New York City on October 13th, 2010, and of "a major UFO display over Moscow between the end of the first part of January 2011 and the second week of January 2011, followed by a major [UFO] display over London approximately seven-days later.”

In his final communique of December 3, 2010, Stanley A Fulham predicted, among other things:

“In my last ‘Reading’ with the Transcendors on Tuesday, October 13th, 2010, the Transcendors advised me of the following predictions on the Pleiadian UFO displays:

“A. There will be a major UFO display over Moscow between the end of the first part of January 2011 and the second week of January 2011.

“B. This ‘display’ will be followed by a major display over London approximately seven-days later.” 

Randy Kitchur UFO video evaluation

Randy Kitchur’s evaluation of videos of UFO displays over New York City on October 13th, 2010, of "a major UFO display over Moscow between the end of the first part of January 2011 and the second week of January 2011, followed by a major [UFO] display over London approximately seven-days later” confirm the predictions of Stanley A. Fulham.  

Please correlate these visual UFO displays with the textual analysis above.

October 13, 2010 - UFO display over New York City

1. The Weather Station History for New York City on October 13th, 2010 indicate that at 12:58 pm, the wind was calm, with wind gusts of 14.5 km/hour, making the "balloon" disinformation story propagated by the mainstream media a physical impossibility.

2. Videos of UFO display over New York City on Oct. 13, 2010 

UFO displays over New York City

CBS-TV Best HD video footage of Oct. 13, 2010 UFO display

UFO Display over NY Oct. 13, 2010, with analysis

UFO Display over NY Oct. 13, 2010

3.  Videos of UFO Displays over Moscow, Russia for January 2011, including "between the end of the first part of January 2011 and the second week of January 2011".

UFO expert Randy Kitchur: “The first week of January I spent glued to TV news reports watching for something to happen over Moscow.  A day or so after the 7th, it dawned on me I needed to surf the Internet if I wanted to find out what was going on in Moscow.  I started finding UFO videos from Moscow that corroborated Stan's prediction for it in all respects.  Then the Moscow UFO started and became a tsunami with each day coming to light on YouTube independent confirmation after confirmation of irrefutable evidence.  I started posting them to our site where they can be found now. There is even a video posted of a UFO event that took place over Moscow on January 7th, the very day if one reads the prediction carefully he said it would take place."

UFO Moscow, January 2, 2011

"‪‪‪‪‪Daytime flashing disc-shaped UFO first seen at 1:18, series of flashes starting at 1:38, disc re-appears at 1:49, again at 1:54, again at 1:59 and starts to flash rapidly, again at 2:02, at 2:43 it begins to flash very rapidly and brightly until the disc re-appears and flashes at 2:52, the disc re-appears at 2:59 and starts to flash very brightly again, finally the disc re-appears and begins to flash very brightly again until the video ends at 3:35.‬‬‬‬‬"

‪UFO in Russia (Moscow) on January 3 2011 at 21 56‬

Related - UFO in Russia (Moscow) on January 3 2011

‪‪‪Daylight UFO in Russia (Moscow) on January 7 2011 at 17 00‬‬‬

‪‪‪‪UFOs in Russia Moscow on January 7 2011 at 17 15 +Stop frames‬‬‬‬

‪НЛО над кремлём 09.01.2011 НЛО / UFO Kremlin Moscow 09.01.2011‬
‪‪НЛО UFO 2011 بشقاب پرنده‬‬
‪UFOs in Moscow on January 12 2011 at 21 24‬
‪UFO over Moscow‬
‪UFO Moscow Russia, January 15 2011 21:15, НЛО Москва Россия Январь‬
‪Bright shape changing UFO, Moscow 18.01.2011‬
Red Orb UFO Moscow, Izmailovo, 25.01.11 at 22:20 MSK
UFOs in Moscow on 25 01 2011 at 18 40
UFOs in Moscow on 25 01 2011 at 19 10 + Pictures
4. Videos of "a major [UFO] display over London approximately seven-days later.”
UFO Expert Randy Kitchur: “London was a little different.  London actually started out with what look like a fleet on New Years Day, and ended on January 31st with a single UFO videotaped low over a residential neighbourhood.  In between there was a videotaped event on January 14 over downtown London, the very date Stan predicted if one interprets his prediction for London correctly.  At one point in late-January I thought Stan might have got the order of the Moscow and London displays reversed, but it wasn't until I learned the significance of the January 14th event following the incredible UFO display over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem on the 28.  Actually, it wasn't that specific event that provided that understanding, it was the front page story carried by Israel's largest newspaper mentioning Stan in relation to a prior event which took over the Wailing Wall in mid-December just before Stan died, of an orb that was videotaped the looks exactly like the orb in London on January 14th -- the day Stan predicted."
‪UFO in the UK 14/01/11 (Filmed in Camden Town - London)‬
Exclusive! Real UFO spotted in London!
How to evaluate legacy of Stanley A. Fulham 

1. Fulham legacy - Stanley Fulham’s legacy – taken at this most literal level - is potentially of a well-documented revelation of the planned ecological intervention of a regional galactic governance council, and of 3 separate fulfilled predicted UFO decloakings of the reported interdimensional craft of the Pleiadians, the reported “point persons” of this council.

2.  Accuracy of the Fulham UFO predictions - The analysis and evaluation by UFO expert Randy Fulham demonstrates beyond a reasonable doubt that Stanley A. Fulham’s predictions of UFO displays over New York City on October 13, 2010,"a major UFO display over Moscow between the end of the first part of January 2011 and the second week of January 2011, followed by a major [UFO] display over London approximately seven-days later” were literally fulfilled. 

The Fulham predictions are supported by independent predicted UFO displays attributed to the regional galactic governance council.  A former NATO-Spanish intelligence agent was reportedly contacted by the regional galactic governance council on Nov. 9, 2010 and told that Pleiadian craft would display over New York on Nov. 24, 2010.  This Nov. 24, 2010 UFO display in fact occurred and was documented. 

For more detail on the NATO Spanish intelligence officer UFO predictions and their fulfillment on Nov. 24, 2010, please see:

3. Implications of fulfillment of Fulham UFO predictions – The implications of the fulfillment of the Fulham UFO predictions, when read concurrently with the substance of his well-documented narrative are substantial.  The empirical evidence of the fulfilled Fulham UFO predictions confirm a working hypothesis that a regional galactic governance council in fact may exist, and is now intervening in the human environment for beneficial ecological reasons.

In an exclusive, in-depth interview on Exopolitics Radio with Alfred Lambremont Webre, former NORAD officer Stanley A. Fulham has stated that a regional galactic governance authority, (the ‘Council of 8’) made a dramatic decision in January, 2010 to put aside the law of non-intervention. 

At a solemn meeting, the Council of 8 decided to intervene with their technology to clean Earth’s atmosphere before an environmental collapse occurs on Earth, as has happened on many other inhabited planets with civilizations similar to our own. 

The Council of 8 did so, according to Mr. Fulham’s information, after reaching a conclusion that that our human technology could not now prevent an environmental collapse and species extinction on Earth from occuring. 

According to Mr. Fulham, this is a rare decision by the Council of 8, and is partly a result of Council members wishing to preserve the unique positive qualities of our human population.

The Council of 8, according to Mr. Fulham’s information, consists of the intelligent civilizations of the Pleiades, Orion, Sirius, Bootes, Alpha Centauri, Comsuli, Zeta Reticuli, and Pouseti.

This cleanup of the Earth’s atmosphere will, according to Mr. Fulham’s information, commence in 2015 after a 2014 speech at the United Nations by the Council of 8’s Pleiadian representatives. 

The Council of 8’s appearance in 2014 at the United Nation’s General Assembly may occur, according to Mr. Fulham’s information, following a collapse of the present world order and the emergence of a new way of living during the period 2010 – 2014. 

This transitional 2010-14 period may be accompanied by possible earth changes, monetary collapse, and governmental and nation state collapse.

Mr. Fulham stated in his Exopolitics Radio interview that the regional galactic governance council (‘Council of 8’) had chosen New York City for an initial Oct 13, 2010 UFO 'decloaking' because it was a global, cosmopolitan city with a blasé population that would not be frightened of their appearance.

There are multiple, independent evidentiary sources that prove the Oct. 13, 2010 UFO sightings over New York City were the result of an intervention by a non-Earthly intelligent civilization, and not the result of other causes such as released balloons.

The original plan of the Council of 8, taken at a meeting in January 2010, had been for simultaneous UFO appearances on Oct 13, 2010 over major world cities.

The purpose of these Council of 8 UFO appearances, which are set to increase in the future, is to acclimatize Earth humans to the Council of 8's presence and decision to intervene. 

The increased UFO sightings in the future are meant to lead up to a world speech by the Pleiadian representatives of the Council of 8 in the General Assembly hall at the United Nations in 2014.

The Council of 8

According to Mr. Fulham, the Council of 8 has had a caretaker role for our planet for about the last million years, and has effectively maintained Earth under protective quarantine following an attempted invasion and takeover of Earth.

Mr. Fulham has authored a book, Challenges of Change, containing the results of his 10 years investigation of the role of the Council of 8 and other entities in our galaxy and Universes. 

Mr. Fulham writes that he obtained this information about the Council of 8 through an inter-dimensional intelligent civilization that monitors events in our galaxy and Universes.

For more detail, please see:

4.  Are the Fulham-related UFO displays false flag operations or part of an ET “takeover” of Earth?

Some commenters claim that the UFOs in the N.Y., Moscow, and/or London UFO displays are actually part of a Project Bluebeam holographic display, or a display of terrestrial black budget UFO craft.  This scenario would have it that the Fulham material is actually a covert terrestrial military intelligence “legend” created as part of a false flag operation to impose a global New World Order on the basis of an extraterrestrial invasion or landing.

A variant of this argument is the claim that the predicted Fulham UFO displays are by an extraterrestrial civilization that is inimical to the aspirations of humanity for sovereignty and self-determination.

Mr. Kitchur’s expert UFO evaluation has demonstrated that the interdimensional UFO craft in the UFO displays over New York City on October 13, 2010, Moscow, "a major UFO display over Moscow between the end of the first part of January 2011 and the second week of January 2011, followed by a major [UFO] display over London approximately seven-days later” are not part of a terrestrial holographic Project Bluebeam operation nor are they terrestrial anti-gravity UFO craft.

Nor is there any evidence that Stanley A. Fulham was enrolled in a deception operation by a manipulatory extraterrestrial race. Mr. Fulham, a deeply spiritual person, as well as a lifelong and highly trained NORAD officer who routinely dealt with UFOs at NORAD, spent 10 years in interdimensional communication around the subject matter of the regional galactic governance council and their message of the ecological crisis of Earth.

Stanley A. Fulham's writings and actions, as well as the actions of the regional galactic governance council in delivering these materials to him, and in creating separate interventions over New York City on October 13, 2010, Moscow, "a major UFO display over Moscow between the end of the first part of January 2011 and the second week of January 2011, followed by a major [UFO] display over London approximately seven-days later” as evidence of their existence and good faith, are prima facie ethical acts.