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Bullet-shaped UFO 'escorted' by helicopter over Angel Fire, New Mexico

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An Angel Fire, New Mexico, witness reports watching a bullet-shaped object with "no lights, no wings, no markings or windows" that appeared to be escorted by a helicopter a few hundred feet above Highway 64 at 9 p.m. on August 26, 2010, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The unidentified object made no noise and "blocked out the stars behind it."

From the witnesses' point of view, the object appeared as if it was being escorted by the helicopter.

"Both the helicopter and the object moved at a steady, but slow, pace," the witness stated. "The unknown object traveled steadily with no wobble or other movement. I watched the helicopter and the unknown object for about three minutes until they disappeared over the horizon. The helicopter lights were visible for about three minutes. The object in front of the helicopter became unseeable after about a minute and a half."

Angel Fire is a village in Colfax County, southwestern New Mexico, population 1,048, and is a popular ski resort area. The report was filed with MUFON on October 4, 2010.

The following is the unedited and as yet uninvestigated report filed with MUFON. Please keep in mind that most UFO reports can be explained as something natural or man made. If New Mexico MUFON State Director Donald R. Burleson, Ph.D. investigates and reports back on this case, I will release an update. Please report UFO activity to

NM, August 26, 2010 - Large craft with no lights, no wings, no sound "escorted by large helicopter. MUFON Case # 25680.

I live about a mile north of the end of the airport runway in Angel Fire, NM. Angel Fire is in a valley at an elevation of 8,400 ft surrounded by mountains of roughly 10,000 ft to the east and 13,300 feet to the west.

Just before 9 pm on August 26 I heard and felt a window-rattling noise, which caused me to go outside to investigate. Once outside, I looked up and saw a large helicopter (with bright exterior lights and dim interior lights, noise, spinning rotors) traveling slowly in a northward direction a few hundred feet above Hwy 64. Immediately in front of the helicopter was an object approximately four times as long as the helicopter. The object was bullet-shaped on both ends and cylindrical between the bullet-shaped ends. The object had no lights, no wings, no markings or windows that I could see, and made no sound. It blocked out the stars behind it. I was able to discern its shape by the shape of the area of blocked-out stars and by the moonlight which illuminated its underside.

The night was clear, with no clouds and easily-distinguishable stars. The moon (just a couple of days past full) was rising over the mountains to the east at the time I saw the object.

It appeared to me that the object was being "escorted" by the helicopter behind it. Both the helicopter and the object moved at a steady, but slow, pace. The unknown object traveled steadily with no wobble or other movement. I watched the helicopter and the unknown object for about three minutes until they disappeared over the horizon. (The helicopter lights were visible for about three minutes Ð the object in front of the helicopter became unseeable after about a minute and a half.)

My feelings? Incredulity! Curiosity! Why was a large UFO flying so low and why was a large helicopter 'assisting' it?

Oct. 5, 2010