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Fallen Angels & Light Beings (1/7) on Coast to Coast AM 02-23-2010

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In the first half of the show, documentary filmmaker Ken Klein discussed his interpretation of biblical angels, and a war in the heavens.

He delineated three types of angels: The Cherubim are watchers, who "have the back of the other angels," during their war. The Seraphim are the scribes that record the history of the universe, and the Ophanim are the creator angels who got into a fracas with Lucifer, who had been an archangel of the Cherubim.

Many of the Ophanim were banished from the heavens, and cast down with Lucifer, said Klein, who added that angels have the ability to fly in ships throughout the universe and some UFO sightings are connected with fallen angels. Klein believes many humans are manipulated by fallen angels, whose strategy is to keep us from the knowledge of who we really are.

He also claimed that in New Orleans, shape-shifting fallen angels were recently captured on video, and promised to make the recording available as proof of their existence.

Date: 02-23-10

Host: George Noory

Guest: Ken Klein