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Contact Has Begun_1.avi

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and extra terrestrial encounters. With live UFO footage and first hand accounts of other-world encounters, this

film is among the first to explore questions such as where did they come from? And why are they here? The film

features James Gilliland, an expert in the area of E.T. phenomena, who has appeared regularly on the popular

radio show Coast to Coast A.M.

Contact Has Begun is filmed at Gillilands ranch in Trout Lake, Washington which serves as the primary location

for Gillilands E.T. encounters. The movie delves into Gillilands life story, his own near death experience, his

personal encounters with other worldly beings, and also includes interviews with physicists and other experts who

have visited the ranch and share their perceptions of these phenomena. The films includes appearances by Dr. Miceal

Ledwith, Neil Freer, Dr. Brooks Agnew, Afred Webre, and Dr. Michael Salla.

Full Bio:

After a near death experience brought about by drowning, James Gilliland could no longer continue business as usual.

James received the gift of Interdimensional Mind and the ability to transfer powerful consciousness and energy to

others, helping them in their own awakening and healing process. His eyes were fully opened, and he saw the lack

of love and joy in his life and his work. Success through material acquisition, the American dream, was now seen

for its emptiness. He realized that the temporary joy and pleasure possessions and outer appearances brought were

not the goal and began his inward journey.

This began a spiritual journey and 20 year quest which included 6 years of Yoga, The Inner Christ Ministry, and the

Tibetan foundation were he was certified as being an intuitive visionary of the highest consciousness and energy. He

is a teacher, spiritual counselor, energetic healer, and published author. His published books include Becoming Gods

1 & 2 and Reunion with the Source. He was recently honored by a venerated teacher in the Lama traditions as Rigdzin

Norbu which translated means "Jewel of Pure Awareness".

(Aug, 2009)

Feb. 5, 2010